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Part3 -- Talks of Ramana Maharshi

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“Is the world perceived after Self-realisation?” Bhagavan: “What does it matter if the world is perceived or not? The ajnani sees the Jnani active and is confounded. The world is perceived by both; but their outlooks differ. Take the cinema, for instance. Pictures move on the screen. Let the pictures disappear. What remains? The screen alone. So also here. Even when the world appears find out to whom it appears. Hold the substratum of the ‘I’. When the substratum is held what does it matter if the world appears or disappears?” -- Talks 65

“How to turn the mind away from the world, you say? Is there a world apart from the Self? Does the world say that it exists. It is you who say that there is a world.Find out the Self who says it.” -- Talks 81

“You say that the world is materialistic. Whether it is materialistic or spiritual, it is according to your outlook. Make your outlook right. The Creator knows how to take care of His creation.” -- Talks 240“Does Bhagavan believe in evolution?” Bhagavan: “Evolution must be from one state to another When differences are not admitted, how can evolution arise? You say that when Sri Krishna tells Arjuna that after several births the seeker gains knowledge and thus knows “Me”, denotes evolution. But you must not forget that the Gita begins with “Neither I was, nor you, nor these chiefs, etc.”; “neither it is born, nor does it die, etc.” So there is no birth, no death, no present as you look at it. Reality was, is, and will always be. It is changeless.” -- Talks 264

“What should we do to ameliorate the condition of the world?” Bhagavan: “If you are free from pain, there will be no pain anywhere. The trouble is due to your seeing the world externally and also thinking that it has pain. But both the pain and the world are within you. If you look within there will be no pain.” -- Talks 272

“A phenomenon cannot be a reality simply because it serves a purpose. Dreams also serve dream purposes; for example, the dream water quenches dream thirst. The dream creation is however contradicted in the waking state. What is not continuous cannot be real. The real is ever real, and not real once and unreal at other times. The same is with magic, which appears real yet it is illusory. Similarly the world is not real apart from the reality which underlies it.” -- Talks 315

“There is fire on the screen in a cinema show: does it burn the screen? There is a cascade of water: does it wet the screen? There are tools: do they damage the screen? Fire and water are only phenomena on the screen of Brahman and do not affect it.” -- Talks 316

A Spanish lady writes in a letter: “If the individual self merges in the universal Self, how can we pray to God for the uplift of humanity?” Bhagavan comments: “They pray to God and finish with, ‘Thy will be done.’ If His will be done why do they pray at all? It is true that the Divine will prevails at all times and under all circumstances. The individuals cannot act of their own accord. Recognise the force of the Divine will and keep quiet. Each one is looked after by God. He has created all. You are among 2,000 millions. When He looks after so many will He omit you? “Again there is no need to let Him know your needs. He knows them Himself and will look after them.” -- Talks 594

“Still more, why do you pray? Does not your Creator and Protector know that you are weak? You say God helps those who help themselves. Certainly, help yourself and that is itself according to God’s will. Every action is prompted by Him only. As for prayers for others it looks so unselfish on the surface of it. But analyse the feeling and you will detect selfishness there also. You desire others’ happiness so that you may be happy. Or you want the credit for having interceded on others’ behalf.God does not require intermediaries. Mind your business and all will be well.” -- Talks 594

“Does not God work His will through some chosen person?” Bhagavan: “God is in all and works through all. But His presence is better recognised in purified minds. The pure one reflects God’s actions more clearly than the impure mind. Therefore people say that they are the chosen ones. But the chosen man does not himself say so. If he thinks that he is the intermediary, then it is clear that he retains his individuality and that there is no complete surrender.” -- Talks 594

“Are not the Brahmins considered to be the priests or intermediaries between God and others?” Bhagavan: “Yes, but who is a Brahmin? A Brahmin is one who has realised Brahman. Such an one has no sense of individuality in him. He cannot think that he acts as an intermediary.” -- Talks 594

“The mind is like akasa (ether of space). Just as there are objects in space, so there are thoughts in the mind.... One cannot hope to measure the universe and study the phenomena. It is impossible. For the objects are mental creation; it is like trying to stamp with one’s foot on the head of one’s shadow; the farther one moves the farther goes the shadow’s head.” -- Talks 485

.... To Be Contined-- Om namo Bhagavate Sri RamanayaPrasanth Jalasutram

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Dearest Prasanth,


Greetings with love.


