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God In Everyone

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Ran across this quote yesterday.It's one of the pleasantly startlingrealizations of Awakening:"If you don't see God in everyone,you don't see God at all."– Yogi Bhajan.One of the many startling newand/or enhanced perspectivesthat comes with Awakening andSelf-Realization (God-Realization)is not only the sense of an awesome"newness" of appreciation foreverything from the colors ofthe sky and the trees, and the...Well, let me tell it in a story:One July morning quite a fewyears ago, in the midst of aquiet meditation, a startlingsense of an enormous "presence"that seemed to acknowledge mesuddenly came into my consciousness.My immediate thought was, "Oh,God IS real!" I don't know whythat particular reaction poppedup, but that was it.In this meditation that was morelike a lucid dream, I next"encountered" a light being -a glowing figure, so bright thatI could not see a face.The light being ushered meinto a blast of huge blue-whitelight...and now the words palein comparison to the experience...Here, the very source of LOVEwashed over and through me intorrents that seemed as thoughthey would be too much to bear.Every part of me, down to myDNA, I am convinced, was renewedand enlightened with the mostbeautiful flow of loving kindness -way beyond imagination or anythingI had ever known or experienced.It was as if I was being shownhow the entire universe "works",and how all of it is perfectlywoven together in love.And then...I opened my eyes to find myselfin the body of a new human being -or more accurately, in a newlevel of consciousness about "me".It was me, but it was no longerthe "me" who sat down to meditatea couple of hours before.My hands were new. I was amazedas I looked at them, and delightedat how they worked. As I touchedeach of my fingers to my thumbs,it was stunning to me that I coulddo that.Then I noticed the colors andfabric of the pillows I wassitting on. The shape, the colors,the fabric of the pillow wasfascinating and indescribablybeautiful.As I stroked the pillows in astate of sheer delight, I lookedup to see the other people inthe meditation room. There were28 other people in this largeroom, including the meditationteacher who had been leadingus.Now if I thought my hands wereamazing and the use of themstunning, and the colors, texturesand fabrics in the room indescribablybeautiful...well, my reaction tothese paled in comparison to mymy reaction to seeing the otherpeople for the first time afteropening my eyes from the meditation.These were people I had beenmeeting with and living withfor several months before, so Iknew all of them, but...now...they glowed with beauty - all ofthem. I could feel there heartsbeating, and look deeply withinthem...down to their souls. Andwhat I saw was...The God of Love I had just 'met'peacefully and beautifullyresident within each of them.Since that July morning, so manyyears ago, I fall in Love witheveryone I meet, because...I see God in them.This ranks among the supremebenefits of meditation's gift.One Love,Jeff I experienced something very similar Jeff. I had just come out of the shower. There was a full length mirror in he bathroom and for a split second I saw a man there and looked at him with interest and friendliness. Then I saw that it was me in the mirror and I realized that I loved other people but not myself. It made me laugh and cry at the same time.

A while later sitting in the living room I floated out of my body up over the earth and towards the sun. All around me were other people also floating towards the sun. As we rose higher we were more and more ethereal and then we entered the sun and I felt an explosion of light and love in my heart.

When I opened my eyes the room was full of light and I saw just as you the marvel of everything.


One Love,



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, " Sam Pasiencier " <sampas wrote:






> Ran across this quote yesterday.

> It's one of the pleasantly startling

> realizations of Awakening:


> " If you don't see God in everyone,

> you don't see God at all. "

> - Yogi Bhajan.


> One of the many startling new

> and/or enhanced perspectives

> that comes with Awakening and

> Self-Realization (God-Realization)

> is not only the sense of an awesome

> " newness " of appreciation for

> everything from the colors of

> the sky and the trees, and the...


> Well, let me tell it in a story:


> One July morning quite a few

> years ago, in the midst of a

> quiet meditation, a startling

> sense of an enormous " presence "

> that seemed to acknowledge me

> suddenly came into my consciousness.


> My immediate thought was, " Oh,

> God IS real! " I don't know why

> that particular reaction popped

> up, but that was it.


