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Hallaj (Mansur al-Hallaj) - If They Only Knew

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A good poem from dear Ivan sent to us

Here's your Daily Poem from the Poetry Chaikhana --


If They Only Knew

By Hallaj (Mansur al-Hallaj)

(9th Century)

English version by Michael A. Sells


What earth is this

          so in want of you

they rise up on high

          to seek you in heaven?


                    Look at them staring

                              at you

                    right before their eyes,

                              unseeing, unseeing, blind.

.. . .


                    I was patient,

                              but can the heart

be patient of

          its heart?


                              My spirit and yours

                    blend together

                              whether we are near one another

                    or far away.


                    I am you,


          my being,

                    end of my desire.


          The most intimate of secret thoughts


and fixed along the horizon

          in folds of light.


                              How? The "how" is known

                    along the outside,

                              while the interior of beyond

          to and for the heart of being.


          Creatures perish

                    in the darkened

blind of quest,

          knowing intimations.


                                        Guessing and dreaming

                    they pursue the real,

                              faces turned toward the sky

          whispering secrets to the heavens.


                    While the lord remains among them

                              in every turn of time

abiding in their every condition

          every instant.


                              Never without him, they,

                    not for the blink of an eye --

                              if only they knew!

                    nor he for a moment without them.


-- from Early Islamic Mysticism: Sufi, Quran, Miraj, Poetic and Theological Writings (Classics of Western Spirituality), by Michael A. Sells Amazon.com

/ Photo by millicent bystander /




Thought for the Day:

Through you

the world learns

to recognize itself

-- as heaven.



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Hi Alan -


Mansur al-Hallaj is one of the more controversial figures of Sufism. Considered by many to be a great poet-saint, he was executed for blasphemy and sorcery.


The name al-Hallaj means "wool carder," probably a reference to his family's traditional occupation. Al-Hallaj was born in the province of Fars, Persia (Iran). He later moved to what is now Iraq, where he took up religious studies, particularly the Sufi way.


Orthodox religious authorities took offense at his poetry and teachings, particularly the line in one of his great poems "Ana 'l-Haqq," which translates as "I am the Real," but can also be translated as "I am the Truth" or "I am God" -- acknowledging the mystical realization of unity with the Eternal. He was condemned by a council of theologians, imprisoned for nine years, and eventually put to death. He is revered today as a martyr for truth by many Sufis and mystics.




In this poem al-Hallaj reminds us that, wherever we look, we are always staring at the face of God, "right before [our] eyes." Everyone, knowingly or unknowingly, is always searching for the Eternal, but too easily we become lost in our search. The idea of a search is already to be lost -- "a blind quest." We imagine that the Goal will be found elsewhere, somewhere that we are not, and so we rush about looking, looking. "Guessing and dreaming," looking for God in some distant heaven instead of beneath our feet and between the span of our arms, we blindly have our "faces turned toward the sky." But doing that, we never recognize that "the lord remains among [us]" in our "every condition / every instant." We are never without the Divine Presence, "not for the blink of an eye!"


Hallaj says it very simply, speaking to God as the Beloved who is everywhere and, at the same time, the heart of the heart:


My spirit and yours

blend together

whether we are near one another

or far away.


I am you,


my being,

end of my desire.


Have a beautiful weekend!





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I don't say it often enough, so I want to take a moment now to sincerely thank everyone who has ever made a donation to the Poetry Chaikhana. You make the day-to-day running of the Poetry Chaikhana possible. I don't have the proper words to express how moved I am by your enthusiasm, your encouragement, and your support.. Your contributions are doubly meaningful since they are for a service that is offered for free. Several of you are contributing quietly each month.. Whether you've contributed small amounts or large, regularly or one time, I hope you know how much your support is appreciated! 





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