Can you say what the original source is for talk #264 which is given in this

section Please?


Thank you.


The Only Love,




, Prasanth Jalasutram <jvrsprasanth



> " Is the world perceived after Self-realisation? " Bhagavan: " What does it

> matter if the world is perceived or not? The ajnani sees the Jnani active

> and is confounded. The world is perceived by both; but their outlooks

> differ. Take the cinema, for instance. Pictures move on the screen. Let the

> pictures disappear. What remains? The screen alone. So also here. Even when

> the world appears find out to whom it appears. Hold the substratum of the

> `I'. When the substratum is held what does it matter if the world appears or

> disappears? " -- Talks 65


> " How to turn the mind away from the world, you say? Is there a world apart

> from the Self? Does the world say that it exists. It is you who say that

> there is a world.Find out the Self who says it. " -- Talks 81


> " You say that the world is materialistic. Whether it is materialistic or

> spiritual, it is according to your outlook. Make your outlook right. The

> Creator knows how to take care of His creation. " -- Talks 240


> " Does Bhagavan believe in evolution? " Bhagavan: " Evolution must be from one

> state to another When differences are not admitted, how can evolution arise?

> You say that when Sri Krishna tells Arjuna that after several births the

> seeker gains knowledge and thus knows " Me " , denotes evolution. But you must

> not forget that the Gita begins with " Neither I was, nor you, nor these

> chiefs, etc. " ; " neither it is born, nor does it die, etc. " So there is no

> birth, no death, no present as you look at it. Reality was, is, and will

> always be. It is changeless. " -- Talks 264


> " What should we do to ameliorate the condition of the world? " Bhagavan: " If

> you are free from pain, there will be no pain anywhere. The trouble is due

> to your seeing the world externally and also thinking that it has pain. But

> both the pain and the world are within you. If you look within there will be

> no pain. " -- Talks 272


> " A phenomenon cannot be a reality simply because it serves a purpose. Dreams

> also serve dream purposes; for example, the dream water quenches dream

> thirst. The dream creation is however contradicted in the waking state. What

> is not continuous cannot be real. The real is ever real, and not real once

> and unreal at other times. The same is with magic, which appears real yet it

> is illusory. Similarly the world is not real apart from the reality which

> underlies it. " -- Talks 315


> " There is fire on the screen in a cinema show: does it burn the screen?

> There is a cascade of water: does it wet the screen? There are tools: do

> they damage the screen? Fire and water are only phenomena on the screen of

> Brahman and do not affect it. " -- Talks 316


> A Spanish lady writes in a letter: " If the individual self merges in the

> universal Self, how can we pray to God for the uplift of humanity? " Bhagavan

> comments: " They pray to God and finish with, `Thy will be done.' If His will

> be done why do they pray at all? It is true that the Divine will prevails at

> all times and under all circumstances. The individuals cannot act of their

> own accord. Recognise the force of the Divine will and keep quiet. Each one

> is looked after by God. He has created all. You are among 2,000 millions.