> In this meditation that was more

> like a lucid dream, I next

> " encountered " a light being -

> a glowing figure, so bright that

> I could not see a face.


> The light being ushered me

> into a blast of huge blue-white

> light...and now the words pale

> in comparison to the experience...


> Here, the very source of LOVE

> washed over and through me in

> torrents that seemed as though

> they would be too much to bear.


> Every part of me, down to my

> DNA, I am convinced, was renewed

> and enlightened with the most

> beautiful flow of loving kindness -

> way beyond imagination or anything

> I had ever known or experienced.


> It was as if I was being shown

> how the entire universe " works " ,

> and how all of it is perfectly

> woven together in love.


> And then...


> I opened my eyes to find myself

> in the body of a new human being -

> or more accurately, in a new

> level of consciousness about " me " .

> It was me, but it was no longer

> the " me " who sat down to meditate

> a couple of hours before.


> My hands were new. I was amazed

> as I looked at them, and delighted

> at how they worked. As I touched

> each of my fingers to my thumbs,

> it was stunning to me that I could

> do that.


> Then I noticed the colors and

> fabric of the pillows I was

> sitting on. The shape, the colors,

> the fabric of the pillow was

> fascinating and indescribably

> beautiful.


> As I stroked the pillows in a

> state of sheer delight, I looked

> up to see the other people in

> the meditation room. There were

> 28 other people in this large

> room, including the meditation

> teacher who had been leading

> us.


> Now if I thought my hands were

> amazing and the use of them

> stunning, and the colors, textures

> and fabrics in the room indescribably

> beautiful...well, my reaction to

> these paled in comparison to my

> my reaction to seeing the other

> people for the first time after

> opening my eyes from the meditation.


> These were people I had been

> meeting with and living with

> for several months before, so I

> knew all of them, but...now...


> they glowed with beauty - all of

> them. I could feel there hearts

> beating, and look deeply within

> them...down to their souls. And

> what I saw was...


> The God of Love I had just 'met'

> peacefully and beautifully

> resident within each of them.


> Since that July morning, so many

> years ago, I fall in Love with

> everyone I meet, because...


> I see God in them.


> This ranks among the supreme

> benefits of meditation's gift.


> One Love,


> Jeff


> I experienced something very similar Jeff. I had just come out of the shower.

There was a full length mirror in he bathroom and for a split second I saw a man

there and looked at him with interest and friendliness. Then I saw that it was

me in the mirror and I realized that I loved other people but not myself. It

made me laugh and cry at the same time.

> A while later sitting in the living room I floated out of my body up over the

earth and towards the sun. All around me were other people also floating towards

the sun. As we rose higher we were more and more ethereal and then we entered

the sun and I felt an explosion of light and love in my heart.

> When I opened my eyes the room was full of light and I saw just as you the

marvel of everything.


> One Love,


> Sam



Beautiful, Sam. Thanks for responding.

I love to read of these events from

those who join in the celebration of

love and light, and write from authentic

experience. We join Ramana and all who

have been gifted with this awakening -

in the lively hope that one day

all on the planet will join in...


One Love,



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Dear Jeff

Dear Sam


what a joy reading your experiences...

