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Ramana Maharshi says One’s course of conduct in this life is determined by one’s prarabdha

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And that my friends is why we all understand Ramana to be that Self which is synonomous with our very own Heart! After reading Ramana's statement, and accepting it, is there any possiblity of doubt?


I may not be checking in for a bit,

so if anyone here ever has to contact me:



Left foot, left foot, left foot, Right!

(a US army cadence)


Om Namaha Shivaya!

Rafael Stoneman, nick name Rafe (rhymes with safe)

was born September 11, 1971

For his birth day, his wish is that all here support Alan Jacobs

on his birthday (September 9) cause to raise money.

I have given ten dollars, can we not all do the same?


Happy early birth day Alan!

Thanks for all you do to contribute and inspire!


About Face!





Prasanth Jalasutram <jvrsprasanthSunday, September 6, 2009 1:38:10 AM Ramana Maharshi says One’s course of conduct in this life is determined by one’s prarabdha


Talk 251D. Can I engage in spiritual practice, even remaining in samsara?Maharshi: Yes, certainly. One ought to do so.D.: Is not samsara a hindrance? Do not all the holy books advocate renunciation?Maharshi: Samsara is only in your mind. The world does not speak out, saying ‘I am the world’. Otherwise, it must be ever there - not excluding your sleep. Since it is not in sleep it is impermanent. Being impermanent it has no stamina. Having no stamina it is easily subdued by the Self. The Self alone is permanent..Renunciation is non-identification of the Self with the non-self. On the disappearance of ignorance the non-self ceases to exist. That is true renunciation.D.Why did you then leave your home in your youth?Maharshi:That is my prarabdha

(fate). One’s course of conduct in this life is determined by one’s prarabdha. My prarabdha is this way. Your prarabdha is that way.D. Should I not also renounce?Maharshi: If that had been your prarabdha, the question would not have arisen.D. I should therefore remain in the world and engage in spiritual practice. Well, can I get realisation in this life?Maharshi: This has been already answered. You are always the Self. Earnest efforts never fail. Success is bound to result.


-- Om Namo Bhagavate Sri RamanayaPrasanth JalasutramLove And Love Alone

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