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John of the Cross - I Came Into the Unknown

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I Came Into the Unknown

By John of the Cross(1542 - 1591)

English version by Willis Barnstone

I came into the unknownand stayed there unknowingrising beyond all science.I did not know the doorbut when I found the way,unknowing where I was,I learned enormous things,but what I felt I cannot say,for I remained unknowing,rising beyond all science.It was the perfect realmof holiness and peace.In deepest solitudeI found the narrow way:a secret giving such releasethat I was stunned and stammering,rising beyond all science.I was so far inside,so dazed and far awaymy senses were releasedfrom feelings of my own.My mind had found a surer way:a knowledge of unknowing,rising beyond all science.And he who does arrivecollapses as in sleep,for all he knew beforenow seems a lowly thing,and so his knowledge grows so deepthat he remains unknowing,rising beyond

all science.The higher he ascendsthe darker is the wood;it is the shadowy cloudthat clarified the night,and so the one who understoodremains always unknowing,rising beyond all science.This knowledge by unknowingis such a soaring forcethat scholars argue longbut never leave the ground.Their knowledge always fails the source:to understand unknowing,rising beyond all science.This knowledge is supremecrossing a blazing height;though formal reason triesit crumbles in the dark,but one who would control the nightby knowledge of unknowingwill rise beyond all science.And if you wish to hear:the highest science leadsto an ecstatic feelingof the most holy Being;and from his mercy comes his deed:to let us stay unknowing,rising beyond all science.







-- from To Touch the Sky: Poems of Mystical, Spiritual & Metaphysical Light, Translated by Willis Barnstone

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Thought for the Day:

Total Selfacceptance.



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Hi Alan -Getting a late start on the poetry today. How about something by the great Spanish Catholic mystic, St. John of the Cross...In this poem, St. John of the Cross continually contrasts unknowing with "science." And he emphasizes that it is the unknowing that is superior.Don't misunderstand, he is not advocating ignorance! He is talking about the mystical idea of "unknowing," the state in which all thoughts and concepts and mental filters have been set aside, the state in which you rise above the elaborate constructions of the logical mind ("formal reason") and come to rest in pure awareness ("a knowledge of unknowing"). He is contrasting true knowing with the mere accumulation of data.The data of the logical mind is always dependent on the validation of the senses, but John of the Cross declares, "I was so far inside... my senses were released..." This state

of supreme "unknowing" isn't so much a state of perception, which is the drawing in and sorting of exterior awareness; instead, it is the completely internalized awareness of Being that has nothing to do with the senses. This is a "surer way" of recognizing the fundamental Reality."Rising beyond all science" ultimately leads "to an ecstatic feeling / of the most holy Being." This is "the perfect realm / of holiness and peace," free from the conceptual filters we normally place on our awareness. "In deepest solitude / I found the narrow way: / a secret giving such release..." In this state, one experiences "solitude" or supreme unity, requiring nothing outside itself to be whole and itself. And this solitude reveals the "narrow way;" the solitude is itself the way -- "narrow" in that it is difficult to achieve when lost in the normal busyness of the chattering mind, and a "way" because it draws the scattered awareness to "rise" upward and

ultimately settle, unified, into the heart.A delightful poem that confounds the intellect while inviting the wider awareness to reach beyond self-imposed boundaries, "rising beyond all science" to discover the ever-present "perfect realm / of holiness and peace..."Ivan





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Poetry ChaikhanaP.O. Box 2320Boulder, CO 80306


Ivan M. Granger's original poetry, stories and commentaries are 2002 - 2008 by Ivan M. Granger.All other material is copyrighted by the respective authors, translators and/or publishers.


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