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God within and God without

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--- www spiritual-teaching com <sadasivananda wrote:
































FINDING GOD - WITHIN AND WITHOUTwww.spiritual-teaching.com




































SRI RAMAKRISHNA: "A little spiritual discipline is necessary in order to know what lieswithin."M: "Is it necessary to practice discipline all through life?"MASTER: "No. But one must be up and doing in the beginning. After that one neednot work hard. The helmsman stands up and clutches the rudder firmly as long asthe boat is passing through waves, storms, high wind, or around the curves of ariver; but he relaxes after steering through them. As soon as the boat passes thecurves and the helmsman feels a favorable wind, he sits comfortably and justtouches the rudder. Next he prepares to unfurl the sail and gets ready for a smoke.Likewise, the aspirant enjoys peace and calm after passing the waves and storms of'woman and gold' (lust and greed)."God is realized by following

the path of truth. One should always chant His name. Even while one is performing one's duties, the mind should be left with God. Suppose I have a carbuncle on my back. I perform my duties, but the mind is drawn to the carbuncle.""It is good to repeat the name of Rama. 'The same Rama who was the son of KingDasaratha has created this world. Again, as Spirit, He pervades all beings. He isvery near us; He is both within and without.' "











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