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> Work is not just a word, nor exertion a vain fancy.

> From whom shall we flee? from ourselves? how absurd,

> From whom shall we run away? From God? such a crime.


> Let us consider the efforts of all the Prophets,

> God prospered their exertion and saved them from

> oppression,

> Their plans were perfect, all performed by good men

> excells,


> They snared the Paradise Bird, weaknesses were

> expelled.

> Exert yourself following the lead of Prophets and Saints!

> Endeavour is’nt a war against fate ; fate’s laid her

> trials on us,


> Be a rebel no one is lost while treading the path of

> faith.

> Your head won’t be broken and doesn’t need a

> bandage,

> Perform good works and laugh until everlasting life!


> He sought an evil haven that sought this world,

> He sought a good state that sought heaven to come.

> Plans for gaining goods in this world are worthless,

> Plans for renouncing this world are God inspired.


> The right plot is to dig a hole in one’s jail to escape,

> If one fills up that hole it’s an idiotic mistake.

> This world’s the prison, dig a tunnel, set yourself

> free!

> What’s life worth forgetting God? It isn’t just

> girls or boys and gold.


> As for religious wealth, how pure are self- righteous

> riches?

> Water in the boat sinks the unfortunate vessel,

> Water beneath the boat supports it on the voyage.


> Since Solomon cast from his heart the wish for wealth

> This King didn’t call himself by any other name but

> ‘poor’.

> The sealed jar floats on water, it’s heart is empty,

> When poverty sits within, one’s at peace on

> life’s water.


> Although the All is one’s kingdom, at heart it’s as

> nothing,

> So seal the mouth of one’s heart, and fill it with

> God’s air.

> Effort is a reality, so are disease and its antidote.

> The sceptic, by denial of effort, also makes an effort.


> That which God taught bees is not the way for the lion and

> wild ass,

> If the bee makes a hive of honey, God taught it that

> skill,

> How God taught worms to weave silk isn’t for elephants.


> Adam learned knowledge from God which shot beams to

> heaven,

> Adam broke the name and fame of angels to end all doubt,

> God even made Lucifer a muzzle for that young calf,

> So he couldn’t drink the milk of religious knowledge

> And might not graze around that hallowed lofty palace.


> The science of the followers of external common sense

> Became a muzzle, so that belief in sense knowledge

> Would prevent drinking milk from that sublime source.


> But into the ruby core of his heart there fell a precious

> jewel,

> For how long will you plead?, hasn’t your truth seeking

> soul advanced,

> If human beings were men of virtue through form alone,

> Then Ahmad and Bu Jahl would be exactly the same.


> A portrait is like Adam, see from its form what it lacks.

> If spirit’s missing, dive for that precious pearl so

> rarely found!

> The world’s lion heads were laid low whn God gave a hand

> To the mongrel of Ahmad’s Companions of the Cave.


> Where is the loss from an ugly shape, if the spirit’s a

> blaze of light?

> Its not for words to describe the excellent outward

> form,

> Qualities like learned and just are the spiritual essence,

> The Sun of Self strikes the body from where place does not

> exist,

> The Sunbeams of Self are not contained in the blue of

> sky.


> Knowledge is the seal of King Solomon, the world is the

> form,

> Esoteric knowledge is buried secret treasure.

> Because of this virtue, spirits of sea, hill and plain.

> Are helpless before the wisdom of God knowing men.


> The leopard, lion, mouse and crocodile all fear

> them,

> Even devils and demons seek refuge and hide.

> Man has many secret foes, the prudent man is wise,

> There are hidden creatures, wicked and good, in every

> heart,

> At every moment perverse voices are seducing the will.


> If you bathe in fresh water a thorn will still prick,

> The thorns of angelic inspirations and satanic

> temptations,

> Are from thousands of beings, not only just one.

> The thorn is low in the stream but you know when it

> stings.


> Wait patiently for your bodily senses to be transformed,

> So you may know hidden things and problems can be solved.

> You’ll see whose words you rejected and whom you made

> your Chief!


A free versification from the writings of Rumi


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