> When He looks after so many will He omit you? " Again there is no need to let

> Him know your needs. He knows them Himself and will look after them. " --

> Talks 594


> " Still more, why do you pray? Does not your Creator and Protector know that

> you are weak? You say God helps those who help themselves. Certainly, help

> yourself and that is itself according to God's will. Every action is

> prompted by Him only. As for prayers for others it looks so unselfish on the

> surface of it. But analyse the feeling and you will detect selfishness there

> also. You desire others' happiness so that you may be happy. Or you want the

> credit for having interceded on others' behalf.God does not require

> intermediaries. Mind your business and all will be well. " -- Talks 594


> " Does not God work His will through some chosen person? " Bhagavan: " God is

> in all and works through all. But His presence is better recognised in

> purified minds. The pure one reflects God's actions more clearly than the

> impure mind. Therefore people say that they are the chosen ones. But the

> chosen man does not himself say so. If he thinks that he is the

> intermediary, then it is clear that he retains his individuality and that

> there is no complete surrender. " -- Talks 594


> " Are not the Brahmins considered to be the priests or intermediaries between

> God and others? " Bhagavan: " Yes, but who is a Brahmin? A Brahmin is one who

> has realised Brahman. Such an one has no sense of individuality in him. He

> cannot think that he acts as an intermediary. " -- Talks 594


> " The mind is like akasa (ether of space). Just as there are objects in

> space, so there are thoughts in the mind.... One cannot hope to measure the

> universe and study the phenomena. It is impossible. For the objects are

> mental creation; it is like trying to stamp with one's foot on the head of

> one's shadow; the farther one moves the farther goes the shadow's head. " --

> Talks 485


> ... To Be Contined


> --

> Om namo Bhagavate Sri Ramanaya

> Prasanth Jalasutram


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Crys Ji,Source of all the talks i send today are from the book 


This book can be downloaded from the below site.http://sriramanamaharshi.org/Allpub_demo.html

Actually I have given the source of all the imp talks in the mail having subject " Final Part " .



Om namo Bhagavate Sri RamanayaPrasanth JalasutramOn Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 3:09 PM, crystaqueous <crystaqueous wrote:







Dearest Prasanth,


Greetings with love.


Can you say what the original source is for talk #264 which is given in this section Please?


Thank you.


The Only Love,



, Prasanth Jalasutram <jvrsprasanth wrote:


> " Is the world perceived after Self-realisation? " Bhagavan: " What does it

> matter if the world is perceived or not? The ajnani sees the Jnani active

> and is confounded. The world is perceived by both; but their outlooks

> differ. Take the cinema, for instance. Pictures move on the screen. Let the

> pictures disappear. What remains? The screen alone. So also here. Even when

> the world appears find out to whom it appears. Hold the substratum of the

> `I'. When the substratum is held what does it matter if the world appears or

> disappears? " -- Talks 65


> " How to turn the mind away from the world, you say? Is there a world apart

> from the Self? Does the world say that it exists. It is you who say that

> there is a world.Find out the Self who says it. " -- Talks 81


> " You say that the world is materialistic. Whether it is materialistic or

> spiritual, it is according to your outlook. Make your outlook right. The

> Creator knows how to take care of His creation. " -- Talks 240


> " Does Bhagavan believe in evolution? " Bhagavan: " Evolution must be from one

> state to another When differences are not admitted, how can evolution arise?

> You say that when Sri Krishna tells Arjuna that after several births the

> seeker gains knowledge and thus knows " Me " , denotes evolution. But you must

> not forget that the Gita begins with " Neither I was, nor you, nor these

> chiefs, etc. " ; " neither it is born, nor does it die, etc. " So there is no

> birth, no death, no present as you look at it. Reality was, is, and will

> always be. It is changeless. " -- Talks 264


> " What should we do to ameliorate the condition of the world? " Bhagavan: " If

> you are free from pain, there will be no pain anywhere. The trouble is due

> to your seeing the world externally and also thinking that it has pain. But

> both the pain and the world are within you. If you look within there will be

> no pain. " -- Talks 272


> " A phenomenon cannot be a reality simply because it serves a purpose. Dreams

> also serve dream purposes; for example, the dream water quenches dream

> thirst. The dream creation is however contradicted in the waking state. What

> is not continuous cannot be real. The real is ever real, and not real once

> and unreal at other times. The same is with magic, which appears real yet it

> is illusory. Similarly the world is not real apart from the reality which

> underlies it. " -- Talks 315


> " There is fire on the screen in a cinema show: does it burn the screen?

