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SWAMI RAMDAS knew Bhagavan and received his Darshan. After great Tapas he lived

in a cave at Arunachala before his Enlightenment.His AShram developed later.

After Bhagavan's Maha Samahdi many close devoyees of Ramana went to see him.


" Satsang or association with a saint is indeed valuable.

But it must be of the right kind. Internal contact must be established.

Otherwise there is danger of the aspirant's mind getting externalized and

remaining attached to the physical person of the saint,

missing the impersonal Truth which the saint embodies.

Without reaching the depths of the inner Reality represented by the saint,

one cannot reap the full benefits of Satsang.

One must take care not to fall into the error of thinking that

a saint's grace can be won by adoring merely his body and serving him

without looking upon all beings as his expressions and serving them with an

equal vision.

There is nothing more dangerous to an aspirant than a narrow, personal attitude.

His progress depends on the extent to which he is able to

expand his heart and universalize his outlook " .

- Swami Ramdas

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