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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Verse 277. True Knowledge is just the practical experience to the effect that, (that) which seems unreal, being concealed (by false appearances), is alone real, and that the seemingly real ego, called jiva, is unreal. (24)(24) The term knowledge, as applied to (the) Self in the phrase "Knowing the Self" is misleading, because the Self never becomes an object (to be known). The resulting misconceptions are cleared by

describing the Self as (being Pure) Consciousness in its primal nature -- the preexistent background of objective knowledge, with this caution: that all this, being the outcome of the ego-sense, is not really knowledge; here, the objects themselves are declared to have no existence apart from the objective knowledge, which is itself non-existent. From this arises a question: what is the inwardness (meaning) of the saying that knowing the Self amounts to knowledge of all things, while knowing (the) non-self amounts to nothing at all? This is discussed in the sentences that follow.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~These quotations are from the book, Guru--Ramana--Vachana--Mala by "Who," published by Sri Ramanasramam

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