> There is a cascade of water: does it wet the screen? There are tools: do

> they damage the screen? Fire and water are only phenomena on the screen of

> Brahman and do not affect it. " -- Talks 316


> A Spanish lady writes in a letter: " If the individual self merges in the

> universal Self, how can we pray to God for the uplift of humanity? " Bhagavan

> comments: " They pray to God and finish with, `Thy will be done.' If His will

> be done why do they pray at all? It is true that the Divine will prevails at

> all times and under all circumstances. The individuals cannot act of their

> own accord. Recognise the force of the Divine will and keep quiet. Each one

> is looked after by God. He has created all. You are among 2,000 millions.

> When He looks after so many will He omit you? " Again there is no need to let

> Him know your needs. He knows them Himself and will look after them. " --

> Talks 594


> " Still more, why do you pray? Does not your Creator and Protector know that

> you are weak? You say God helps those who help themselves. Certainly, help

> yourself and that is itself according to God's will. Every action is

> prompted by Him only. As for prayers for others it looks so unselfish on the

> surface of it. But analyse the feeling and you will detect selfishness there

> also. You desire others' happiness so that you may be happy. Or you want the

> credit for having interceded on others' behalf.God does not require

> intermediaries. Mind your business and all will be well. " -- Talks 594


> " Does not God work His will through some chosen person? " Bhagavan: " God is

> in all and works through all. But His presence is better recognised in

> purified minds. The pure one reflects God's actions more clearly than the

> impure mind. Therefore people say that they are the chosen ones. But the

> chosen man does not himself say so. If he thinks that he is the

> intermediary, then it is clear that he retains his individuality and that

> there is no complete surrender. " -- Talks 594


> " Are not the Brahmins considered to be the priests or intermediaries between

> God and others? " Bhagavan: " Yes, but who is a Brahmin? A Brahmin is one who

> has realised Brahman. Such an one has no sense of individuality in him. He

> cannot think that he acts as an intermediary. " -- Talks 594


> " The mind is like akasa (ether of space). Just as there are objects in

> space, so there are thoughts in the mind.... One cannot hope to measure the

> universe and study the phenomena. It is impossible. For the objects are

> mental creation; it is like trying to stamp with one's foot on the head of

> one's shadow; the farther one moves the farther goes the shadow's head. " --

> Talks 485


> ... To Be Contined


> --

> Om namo Bhagavate Sri Ramanaya

> Prasanth Jalasutram







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Thank you sincerely Prasanth for your kind reply. I did catch the S.S Cohen ref

in your post but was just wondering if there was a more primary source that you

were aware of. I appreciate you providing the link that I may access this

priceless material directly.


I deeply appreciate your gracious offerings on .


Timeless Love,




, Prasanth Jalasutram <jvrsprasanth



> Crys Ji,

> Source of all the talks i send today are from the book




> This book can be downloaded from the below site.

> http://sriramanamaharshi.org/Allpub_demo.html


> Actually I have given the source of all the imp talks in the mail having

> subject " Final Part " .


> Om namo Bhagavate Sri Ramanaya

> Prasanth Jalasutram


> On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 3:09 PM, crystaqueous <crystaqueous wrote:


> >

> >

> > Dearest Prasanth,

> >

> > Greetings with love.

> >

> > Can you say what the original source is for talk #264 which is given in

> > this section Please?

> >

> > Thank you.

