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From the Graland of Guru's Sayings WHO Translation

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Verse 225. Though he appears to men to be embodied, (the Sadhaka) (true

spiritual aspirant) (himself) should understand that he is (in fact) bodiless;

(for) by the giving up of the sense of " I am the body, " his body has been

surrendered to the Current Karma.(Foot note(2)


Foot Note(2) Karma (actions) have been sub-divided into three distinct

categories: (a) prarabdha, those that have brought the present body into

existence, and are the source of the pleasant and unpleasant experiences of the

present life, (here styled the Current Karma), (b) agami, the category of Karma

which will come to fruition in the next life (or future lives), and ©

sanchita, what is called the reserve Karma, out of which portions will pass into

the other two categories in the course of successive lives. On the attainment of

liberation, all the three (karmas or actions) cease to affect the Jivanmukta

(Liberated); however, the current Karma (prarabdha) has (in fact) the power to

fulfill itself on the body (of the Jivanmukta); but since he has really no body

(or identification with the body), he is unaffected (although he may still

appear to be).


This quotation is from the book, Guru--Ramana- -Vachana- -Mala by " Who,

published by Sri Ramanasramam

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