thank you so much for your sharing


what a Grace



in GD







Sam Pasiencier

Saturday, December 12, 2009 12:43 PM

Re: God In Everyone


Ran across this quote yesterday.It's one of the pleasantly startlingrealizations of Awakening:"If you don't see God in everyone,you don't see God at all."– Yogi Bhajan.One of the many startling newand/or enhanced perspectivesthat comes with Awakening andSelf-Realization (God-Realization)is not only the sense of an awesome"newness" of appreciation foreverything from the colors ofthe sky and the trees, and the...Well, let me tell it in a story:One July morning quite a fewyears ago, in the midst of aquiet meditation, a startlingsense of an enormous "presence"that seemed to acknowledge mesuddenly came into my consciousness.My immediate thought was, "Oh,God IS real!" I don't know whythat particular reaction poppedup, but that was it.In this meditation that was morelike a lucid dream, I next"encountered" a light being -a glowing figure, so bright thatI could not see a face.The light being ushered meinto a blast of huge blue-whitelight...and now the words palein comparison to the experience...Here, the very source of LOVEwashed over and through me intorrents that seemed as thoughthey would be too much to bear.Every part of me, down to myDNA, I am convinced, was renewedand enlightened with the mostbeautiful flow of loving kindness -way beyond imagination or anythingI had ever known or experienced.It was as if I was being shownhow the entire universe "works",and how all of it is perfectlywoven together in love.And then...I opened my eyes to find myselfin the body of a new human being -or more accurately, in a newlevel of consciousness about "me".It was me, but it was no longerthe "me" who sat down to meditatea couple of hours before.My hands were new. I was amazedas I looked at them, and delightedat how they worked. As I touchedeach of my fingers to my thumbs,it was stunning to me that I coulddo that.Then I noticed the colors andfabric of the pillows I wassitting on. The shape, the colors,the fabric of the pillow wasfascinating and indescribablybeautiful.As I stroked the pillows in astate of sheer delight, I lookedup to see the other people inthe meditation room. There were28 other people in this largeroom, including the meditationteacher who had been leadingus.Now if I thought my hands wereamazing and the use of themstunning, and the colors, texturesand fabrics in the room indescribablybeautiful...well, my reaction tothese paled in comparison to mymy reaction to seeing the otherpeople for the first time afteropening my eyes from the meditation.These were people I had beenmeeting with and living withfor several months before, so Iknew all of them, but...now...they glowed with beauty - all ofthem. I could feel there heartsbeating, and look deeply withinthem...down to their souls. Andwhat I saw was...The God of Love I had just 'met'peacefully and beautifullyresident within each of them.Since that July morning, so manyyears ago, I fall in Love witheveryone I meet, because...I see God in them.This ranks among the supremebenefits of meditation's gift.One Love,Jeff I experienced something very similar Jeff. I had just come out of the shower. There was a full length mirror in he bathroom and for a split second I saw a man there and looked at him with interest and friendliness. Then I saw that it was me in the mirror and I realized that I loved other people but not myself. It made me laugh and cry at the same time.

A while later sitting in the living room I floated out of my body up over the earth and towards the sun. All around me were other people also floating towards the sun. As we rose higher we were more and more ethereal and then we entered the sun and I felt an explosion of light and love in my heart.

When I opened my eyes the room was full of light and I saw just as you the marvel of everything.


One Love,





Ik gebruik de gratis versie van SPAMfighter6625 spam-mails zijn er tot op heden geblokkeerd.Uw PC enorm traag? Klik voor de oplossing!

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Dear Michael,


Isn't it wonderfully interesting

how much joy it brings to read

of these events? It seems that

it bubbles up our own joyful

appreciation for such a gift,

when reading another's story

of awakening.


Yes, what a Grace.


One Love,




, " Michael Bindel " <michael.bindel



> Dear Jeff

> Dear Sam


> what a joy reading your experiences...

> thank you so much for your sharing


> what a Grace



> in GD


> michael



> -

> Sam Pasiencier


> Saturday, December 12, 2009 12:43 PM

> Re: God In Everyone



Ran across this quote yesterday.

> It's one of the pleasantly startling

> realizations of Awakening:


> " If you don't see God in everyone,

> you don't see God at all. "

> - Yogi Bhajan.


> One of the many startling new

> and/or enhanced perspectives

> that comes with Awakening and

> Self-Realization (God-Realization)

> is not only the sense of an awesome

> " newness " of appreciation for

> everything from the colors of

> the sky and the trees, and the...


> Well, let me tell it in a story:


> One July morning quite a few

> years ago, in the midst of a

> quiet meditation, a startling

> sense of an enormous " presence "

> that seemed to acknowledge me

> suddenly came into my consciousness.


> My immediate thought was, " Oh,

> God IS real! " I don't know why

> that particular reaction popped

> up, but that was it.