> >

> > The Only Love,

> > Crys

> >

> >

> > <%40>,

> > Prasanth Jalasutram <jvrsprasanth@> wrote:

> > >

> > > " Is the world perceived after Self-realisation? " Bhagavan: " What does it

> > > matter if the world is perceived or not? The ajnani sees the Jnani active

> > > and is confounded. The world is perceived by both; but their outlooks

> > > differ. Take the cinema, for instance. Pictures move on the screen. Let

> > the

> > > pictures disappear. What remains? The screen alone. So also here. Even

> > when

> > > the world appears find out to whom it appears. Hold the substratum of the

> > > `I'. When the substratum is held what does it matter if the world appears

> > or

> > > disappears? " -- Talks 65

> > >

> > > " How to turn the mind away from the world, you say? Is there a world

> > apart

> > > from the Self? Does the world say that it exists. It is you who say that

> > > there is a world.Find out the Self who says it. " -- Talks 81

> > >

> > > " You say that the world is materialistic. Whether it is materialistic or

> > > spiritual, it is according to your outlook. Make your outlook right. The

> > > Creator knows how to take care of His creation. " -- Talks 240

> > >

> > > " Does Bhagavan believe in evolution? " Bhagavan: " Evolution must be from

> > one

> > > state to another When differences are not admitted, how can evolution

> > arise?

> > > You say that when Sri Krishna tells Arjuna that after several births the

> > > seeker gains knowledge and thus knows " Me " , denotes evolution. But you

> > must

> > > not forget that the Gita begins with " Neither I was, nor you, nor these

> > > chiefs, etc. " ; " neither it is born, nor does it die, etc. " So there is no

> > > birth, no death, no present as you look at it. Reality was, is, and will

> > > always be. It is changeless. " -- Talks 264

> > >

> > > " What should we do to ameliorate the condition of the world? " Bhagavan:

> > " If

> > > you are free from pain, there will be no pain anywhere. The trouble is

> > due

> > > to your seeing the world externally and also thinking that it has pain.

> > But

> > > both the pain and the world are within you. If you look within there will

> > be

> > > no pain. " -- Talks 272

> > >

> > > " A phenomenon cannot be a reality simply because it serves a purpose.

> > Dreams

> > > also serve dream purposes; for example, the dream water quenches dream

> > > thirst. The dream creation is however contradicted in the waking state.

> > What

> > > is not continuous cannot be real. The real is ever real, and not real

> > once

> > > and unreal at other times. The same is with magic, which appears real yet

> > it

> > > is illusory. Similarly the world is not real apart from the reality which

> > > underlies it. " -- Talks 315

> > >

> > > " There is fire on the screen in a cinema show: does it burn the screen?

> > > There is a cascade of water: does it wet the screen? There are tools: do

> > > they damage the screen? Fire and water are only phenomena on the screen

> > of

> > > Brahman and do not affect it. " -- Talks 316

> > >

> > > A Spanish lady writes in a letter: " If the individual self merges in the

> > > universal Self, how can we pray to God for the uplift of humanity? "

> > Bhagavan

> > > comments: " They pray to God and finish with, `Thy will be done.' If His

> > will

> > > be done why do they pray at all? It is true that the Divine will prevails

> > at

> > > all times and under all circumstances. The individuals cannot act of

> > their

> > > own accord. Recognise the force of the Divine will and keep quiet. Each

> > one

> > > is looked after by God. He has created all. You are among 2,000 millions.

> > > When He looks after so many will He omit you? " Again there is no need to

> > let

> > > Him know your needs. He knows them Himself and will look after them. " --

> > > Talks 594

> > >

> > > " Still more, why do you pray? Does not your Creator and Protector know

> > that

> > > you are weak? You say God helps those who help themselves. Certainly,

> > help

> > > yourself and that is itself according to God's will. Every action is

> > > prompted by Him only. As for prayers for others it looks so unselfish on

> > the

> > > surface of it. But analyse the feeling and you will detect selfishness

> > there

> > > also. You desire others' happiness so that you may be happy. Or you want

> > the

> > > credit for having interceded on others' behalf.God does not require

> > > intermediaries. Mind your business and all will be well. " -- Talks 594

> > >

> > > " Does not God work His will through some chosen person? " Bhagavan: " God

> > is

> > > in all and works through all. But His presence is better recognised in

> > > purified minds. The pure one reflects God's actions more clearly than the

> > > impure mind. Therefore people say that they are the chosen ones. But the

> > > chosen man does not himself say so. If he thinks that he is the

> > > intermediary, then it is clear that he retains his individuality and that

> > > there is no complete surrender. " -- Talks 594

> > >

> > > " Are not the Brahmins considered to be the priests or intermediaries

> > between

> > > God and others? " Bhagavan: " Yes, but who is a Brahmin? A Brahmin is one

> > who

> > > has realised Brahman. Such an one has no sense of individuality in him.

