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Sri RamaKrishna about going to Pilgrimages

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Ramakrishna (smiling): Well, I went to some places. Hazra went farther and higher up, to Hrishikesha in the Himalayas. I did not go so far or so high up.The vulture and the kite soar very high, but their eyes are all the while directed to the charnel-pits below. Do you know what the charnel-pits are? Lust and gold. If in going on a pilgrimage a man does not acquire Bhakti, then his pilgrimage is fruitless; for Bhakti is the end of all; it is the one thing needful. 

Do you know what the vulture and the kite are? They are those who talk on lofty subjects and say: " We have performed most of the works enjoined in the Holy Scriptures, " but whose minds are immersed in worldliness and strongly attached to wealth, name, fame, and sense-pleasures.

Pandit: Yes, Revered Sir,that is true. Going on a pilgrimage is like casting aside the precious stone worn on the breast of Vishnu and wandering about in search of other jewels. Ramakrishna: Again, you should know that although you may give thousands of instructions, still they will not produce results until the time is ripe. 

A child before going to sleep says to its mother: " Mamma dear, awaken me when I shall feel hungry. "  The mother replies: " Do not worry about that, my child; thy hunger will awaken thee. "  

In the same manner one yearns after God when the proper time comes for it. [p. 284 & 285]Source: THE GOSPEL OF RAMAKRISHNA Revised by SWAMI ABHEDANANDA

-- Om Namo Bhagavate Sri Ramanaya

Prasanth JalasutramLove And Love Alone

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