> In this meditation that was more

> like a lucid dream, I next

> " encountered " a light being -

> a glowing figure, so bright that

> I could not see a face.


> The light being ushered me

> into a blast of huge blue-white

> light...and now the words pale

> in comparison to the experience...


> Here, the very source of LOVE

> washed over and through me in

> torrents that seemed as though

> they would be too much to bear.


> Every part of me, down to my

> DNA, I am convinced, was renewed

> and enlightened with the most

> beautiful flow of loving kindness -

> way beyond imagination or anything

> I had ever known or experienced.


> It was as if I was being shown

> how the entire universe " works " ,

> and how all of it is perfectly

> woven together in love.


> And then...


> I opened my eyes to find myself

> in the body of a new human being -

> or more accurately, in a new

> level of consciousness about " me " .

> It was me, but it was no longer

> the " me " who sat down to meditate

> a couple of hours before.


> My hands were new. I was amazed

> as I looked at them, and delighted

> at how they worked. As I touched

> each of my fingers to my thumbs,

> it was stunning to me that I could

> do that.


> Then I noticed the colors and

> fabric of the pillows I was

> sitting on. The shape, the colors,

> the fabric of the pillow was

> fascinating and indescribably

> beautiful.


> As I stroked the pillows in a

> state of sheer delight, I looked

> up to see the other people in

> the meditation room. There were

> 28 other people in this large

> room, including the meditation

> teacher who had been leading

> us.


> Now if I thought my hands were

> amazing and the use of them

> stunning, and the colors, textures

> and fabrics in the room indescribably

> beautiful...well, my reaction to

> these paled in comparison to my

> my reaction to seeing the other

> people for the first time after

> opening my eyes from the meditation.


> These were people I had been

> meeting with and living with

> for several months before, so I

> knew all of them, but...now...


> they glowed with beauty - all of

> them. I could feel there hearts

> beating, and look deeply within

> them...down to their souls. And

> what I saw was...


> The God of Love I had just 'met'

> peacefully and beautifully

> resident within each of them.


> Since that July morning, so many

> years ago, I fall in Love with

> everyone I meet, because...


> I see God in them.


> This ranks among the supreme

> benefits of meditation's gift.


> One Love,


> Jeff


> I experienced something very similar Jeff. I had just come out of the

shower. There was a full length mirror in he bathroom and for a split second I

saw a man there and looked at him with interest and friendliness. Then I saw

that it was me in the mirror and I realized that I loved other people but not

myself. It made me laugh and cry at the same time.

> A while later sitting in the living room I floated out of my body up over

the earth and towards the sun. All around me were other people also floating

towards the sun. As we rose higher we were more and more ethereal and then we

entered the sun and I felt an explosion of light and love in my heart.

> When I opened my eyes the room was full of light and I saw just as you the

marvel of everything.


> One Love,


> Sam







> Ik gebruik de gratis versie van SPAMfighter

> 6625 spam-mails zijn er tot op heden geblokkeerd.


> Uw PC enorm traag? Klik voor de oplossing!


