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Hafiz - A New World

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--- Here's your Daily Poem from the Poetry Chaikhana -- FROM IVAN GRANGER









A New World

By Hafiz(1320 - 1389)

English version by Haleh Pourafzal and Roger Montgomery

Let's offer flowers, pour a cup of libation, split open the skies and start anew on creation.If the forces of grief invade our lovers' veins, cupbearer and I will wash away this temptation.With rose water we'll mellow crimson wine's bitter cup; we'll sugar the fire to sweeten smoke's emanation.Take this fine lyre, musician, strike up a love song; let's dance, sing all night, go wild in celebration.As dust, O West Wind, let us rise to the Heavens, floating free in Creator's glow of elation.If mind desires to return while heart cries to stay, here's a quarrel for love's deliberation.Alas, these words and songs go for naught in this land; come, Hafez, let's create a new generation.







-- from The Spiritual Wisdom of Hafez: Teachings of the Philosopher of Love, by Haleh Pourafzal / Roger Montgomery

Amazon.com / Photo by Paul Keller - A new generation at the Tomb of Hafez /






Thought for the Day:

Knowledge is not the accumulation of dataor the formulation of thought.True knowledge is to mergewith the living field of knowing itself.



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Hi Alan -It's been far too long since we last had a selection by Hafiz, so today.... A New World.split open the skies and start anew on creation.The lines of this poem read like lovely poetic embellishments, but there is more going on here than ecstatic wordplay. Beneath the poetry, Hafiz is using precise esoteric language. The "rose" of the rose water. A "fire" that is also sweet. Becoming as egoless as dust before the West Wind.... Meanings to contemplate and explore within.If mind desires to return while heart cries to stay, here's a quarrel for love's deliberation.I particularly like these lines. The "mind" Hafiz is talking about is the conceptualizing, projecting mind. It is this mind that must be absent (or stilled) before we can see reality directly. When we do this, our sense of self shifts. We no longer imagine ourselves to be the

little ego, we find ourselves centered deeply at home within the heart. For the first time we fully recognize the heart as being present.But -- if the mind desires to return once we have discovered the presence of the heart, well, that's a dilemma... "a quarrel of love's deliberation."come, Hafez, let's create a new generation.IvanTech Problems SolvedA few technical glitches have held up today's email. If you're actually reading this email, I guess they're solved now. A few of you may have received a duplicate email -- that shouldn't happen in the future.No poem this FridayI wanted to let you know in advance that I won't be sending out a poem this Friday. The next poem email will be next week. I guess that means you should start enjoying your weekend now... :-)





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Poetry ChaikhanaP.O. Box 2320Boulder, CO 80306


Ivan M. Granger's original poetry, stories and commentaries are 2002 - 2008 by Ivan M. Granger.All other material is copyrighted by the respective authors, translators and/or publishers.


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