> > He

> > > cannot think that he acts as an intermediary. " -- Talks 594

> > >

> > > " The mind is like akasa (ether of space). Just as there are objects in

> > > space, so there are thoughts in the mind.... One cannot hope to measure

> > the

> > > universe and study the phenomena. It is impossible. For the objects are

> > > mental creation; it is like trying to stamp with one's foot on the head

> > of

> > > one's shadow; the farther one moves the farther goes the shadow's head. "

> > --

> > > Talks 485

> > >

> > > ... To Be Contined

> > >

> > > --

> > > Om namo Bhagavate Sri Ramanaya

> > > Prasanth Jalasutram

> > >

> >

> >

> >




> --


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Hello Crys,


You have good insights. It is always best to go to the original.


The original book of dialogs is called " Talks with Ramana Maharshi " You can

download that book among others on this link.




Namaste and love


Yours in Bhagavan






On Behalf Of crystaqueous

Wednesday, June 03, 2009 9:49 PM


Re: Part3 -- Talks of Ramana




Thank you sincerely Prasanth for your kind reply. I did catch the S.S Cohen

ref in your post but was just wondering if there was a more primary source

that you were aware of. I appreciate you providing the link that I may

access this priceless material directly.


I deeply appreciate your gracious offerings on .


Timeless Love,




, Prasanth Jalasutram

<jvrsprasanth wrote:


> Crys Ji,

> Source of all the talks i send today are from the book




> This book can be downloaded from the below site.

> http://sriramanamaharshi.org/Allpub_demo.html


> Actually I have given the source of all the imp talks in the mail having

> subject " Final Part " .


> Om namo Bhagavate Sri Ramanaya

> Prasanth Jalasutram


> On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 3:09 PM, crystaqueous <crystaqueous wrote:


> >

> >

> > Dearest Prasanth,

> >

> > Greetings with love.

> >

> > Can you say what the original source is for talk #264 which is given in

> > this section Please?

> >

> > Thank you.

> >

> > The Only Love,

> > Crys

> >

> >

> >


> > Prasanth Jalasutram <jvrsprasanth@> wrote:

> > >

> > > " Is the world perceived after Self-realisation? " Bhagavan: " What does


> > > matter if the world is perceived or not? The ajnani sees the Jnani


> > > and is confounded. The world is perceived by both; but their outlooks

> > > differ. Take the cinema, for instance. Pictures move on the screen.


> > the

> > > pictures disappear. What remains? The screen alone. So also here. Even

> > when

> > > the world appears find out to whom it appears. Hold the substratum of


> > > `I'. When the substratum is held what does it matter if the world


> > or

> > > disappears? " -- Talks 65

> > >

> > > " How to turn the mind away from the world, you say? Is there a world

> > apart

> > > from the Self? Does the world say that it exists. It is you who say


> > > there is a world.Find out the Self who says it. " -- Talks 81

> > >

> > > " You say that the world is materialistic. Whether it is materialistic


> > > spiritual, it is according to your outlook. Make your outlook right.


> > > Creator knows how to take care of His creation. " -- Talks 240

> > >

> > > " Does Bhagavan believe in evolution? " Bhagavan: " Evolution must be


> > one

> > > state to another When differences are not admitted, how can evolution

> > arise?