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Of course it is

but not for all

a pity



in Sri Ramana Maharshi







Saturday, December 12, 2009 1:22 PM

Re: God In Everyone

Dear Michael,Isn't it wonderfully interestinghow much joy it brings to readof these events? It seems thatit bubbles up our own joyfulappreciation for such a gift,when reading another's storyof awakening. Yes, what a Grace.One Love,Jeff , "Michael Bindel" <michael.bindel wrote:>> Dear Jeff> Dear Sam> > what a joy reading your experiences...> thank you so much for your sharing> > what a Grace > > > in GD> > michael> > > - > Sam Pasiencier > > Saturday, December 12, 2009 12:43 PM> Re: God In Everyone> > > > > > > > > Ran across this quote yesterday.> It's one of the pleasantly startling> realizations of Awakening:> > "If you don't see God in everyone,> you don't see God at all."> - Yogi Bhajan.> > One of the many startling new> and/or enhanced perspectives> that comes with Awakening and> Self-Realization (God-Realization)> is not only the sense of an awesome> "newness" of appreciation for> everything from the colors of> the sky and the trees, and the...> > Well, let me tell it in a story:> > One July morning quite a few> years ago, in the midst of a> quiet meditation, a startling> sense of an enormous "presence"> that seemed to acknowledge me> suddenly came into my consciousness.> > My immediate thought was, "Oh,> God IS real!" I don't know why> that particular reaction popped> up, but that was it.> > In this meditation that was more> like a lucid dream, I next> "encountered" a light being -> a glowing figure, so bright that> I could not see a face.> > The light being ushered me> into a blast of huge blue-white> light...and now the words pale> in comparison to the experience...> > Here, the very source of LOVE> washed over and through me in> torrents that seemed as though> they would be too much to bear.> > Every part of me, down to my> DNA, I am convinced, was renewed> and enlightened with the most> beautiful flow of loving kindness -> way beyond imagination or anything> I had ever known or experienced.> > It was as if I was being shown> how the entire universe "works",> and how all of it is perfectly> woven together in love.> > And then...> > I opened my eyes to find myself> in the body of a new human being -> or more accurately, in a new> level of consciousness about "me".> It was me, but it was no longer> the "me" who sat down to meditate> a couple of hours before.> > My hands were new. I was amazed> as I looked at them, and delighted> at how they worked. As I touched> each of my fingers to my thumbs,> it was stunning to me that I could> do that.> > Then I noticed the colors and> fabric of the pillows I was> sitting on. The shape, the colors,> the fabric of the pillow was> fascinating and indescribably> beautiful.> > As I stroked the pillows in a> state of sheer delight, I looked> up to see the other people in> the meditation room. There were> 28 other people in this large> room, including the meditation> teacher who had been leading> us.> > Now if I thought my hands were> amazing and the use of them> stunning, and the colors, textures> and fabrics in the room indescribably> beautiful...well, my reaction to> these paled in comparison to my> my reaction to seeing the other> people for the first time after> opening my eyes from the meditation.> > These were people I had been> meeting with and living with> for several months before, so I> knew all of them, but...now...> > they glowed with beauty - all of> them. I could feel there hearts> beating, and look deeply within> them...down to their souls. And> what I saw was...> > The God of Love I had just 'met'> peacefully and beautifully> resident within each of them.> > Since that July morning, so many> years ago, I fall in Love with> everyone I meet, because...> > I see God in them.> > This ranks among the supreme> benefits of meditation's gift.> > One Love,> > Jeff> > I experienced something very similar Jeff. I had just come out of the shower. There was a full length mirror in he bathroom and for a split second I saw a man there and looked at him with interest and friendliness. Then I saw that it was me in the mirror and I realized that I loved other people but not myself. It made me laugh and cry at the same time. > A while later sitting in the living room I floated out of my body up over the earth and towards the sun. All around me were other people also floating towards the sun. As we rose higher we were more and more ethereal and then we entered the sun and I felt an explosion of light and love in my heart. > When I opened my eyes the room was full of light and I saw just as you the marvel of everything. > > One Love,> > Sam> > > > > > -------------------------> Ik gebruik de gratis versie van SPAMfighter> 6625 spam-mails zijn er tot op heden geblokkeerd.> > Uw PC enorm traag? Klik voor de oplossing!>

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Dear Jeff


to experinec IT is Grace indeed and wonderful


b u t


to put this into daily life

moment to moment


thats what counts.....



