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> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


> Chapter III EXPERIENCE (cont'd)

> 14.

> Catholicity


> Verse 302. Know that of all faiths, the best is the Supreme

> Silence that arises upon the extinction of the ego, which is

> the seed of (all) differences of (spiritual or religious)

> faith. (34)


> (34) A (spiritual or

> religious) faith, as such, is a belief cherished by the

> ego-mind, which is not designed by Nature to serve as an

> instrument for apprehending the Truth beyond relativity;

> hence, all (such)

> faiths are necessarily wrong in some degree and are destined

> to be transcended in the course of the approach to

> Self-Realization. The Silence, which this (Realization) is,

> is not a faith in any sense. To be without any faith, not

> from mere skepticism but by egolessness, is here declared to

> be the highest state. He that is in this Silence does not

> condemn but approves of all faiths, as shown later.



> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

> These

> quotations are from the book, Guru--Ramana--Vachana--Mala by " Who, "

> published by Sri Ramanasramam

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