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Dear Gopi,


how could He not be with "you"?!


Regarding His teachings being anything than Him its a sin

so it is when one identifys with a "too small a person".


In my understanding one cant have anything else, than a problem accepting

such a thing, true humility is a state and not a statement.

Be no person at all and there is only happinesss,

THAT IS what i understand..


Ramana the atomic bomb of Jnana


only with His Love




Von: Gopi Krishna <p_gopi_krishnaAn: CC: michael.bindelGesendet: Donnerstag, den 10. September 2009, 11:41:55 UhrBetreff: Re: (unknown)





Dear Michael,Love and Love alone....That is not NONSENSE. That is the fact. I know my limitations and my worth and also my knowledge. I am nothing if HE is not with me and I am everything with HIM. So, when I know the truth, why should I hesitate to accept the truth that "I am too small a person". I do not have any problem in accepting it and I am happy to do so. Thanks for understanding me and also please add to that understanding that Gopi is too small a person. I will be ever thankful to you. I do not hestate to speak the truth and bow my head in all reverence to all elders in the group or otherwise. Love and Love alone..P. Gopi Krishna

Re: (unknown)

Posted by: "Michael Bindel" michael.bindel@ t-online. hu michael_bindel

Wed Sep 9, 2009 11:12 am (PDT) Dear Gopi"i am too small a person"i understand what you b u t please this is NONSENSEagree wholeheartedly with the content of your mailcongratulations to being able to formulate "heavy stuff" like this in such a clear way....in Sri Ramana Maharshimichael- Gopi Krishna Cc: michael.bindel@ t-online. hu Wednesday, September 09, 2009 11:38 AM[ -

Ramana Guru] Re: (unknown)Dear Michael,Love and Love alone....I am too small a person to give an answer. However, let me put down here what I feel. There are as many paths as the devotees. Every path is unique in its own way. And, each sadhaka is unique in his or her approach. Like wise, each path is as important as any other one. When the goal is surely to reach and realise HIM and the means are simple and sincere, the outcome will naturally be compassionate and loving not only towards the fellow human beings, but also the overall nature, including plants, animals, birds, insects, etc., due to the reality or knwolddge dawn on the sadhaka that he is also equally a part of the overall. That unconditional love is generated and strengthened as one proceeds carefully on the path to the Ultimate Reality. In any path, struggle is inevitable, but I do not call it struggle for the simple reason that it is part and parcel of the chosen

and accepted path. Even pain is a pleasure in this path, provided one understands and apprecites it.What else can I write?Love and Love alone....P. Gopi Krishna


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