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Hadewijch - All things

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Here's your Week End Poem from the Poetry Chaikhana --sent by Ivan Granger







All things

By Hadewijch(13th Century)

English version by Jane Hirshfield

All thingsare too smallto hold me,I am so vastIn the InfiniteI reachfor the UncreatedI havetouched it,it undoes mewider than wideEverything elseis too narrowYou know this well,you who are also there







-- from Women in Praise of the Sacred: 43 Centuries of Spiritual Poetry by Women, Edited by Jane Hirshfield

Amazon.com / Photo by nunui /






Thought for the Day:

If love does not rule your heart, all activity is just the spinning of wheels.



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Hi Alan -Hadewijch -- often called Hadewijch of Brabant or sometimes Hadewijch of Antwerp -- lived in the 13th century in what is now Belgium. She is rightly called one of the greatest names in medieval Flemish and Dutch literature.Little can be said for certain about the life of Hadewijch. Unlike many other women mystics of the time, no biography was written about her, so all we know is what scholars have been able to deduce from her writings themselves. Hadewijch was probably the head of a Beguine community. The Beguines were a sect of devout women in Belgium, Holland, Germany and northern France. Beguines did not take vows, but they gathered together to live in simplicity and service. Many Beguines were mystics and poets of the highest order.Hadewijch's poetry has a rich love mysticism. Like her contemporary, St. Francis of Assisi, Hadewijch was clearly inspired

by the courtly love poetry of the Troubadours and Minnensingers. The fact that she was familiar with this courtly art form suggests that Hadewijch was probably born to a noble family.The writings of Hadewijch were gathered and studied by the Flemish Christian mystic John Ruusbroec in the 1300s, but later fell into obscurity until rediscovered in the 1800s by scholars.---This is the mystical recognition: the realization that in your Self of selves you are immense! All thingsare too smallto hold me,I am so vastJust read those lines again.Everything that can be called a "thing," each item of perception and thought is just a glimmering sliver of the whole Being we inherently are. No body, no name, no job, no history can truly contain what we are. A glass of water can suggest the lake, give us a taste of it, but not contain it.The middle section of this poem is almost erotic in its

naked yielding to "the Uncreated," in the recognition of how that "touch" completely "undoes" us. That too is the mystical recognition. As we finally realize that we are not contained by the body or the social roles we play, where then is the boundary of identity? Where do you say, Here I stop and beyond is not-me? That point no longer exists. We are "In the Infinite;" our source is "the Uncreated." Those old, limited identities are undone, they fall away, and the inner core of the Self, the Heart, is spread "wider than wide."But why bother with explanations? You already "know this well, / you who are also there."Have a beautiful weekend!Ivan





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Poetry ChaikhanaP.O. Box 2320Boulder, CO 80306


Ivan M. Granger's original poetry, stories and commentaries are 2002 - 2008 by Ivan M. Granger.All other material is copyrighted by the respective authors, translators and/or publishers.


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