in ITS Grace







Saturday, December 12, 2009 1:12 PM

Re: God In Everyone

, "Sam Pasiencier" <sampas wrote:>> > > > > Ran across this quote yesterday.> It's one of the pleasantly startling> realizations of Awakening:> > "If you don't see God in everyone,> you don't see God at all."> - Yogi Bhajan.> > One of the many startling new> and/or enhanced perspectives> that comes with Awakening and> Self-Realization (God-Realization)> is not only the sense of an awesome> "newness" of appreciation for> everything from the colors of> the sky and the trees, and the...> > Well, let me tell it in a story:> > One July morning quite a few> years ago, in the midst of a> quiet meditation, a startling> sense of an enormous "presence"> that seemed to acknowledge me> suddenly came into my consciousness.> > My immediate thought was, "Oh,> God IS real!" I don't know why> that particular reaction popped> up, but that was it.> > In this meditation that was more> like a lucid dream, I next> "encountered" a light being -> a glowing figure, so bright that> I could not see a face.> > The light being ushered me> into a blast of huge blue-white> light...and now the words pale> in comparison to the experience...> > Here, the very source of LOVE> washed over and through me in> torrents that seemed as though> they would be too much to bear.> > Every part of me, down to my> DNA, I am convinced, was renewed> and enlightened with the most> beautiful flow of loving kindness -> way beyond imagination or anything> I had ever known or experienced.> > It was as if I was being shown> how the entire universe "works",> and how all of it is perfectly> woven together in love.> > And then...> > I opened my eyes to find myself> in the body of a new human being -> or more accurately, in a new> level of consciousness about "me".> It was me, but it was no longer> the "me" who sat down to meditate> a couple of hours before.> > My hands were new. I was amazed> as I looked at them, and delighted> at how they worked. As I touched> each of my fingers to my thumbs,> it was stunning to me that I could> do that.> > Then I noticed the colors and> fabric of the pillows I was> sitting on. The shape, the colors,> the fabric of the pillow was> fascinating and indescribably> beautiful.> > As I stroked the pillows in a> state of sheer delight, I looked> up to see the other people in> the meditation room. There were> 28 other people in this large> room, including the meditation> teacher who had been leading> us.> > Now if I thought my hands were> amazing and the use of them> stunning, and the colors, textures> and fabrics in the room indescribably> beautiful...well, my reaction to> these paled in comparison to my> my reaction to seeing the other> people for the first time after> opening my eyes from the meditation.> > These were people I had been> meeting with and living with> for several months before, so I> knew all of them, but...now...> > they glowed with beauty - all of> them. I could feel there hearts> beating, and look deeply within> them...down to their souls. And> what I saw was...> > The God of Love I had just 'met'> peacefully and beautifully> resident within each of them.> > Since that July morning, so many> years ago, I fall in Love with> everyone I meet, because...> > I see God in them.> > This ranks among the supreme> benefits of meditation's gift.> > One Love,> > Jeff> > I experienced something very similar Jeff. I had just come out of the shower. There was a full length mirror in he bathroom and for a split second I saw a man there and looked at him with interest and friendliness. Then I saw that it was me in the mirror and I realized that I loved other people but not myself. It made me laugh and cry at the same time. > A while later sitting in the living room I floated out of my body up over the earth and towards the sun. All around me were other people also floating towards the sun. As we rose higher we were more and more ethereal and then we entered the sun and I felt an explosion of light and love in my heart. > When I opened my eyes the room was full of light and I saw just as you the marvel of everything. > > One Love,> > Sam> Beautiful, Sam. Thanks for responding. I love to read of these events fromthose who join in the celebration oflove and light, and write from authentic experience. We join Ramana and all whohave been gifted with this awakening -in the lively hope that one day all on the planet will join in...One Love,Jeff

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I love these kind of stories! Why don’t you all write on . You can register and I will

make your contributors to the site!


Lots of love







Behalf Of Sam Pasiencier

Saturday, December 12, 2009 6:44 AM


Re: God In Everyone












Ran across this quote yesterday.

It's one of the pleasantly startling

realizations of Awakening:


" If you don't see God in everyone,

you don't see God at all. "

– Yogi Bhajan.


One of the many startling new

and/or enhanced perspectives

that comes with Awakening and

Self-Realization (God-Realization)

is not only the sense of an awesome

" newness " of appreciation for

everything from the colors of

the sky and the trees, and the...


Well, let me tell it in a story:


One July morning quite a few

years ago, in the midst of a

quiet meditation, a startling

sense of an enormous " presence "

that seemed to acknowledge me

suddenly came into my consciousness.


