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Tukaram - All men to me are god-like Gods!

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Here's your Daily Poem from the Poetry Chaikhana --






All men to me are god-like Gods!

By Tukaram(1608 - 1649)

English version by Ivan M. Granger

All men to me are god-like Gods! My eyes no longer see vice or fault.Life on this suffering earth is now endless delight; the heart at rest, full, overflowing.In the mirror, the face and its reflection watch each other; different, but one.And, when the stream pours into the ocean... no more stream!

/ Photo by Swami Stream /






Thought for the Day:

The deepest mysteryis in the mirror.



Here's your Daily Music selection --

Jami Sieber

Hidden Sky

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Hi Alan -A meditation on the fundamental unity and wholeness underlying the surface appearance of separation. Every pain, every broken heart, every human yearnings is ultimately found to be an expression of that one psychic need -- for wholeness. Satisfy that one need at its root, and what is there left to want? The heart in endless pursuit finally attains rest and contentment. Even the world that imagines itself in fragments is seen to be whole, one fluid unity. People are are not people but divine immensities, and the perception of suffering is replaced by timeless bliss.And, when the stream pours into the ocean...no more stream!(...but endless ocean. :-)Ivan

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Poetry ChaikhanaP.O. Box 2320Boulder, CO 80306


Ivan M. Granger's original poetry, stories and commentaries are 2002 - 2008 by Ivan M. Granger.All other material is copyrighted by the respective authors, translators and/or publishers.


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---- Original message ----

>Date:   Mon, 7 Dec 2009 18:31:14 +0000 (GMT)

>   Alan Jacobs <alanadamsjacobs

>Subject:   Tukaram - All men

to me are god-like Gods!





> Here's your Daily Poem from the Poetry Chaikhana

> --



> All men to me are god-like Gods!

> By Tukaram

> (1608 - 1649)

> English version by Ivan M. Granger



> All men to me are god-like Gods!

> My eyes no longer see

> vice or fault.


> Life on this suffering earth

> is now endless delight;

> the heart at rest, full,


> overflowing.


> In the mirror, the face and its reflection

> watch each other;

> different, but one.


> And, when the stream pours into the ocean...

> no more stream!


> / Photo by Swami Stream /


> Here's your Daily Music

> ============ selection --

> Thought for the Day: %7Boption%7D

> The deepest mystery Jami Sieber

> is in the mirror. Hidden Sky

> ============ Listen / Purchase

> More Music Selections



> Hi Alan -


> A meditation on the fundamental unity and

> wholeness underlying the surface appearance of

> separation. Every pain, every broken heart, every

> human yearnings is ultimately found to be an

> expression of that one psychic need -- for

> wholeness. Satisfy that one need at its root, and

> what is there left to want? The heart in endless

> pursuit finally attains rest and contentment. Even

> the world that imagines itself in fragments is

> seen to be whole, one fluid unity. People are are

> not people but divine immensities, and the

> perception of suffering is replaced by timeless

> bliss.


> And, when the stream pours into the ocean...

> no more stream!


> (...but endless ocean. :-)


> Ivan



> Share Your Thoughts on today's poem or my

> commentary...




:) this is from " BOOM! " :



I was a mountain spring

Skipping merrily

From stone to stone

Streaming and singing

Hurrying among



As I grew

My song became a roar

As I grooved carelessly

Ancient boulders

And frothed between

Canyon walls


Increasing in volume

I flowed in the plains

Growing wider

And deeper

And thoughtfully slowing my pace.


Until I merged


In the embrace

Of the endless beloved

The ocean


And then

Lifted up by your grace

From my slumber

I became vapor

Steaming and rising

Towards the sun.


Gathered into a cloud

Pushed by winds of desire

I floated toward the mountains

Falling as rain

Starting my journey to you






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