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From the Garland of Guru's Sayings WHO Translation

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  HERE IS VERSE 241 P.49 with some more of the footnote included. THe Footnote

is very long to this verse and is on P.53-55 (to be continued)


 From the Garland of Guru's Sayings WHO Translation


This quotation is from the book, Guru--Ramana- -Vachana-

-Mala by " Who, published by Sri Ramanasramam.


Section 11. NON-DUALITY


Verse 241.


When by the Grace of God, which is easily won by devotion (to Him), the mind

becomes calm in the Heart, then is experienced that (Single or) One (Reality),

which is(both) the light and the sky (space) by which and in which the mind and

all else seem to exist (but in fact are not actually real).Foot note(9)


Foot note(9) The One Reality, which is Pure Consciousness, is the sole remainder

in the Egoless State.


It has been explained that the mind begins to function only on the arising of

the ego-sense.


Since this has the form " I am this body, " (or, " I am a separate, individual

entity or being, " ) the awareness of a body is simultaneous with the birth

of the ego.


Thus, the mind and the world of which the body is a part (necessarily) arise



They are inseparable, to the extent of suggesting that the two are one, and that

the world is only a subjective experience and not (actually) an objective



So long as the ego survives, and the world is being seen, the Real Self is

practically non-existent.


On the ego being extinguished, (only then) the Self is manifest.


Now the question is, does the world continue to appear after the Real Self is

realized to be real?


The answer is, that the world goes the way of the mind, which shares the fate of

the ego; this is (being) expounded in the present verse.


This verse states the metaphysical truth that the mind, as well as the world,

which appears in it subjectively, has no independent existence, but is (only) an

appearance in the Real Self.


When there is the ego-sense, the Real Self is itself seen

as all this.


When the ego-sense ceases finally -- instead of being temporarily latent as in

sleep -- the Real Self, being manifest as it really is, can no more appear as

the world, which it never was.


Verse 241 (Footnote 9 cont'd tp-day).


Therefore it is here described as the space or sky in which the mind and its

contents appear, and as the light by which they appear.


It has been explained by the Sage (Sri Bhagavan Ramana) that the mind is almost

infinite, (apparently) containing in itself the outer sky and all the worlds.


However, the mind in its turn is (actually) contained in the Real Self.


(And so) to make this intelligible, the Real Self is described as being

the Sky of Consciousness, as distinguished from the outer sky of ether.


Being Pure Consciousness, it is not only the substance of the false appearance

of the world, but also the light that makes it possible for the false appearance

to be seen and mistaken as real.

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