My immediate thought was, " Oh,

God IS real! " I don't know why

that particular reaction popped

up, but that was it.


In this meditation that was more

like a lucid dream, I next

" encountered " a light being -

a glowing figure, so bright that

I could not see a face.


The light being ushered me

into a blast of huge blue-white

light...and now the words pale

in comparison to the experience...


Here, the very source of LOVE

washed over and through me in

torrents that seemed as though

they would be too much to bear.


Every part of me, down to my

DNA, I am convinced, was renewed

and enlightened with the most

beautiful flow of loving kindness -

way beyond imagination or anything

I had ever known or experienced.


It was as if I was being shown

how the entire universe " works " ,

and how all of it is perfectly

woven together in love.


And then...


I opened my eyes to find myself

in the body of a new human being -

or more accurately, in a new

level of consciousness about " me " .

It was me, but it was no longer

the " me " who sat down to meditate

a couple of hours before.


My hands were new. I was amazed

as I looked at them, and delighted

at how they worked. As I touched

each of my fingers to my thumbs,

it was stunning to me that I could

do that.


Then I noticed the colors and

fabric of the pillows I was

sitting on. The shape, the colors,

the fabric of the pillow was

fascinating and indescribably



As I stroked the pillows in a

state of sheer delight, I looked

up to see the other people in

the meditation room. There were

28 other people in this large

room, including the meditation

teacher who had been leading



Now if I thought my hands were

amazing and the use of them

stunning, and the colors, textures

and fabrics in the room indescribably

beautiful...well, my reaction to

these paled in comparison to my

my reaction to seeing the other

people for the first time after

opening my eyes from the meditation.


These were people I had been

meeting with and living with

for several months before, so I

knew all of them, but...now...


they glowed with beauty - all of

them. I could feel there hearts

beating, and look deeply within

them...down to their souls. And

what I saw was...


The God of Love I had just 'met'

peacefully and beautifully

resident within each of them.


Since that July morning, so many

years ago, I fall in Love with

everyone I meet, because...


I see God in them.


This ranks among the supreme

benefits of meditation's gift.


One Love,




I experienced

something very similar Jeff. I had just come out of the shower. There was a

full length mirror in he bathroom and for a split second I saw a man there and

looked at him with interest and friendliness. Then I saw that it was me in the

mirror and I realized that I loved other people but not myself. It made me

laugh and cry at the same time.




while later sitting in the living room I floated out of my body up over the

earth and towards the sun. All around me were other people also floating

towards the sun. As we rose higher we were more and more ethereal and then we

entered the sun and I felt an explosion of light and love in my heart.




I opened my eyes the room was full of light and I saw just as you the marvel of























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I think I am already registered Harsha. At least my e-mail address is.





Saturday, December 12, 2009 7:17 PM

RE: God In Everyone



I love these kind of stories! Why don’t you all write on . You can register and I will make your contributors to the site!


Lots of love





On Behalf Of Sam PasiencierSaturday, December 12, 2009 6:44 AM Subject: Re: God In Everyone




