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Fwd: THE DEAD ARE INDEED HAPPY -- Bhagavan Ramana

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> ----------

> Ganesan V


> Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 1:47 PM


> Bhagavan Ramana



> Namaskar.



> The enclosed is a 'Sat-Sangh-Sharing'

> !



> 'Sharing' is true

> 'Sat-Sangh' !  If it takes place in

> the presence of a

> 'living' Saint, that is the best. The next

> best,

> of course, is

> to be in constant touch with the holy

> words

> of Great

> Saints. Here are the holy words 


> of Bhagavan

> Ramana, culled from : " TALKS WITH SRI RAMANA


> and  "




> News of

> someone's death was brought to Sri Bhagavan.  Bhagavan

> said, " Good.  

> the dead are indeed happy.  They have got

> rid of the troublesome overgrowth

> --the body.  The

> dead person does not grieve.  The survivers grieve for the

> person

> who is dead. Do people fear sleep ?  On the

> contrary, sleep is courted andon waking up every person says that he/she

> slept happily.  One prepares the

> bed for sound sleep.  Sleep is temporary

> death.  Death is longer sleep.  If

> the person dies

> while yet alive, that person need not grieve over

> others' death.

> One's existence is evident with or

> without the body, as in waking, dream

> and sleep. Then, why

> should one desire continuance of the bodily shackles

> ?

> Let the person find out the undying Self

> within and die and be immortaland happy. "







>        *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *  

> *   *   *   *






> A very devoted

> and simple disciple had lost his only son, a child of three

> years.





> The next day, he arrived at the Ashram with

> his family. The Master spoke

> with reference to

> them :   " Training of mind helps one to bear sorrow

> and





> bereavements with courage.  But, the loss of

> one's offspring or mother, is said to

> be the worst of all

> griefs. Grief exists only so long as one considers

> oneself





> to be of a definite form.  If the form is

> transcendental, one will know that

> theone Self is

> eternal.  There is no death nor birth.  That which is born

> is only





> the body.  The body is the creation of the

> ego.  But the ego is not

> ordinarilyperceived

> without the body.  It is always identified with the body.

>  It is the 





> thought which matters.  Let the sensible man

> consider if he knew his bodyin deep sleep. Why does he feel it in the

> waking state ?  But, although the body





> was not felt in sleep, did not the Self exist

> then ?  How was he in deep sleep

> ?How is he when

> awake ?  What is the difference ?  Ego rises up and that

> is





> the waking.  Simultaneously, thoughts arise.

>  Let him find out to whomare the thoughts.  Wherefrom do they arise ?

>  They must spring from the





> conscious Self.  Apprehending it even

> vaguely helps the extinction of the

> ego.Thereafter the

> realisation of the one Infinite Existence becomes

> possible.





> In that state there are no individuals other

> than the Eternal Existence.Hence, there is no thought of death or

> wailing.






> " If a man

> considers he is born, he cannot avoid the fear of death.

>  Let him





> find out if he has been born or if the Self

> has any birth.  He will discoverthat the Self always exists, that the body

> which is born resolves itself





> into thought and that the emergence of

> thought is the root of all

> mischief.Find wherefrom

> thoughts emerge.  Then, you will abide in the

> ever-present





> inmost Self and be free from the idea of

> birth or the fear of death. "







>                                   ---  

> " Talks with

> Ramana Maharshi " , pp. 71 &

>  81.








>  *********************************************






> Mr.Phillips, an Englishman

> who used to be a missionary and is now a

> teacher





> and who has been about 20 years in Hyderabad,

> came this morning.  He said:'I lost my son in the war. What is the way

> for his salvation ?'






> Bhagavan was silent for a while; and

> then, replied : " Your worry is due to

> thinking. 





> Anxiety is a creation of the mind.  Your real

> nature is peace.  Peace has not got

> to be achieved; it is our nature. To find consolation, you

> may reflect :





> 'God gave, God has taken away; He knows

> best'.  But, the true remedy isto

> enquire into your true nature.  It is because you feel that

> your son does not





> exist that you feel grief.  If you knew that he

> existed you would not feel grief.That means that the source of the grief is

> mental and not an actual reality. 





> There is a story given in some books how two

> boys went on a pilgrimage andafter some days news came back that one of them

> was dead..  However, the 





> wrong one was reported dead, and the result was

> that the mother who had lost her

> son went about as cheerful as ever, while the one who had

> still got her son





> was weeping and lamenting.  So, it is not any

> object or condition that causesgrief but only our thought about it.  Your son

> came from the Self and was 





> absorbed back into the Self.  Before he was

> born, where was he apartfrom the Self ?  He is our Self in reality.

>  In deep sleep the thought of 'I'





> or 'child' or 'mother' or

> 'death' does not occur to you, and you are the

> sameperson who existed in sleep.  If

> you enquire in this way and find out r





> your real nature, you will know your son's

> real nature also.  He always exists.It

> is only you who think he is not.  You create a son in your

> mind, and





> think that he is lost,but in the Self he always

> exists. "


> Another devotee, K.M. Jivarajani :

> What is the nature of life after physical death

> ?






> Bhagavan :  " Find out

> about your present life.  Why do you worry about

> life





> after death ?  If you realise the present,

> you will know everything. "







>           ---     "  DAY BY DAY WITH

> BHAGAVAN  " , p.208



> " All is well that ends

> well " , said the great American

> devotee

> of Sri

> Bhagavan and an advanced spiritual soul, Robert

> Adams.


> Love,


> Ganesan.--------------


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