> > > You say that when Sri Krishna tells Arjuna that after several births


> > > seeker gains knowledge and thus knows " Me " , denotes evolution. But you

> > must

> > > not forget that the Gita begins with " Neither I was, nor you, nor


> > > chiefs, etc. " ; " neither it is born, nor does it die, etc. " So there is


> > > birth, no death, no present as you look at it. Reality was, is, and


> > > always be. It is changeless. " -- Talks 264

> > >

> > > " What should we do to ameliorate the condition of the world? "


> > " If

> > > you are free from pain, there will be no pain anywhere. The trouble is

> > due

> > > to your seeing the world externally and also thinking that it has


> > But

> > > both the pain and the world are within you. If you look within there


> > be

> > > no pain. " -- Talks 272

> > >

> > > " A phenomenon cannot be a reality simply because it serves a purpose.

> > Dreams

> > > also serve dream purposes; for example, the dream water quenches dream

> > > thirst. The dream creation is however contradicted in the waking


> > What

> > > is not continuous cannot be real. The real is ever real, and not real

> > once

> > > and unreal at other times. The same is with magic, which appears real


> > it

> > > is illusory. Similarly the world is not real apart from the reality


> > > underlies it. " -- Talks 315

> > >

> > > " There is fire on the screen in a cinema show: does it burn the


> > > There is a cascade of water: does it wet the screen? There are tools:


> > > they damage the screen? Fire and water are only phenomena on the


> > of

> > > Brahman and do not affect it. " -- Talks 316

> > >

> > > A Spanish lady writes in a letter: " If the individual self merges in


> > > universal Self, how can we pray to God for the uplift of humanity? "

> > Bhagavan

> > > comments: " They pray to God and finish with, `Thy will be done.' If


> > will

> > > be done why do they pray at all? It is true that the Divine will


> > at

> > > all times and under all circumstances. The individuals cannot act of

> > their

> > > own accord. Recognise the force of the Divine will and keep quiet.


> > one

> > > is looked after by God. He has created all. You are among 2,000


> > > When He looks after so many will He omit you? " Again there is no need


> > let

> > > Him know your needs. He knows them Himself and will look after them. "


> > > Talks 594

> > >

> > > " Still more, why do you pray? Does not your Creator and Protector know

> > that

> > > you are weak? You say God helps those who help themselves. Certainly,

> > help

> > > yourself and that is itself according to God's will. Every action is

> > > prompted by Him only. As for prayers for others it looks so unselfish


> > the

> > > surface of it. But analyse the feeling and you will detect selfishness

> > there

> > > also. You desire others' happiness so that you may be happy. Or you


> > the

> > > credit for having interceded on others' behalf.God does not require

> > > intermediaries. Mind your business and all will be well. " -- Talks 594

> > >

> > > " Does not God work His will through some chosen person? " Bhagavan:

" God

> > is

> > > in all and works through all. But His presence is better recognised in

> > > purified minds. The pure one reflects God's actions more clearly than


> > > impure mind. Therefore people say that they are the chosen ones. But


> > > chosen man does not himself say so. If he thinks that he is the

> > > intermediary, then it is clear that he retains his individuality and


> > > there is no complete surrender. " -- Talks 594

> > >

> > > " Are not the Brahmins considered to be the priests or intermediaries

> > between

> > > God and others? " Bhagavan: " Yes, but who is a Brahmin? A Brahmin is


> > who

> > > has realised Brahman. Such an one has no sense of individuality in


> > He

> > > cannot think that he acts as an intermediary. " -- Talks 594

> > >

> > > " The mind is like akasa (ether of space). Just as there are objects in

> > > space, so there are thoughts in the mind.... One cannot hope to


> > the

> > > universe and study the phenomena. It is impossible. For the objects


> > > mental creation; it is like trying to stamp with one's foot on the


> > of

> > > one's shadow; the farther one moves the farther goes the shadow's

head. "

> > --

> > > Talks 485

> > >

> > > ... To Be Contined

> > >

> > > --

> > > Om namo Bhagavate Sri Ramanaya

> > > Prasanth Jalasutram

> > >

> >

> >

> >




> --








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