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Important Couplets From Tripura Rahasya - Final Part

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In deep sleep and samadhi the existence of ‘I’ cannot be denied. All admit its continued existence in those states also, because of the recollection of the experience (in those two states). 

Bhagavan Sri Sankara also says that the Self, namely Chit, is always shining as ‘I’.In Viveka Chudamani it is found, “That which constantly shines forth as ‘I’ throughout infancy etc., waking state, etc., which are superimposed on it....”

Be not effortless in this direction Yoga Vasishta says: “Even with hands clenched and teeth ground,pressing the limbs and forcibly withdrawing the senses, the mind must first be brought under control.” So the utmost effort must be made. 

Also the breath must forcibly be controlled, if necessary, by means of pranayama (regulation of breath). One-pointedness must be gained at all costs. How long is effort necessary? Until direct experience is gained.

Only the natural bliss of the Self prevails at the instant of relief of one’s burden and in deep sleep. This means: As soon as one is relieved of one’s heavy load, one surely feels refreshed; this cannot be denied; but here there are no objects to give pleasure, and how could it be felt unless it is from within, i.e., from the Self?

In deep sleep there is no strain to be removed and yet there is the bliss of sleep. This cannot be denied because there is the recollection of the bliss of sleep after waking from it. This bliss cannot but be of the Self.

Source: TRIPURA RAHASYA OR THE MYSTERY BEYOND THE TRINITY Translated by SWAMI SRI RAMANANANDA SARASWATHI (Munagala S. Venkataramaiah)Tripura Rahasya is an ancient prime text on Advaita in Sanskrit and was highly commended by Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi for study by seekers. There was no English translation of this scripture until the present one was made by Munagala Venkataramiah (Swami Ramanananda Saraswathi) in 1938.

-- Om Namo Bhagavate Sri Ramanaya

Prasanth JalasutramLove And Love Alone

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