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The material world of ignorance; the Two worlds.

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A world is the place where you reside, just like a home. You can consider your house to be your whole world. A deeper look will show you that you have no outer residence –the physical body may have an outer residence- but you reside inside. Your whole world is inside. The outside world with its movements, circumstances and activities affects your inner world. But you reside inwardly, in your inner world. This is your abode and residence.

Man's stupidity makes him think that the outer world affects the inner world. While in truth, the inner world is responsible for the whole movement of the outer world.

The composition and structure of your inner world decides that you may be happy or miserable.

What is this inner world of Man? It is the ideas, the concepts, the feelings, the beliefs and convictions of this particular Man in relation to the outer world. Man should remember that what he designates as his own physical body is just a single item in the outer world. In truth, Man's residence is the interplay of these ideas, concepts, view, judgments, convictions, emotions/ feelings and so forth concerning himself in relationship to the outer world in an attempt to subdue and control. All Man's time is spent in trying to maintain a balance between these two worlds. This is what I call "The Material world of Ignorance." All the time the inner world of Man is at variance, conflict and war with the outer world. This is the worldly life of Man.

Why I designate it "Material world of Ignorance"? It is called so because it rests and depends on two things. The first thing is the belief that Man has a representative, a delegate in the outer material world, namely "the physical body". The second thing is Ignorance. Ignorance which leads Man to believe that he has a representative in the inner world which he designates as "I" or "Me".

How to resolve the conflict between these two worlds? How to end the war between these two worlds.

The spiritual quest is the solution for this war. Understanding that the outer world and inner world is the solution to the problem. The first, is understanding that the outer world is the manifestation of the Lord God. It is not a chaotic world that you need to control and subdue. All the activities of the outer world in reality are an expression of the Wisdom and Might of the Lord God.

The second; is the understanding that you have no representative in the inner world. How can this be established? It is established by understanding and experiencing that this "I" is only a concept, good for nothing. Accordingly, all your previous ideas, concepts, view points, beliefs, convictions, feelings/emotions and so forth should stop representing this "I". Thus evacuating and liberating the consciousness of Man from constantly experiencing the inner world that represents him and instead become directed to experience what used to be his previous outer world, now designated as the Manifestations of the Wisdom and Power of the Lord God. When this happens the previous division of Man's experience into two worlds –inner and outer- comes to an end and Man Experiences Oneness of the Manifestation of the Lord God. Thus Man's consciousness will be the abode of Bliss, Harmony and Abundance. This new Experience is the Kingdom of God, the Garden of Eden, and Paradise…etc.


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