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Dear Raja


tku for your ongoing effort and your work translating these holy words is good for you and all of us who are ready to learn.


Due to my experiences this readiness to learn - but really learn - is the crux for most.


Because learning means for michael


and being OPENMINDED always

ready to check again and again our own

viewpoints and foremost all socalled HABITS or vasanas.

Not of interest if "good" or "bad"




because only when we feel what makes us feeling GOOD - really good - ongoing good! of course - we see what we carry with us which makes us feel "negative"


now let me share with you something which was and still is a way i admire deeply


in the jewish tribe - of course only in those who are looking "upwards or inwards" and not only at the outside - there is a many thousand years old "habit" to write the jewish bible by hand.

And for modern people incredible but true: when scrolls have been discovered at the Dead Sea" more than 2000 years old! - the letters of the text found was EXACTLY THE SAME AS NOW even errors have been repeated

so we know for sure that the jewish bible is exactly what it was so many years ago.

And something else: those who really want to be in KNOW regarding this holy language HEBREW study it with an incredible effort discussing everything they discover and there are discourses preserved many hundred years old - and more...

Nowhere did i found this attitude besides this tiny people.

Some years ago i discovered by Grace that TAMIL is in this way similar! And i discovered study groups which put all their energy in doing the same what i wrote before regarding the jewish bible. I state jewish bible because the translations by many christian folds are soooo different even in so important "details" like the mother of jesus etc

And only the jewish bible is original.

And i accept always more the ORIGINAL than....

for example

NONDUALITY as represented by our Sadguru Sri Raman Maharshi is IT for me. But the modern followers who are now called NEOADVAITINS the are not that what is it for me.


There is a study group on internet who study the FORTY VERSES in tamil and give their best to translate it in English.

If you are intereste i could send you the address.


thank you again for the efforts you give


peace to you on all your ways


in Bhagavan



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Dear Michael

Thanks for your heartening observations .


The Tamil used in these verses is one of the purest forms , and Bhagavan's handling of the language is a grace by itself , apart from the content .


I will be keen to know about the group that you had mentioned .






--- On Sat, 21/11/09, Michael Bindel <michael.bindel wrote


Michael Bindel <michael.bindel R a j a Date: Saturday, 21 November, 2009, 12:20 PM



Dear Raja


tku for your ongoing effort and your work translating these holy words is good for you and all of us who are ready to learn.


Due to my experiences this readiness to learn - but really learn - is the crux for most.


Because learning means for michael


and being OPENMINDED always

ready to check again and again our own

viewpoints and foremost all socalled HABITS or vasanas.

Not of interest if "good" or "bad"




because only when we feel what makes us feeling GOOD - really good - ongoing good! of course - we see what we carry with us which makes us feel "negative"


now let me share with you something which was and still is a way i admire deeply


in the jewish tribe - of course only in those who are looking "upwards or inwards" and not only at the outside - there is a many thousand years old "habit" to write the jewish bible by hand.

And for modern people incredible but true: when scrolls have been discovered at the Dead Sea" more than 2000 years old! - the letters of the text found was EXACTLY THE SAME AS NOW even errors have been repeated

so we know for sure that the jewish bible is exactly what it was so many years ago.

And something else: those who really want to be in KNOW regarding this holy language HEBREW study it with an incredible effort discussing everything they discover and there are discourses preserved many hundred years old - and more...

Nowhere did i found this attitude besides this tiny people.

Some years ago i discovered by Grace that TAMIL is in this way similar! And i discovered study groups which put all their energy in doing the same what i wrote before regarding the jewish bible. I state jewish bible because the translations by many christian folds are soooo different even in so important "details" like the mother of jesus etc

And only the jewish bible is original.

And i accept always more the ORIGINAL than....

for example

NONDUALITY as represented by our Sadguru Sri Raman Maharshi is IT for me. But the modern followers who are now called NEOADVAITINS the are not that what is it for me.


There is a study group on internet who study the FORTY VERSES in tamil and give their best to translate it in English.

If you are intereste i could send you the address.


thank you again for the efforts you give


peace to you on all your ways


in Bhagavan



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