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From the Garland of Guru's Sayings WHO Translation

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V.241 Footnote 9 cont'd


  The appearance of the world is made intelligible by comparing the Real Self to

the lighted cinema screen that precedes the show, and on which the moving

pictures appear and pass. That the world cannot appear when the Self appears, as

it really is, can be understood by means of the analogy of the snake (appearing)

in (or as) a rope. The snake is really not different from the rope; when the

rope is seen, the snake necessarily ceases to be seen, since there is only one

thing existing. In the same way, when the Self is realized, as such, it can no

more be mistaken for the world.


From the Garland of Guru's Sayings WHO Translation

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  V.241 Footnote 9 cont'd


>   The appearance of the world is made intelligible by

> comparing the Real Self to the lighted cinema screen that

> precedes the show, and on which the moving pictures appear

> and pass. That the world cannot appear when the Self

> appears, as it really is, can be understood by means of the

> analogy of the snake (appearing) in (or as) a rope. The

> snake is really not different from the rope; when the rope

> is seen, the snake necessarily ceases to be seen, since

> there is only one thing existing. In the same way, when the

> Self is realized, as such, it can no more be mistaken for

> the world.Verse 241 (Footnote 9 cont'd).


If it is asked how it is possible for the world to appear as an objective

reality when in fact it is only a subjective appearance, the answer is that this

is exactly what takes place in dreams. The mind has the faculty of creating an

imaginary outside, and projecting into it the world, which is only inside it.

Since the mind is unreal, the world it imagines is also unreal.


From the Garland of Guru's Sayings WHO Translation

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