Ran across this quote yesterday.It's one of the pleasantly startlingrealizations of Awakening:"If you don't see God in everyone,you don't see God at all."– Yogi Bhajan.One of the many startling newand/or enhanced perspectivesthat comes with Awakening andSelf-Realization (God-Realization)is not only the sense of an awesome"newness" of appreciation foreverything from the colors ofthe sky and the trees, and the...Well, let me tell it in a story:One July morning quite a fewyears ago, in the midst of aquiet meditation, a startlingsense of an enormous "presence"that seemed to acknowledge mesuddenly came into my consciousness.My immediate thought was, "Oh,God IS real!" I don't know whythat particular reaction poppedup, but that was it.In this meditation that was morelike a lucid dream, I next"encountered" a light being -a glowing figure, so bright thatI could not see a face.The light being ushered meinto a blast of huge blue-whitelight...and now the words palein comparison to the experience...Here, the very source of LOVEwashed over and through me intorrents that seemed as thoughthey would be too much to bear.Every part of me, down to myDNA, I am convinced, was renewedand enlightened with the mostbeautiful flow of loving kindness -way beyond imagination or anythingI had ever known or experienced.It was as if I was being shownhow the entire universe "works",and how all of it is perfectlywoven together in love.And then...I opened my eyes to find myselfin the body of a new human being -or more accurately, in a newlevel of consciousness about "me".It was me, but it was no longerthe "me" who sat down to meditatea couple of hours before.My hands were new. I was amazedas I looked at them, and delightedat how they worked. As I touchedeach of my fingers to my thumbs,it was stunning to me that I coulddo that.Then I noticed the colors andfabric of the pillows I wassitting on. The shape, the colors,the fabric of the pillow wasfascinating and indescribablybeautiful.As I stroked the pillows in astate of sheer delight, I lookedup to see the other people inthe meditation room. There were28 other people in this largeroom, including the meditationteacher who had been leadingus.Now if I thought my hands wereamazing and the use of themstunning, and the colors, texturesand fabrics in the room indescribablybeautiful...well, my reaction tothese paled in comparison to mymy reaction to seeing the otherpeople for the first time afteropening my eyes from the meditation.These were people I had beenmeeting with and living withfor several months before, so Iknew all of them, but...now...they glowed with beauty - all ofthem. I could feel there heartsbeating, and look deeply withinthem...down to their souls. Andwhat I saw was...The God of Love I had just 'met'peacefully and beautifullyresident within each of them.Since that July morning, so manyyears ago, I fall in Love witheveryone I meet, because...I see God in them.This ranks among the supremebenefits of meditation's gift.One Love,Jeff I experienced something very similar Jeff. I had just come out of the shower. There was a full length mirror in he bathroom and for a split second I saw a man there and looked at him with interest and friendliness. Then I saw that it was me in the mirror and I realized that I loved other people but not myself. It made me laugh and cry at the same time.


A while later sitting in the living room I floated out of my body up over the earth and towards the sun. All around me were other people also floating towards the sun. As we rose higher we were more and more ethereal and then we entered the sun and I felt an explosion of light and love in my heart.


When I opened my eyes the room was full of light and I saw just as you the marvel of everything.




One Love,











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Dear Sam and Jeff:


You were made contributors when you joined. When you go and

login on the site you will see a menu that

states “new post” If you click on it, there is a beautiful text editor that

comes up which allows any text and pictures to be uploaded. You can write what

you like and submit it as a draft to review. After you get used to the system,

Editors don’t have to review and you can self publish when you want.


A number of

sangha members write on the site including Alan-ji, Richard-ji, Radhe-ji,



Namaste and love to all








Behalf Of Sam Pasiencier

Saturday, December 12, 2009 2:17 PM


Re: God In Everyone













think I am already registered Harsha. At least my e-mail address is.








Original Message -----








Saturday, December

12, 2009 7:17 PM



RE: [

- Ramana Guru] God In Everyone







I love these kind of stories! Why don’t

you all write on . You can

register and I will make your contributors to the site!

Lots of love





On Behalf Of Sam Pasiencier

Saturday, December 12, 2009 6:44 AM


Re: God In Everyone












Ran across this quote yesterday.

It's one of the pleasantly startling

realizations of Awakening:


" If you don't see God in everyone,

you don't see God at all. "

– Yogi Bhajan.


One of the many startling new

and/or enhanced perspectives

that comes with Awakening and

Self-Realization (God-Realization)

is not only the sense of an awesome

" newness " of appreciation for

everything from the colors of

the sky and the trees, and the...


Well, let me tell it in a story:


One July morning quite a few

years ago, in the midst of a

quiet meditation, a startling

sense of an enormous " presence "

that seemed to acknowledge me

suddenly came into my consciousness.


My immediate thought was, " Oh,

God IS real! " I don't know why

that particular reaction popped

up, but that was it.


In this meditation that was more

like a lucid dream, I next

" encountered " a light being -

a glowing figure, so bright that

I could not see a face.


The light being ushered me

into a blast of huge blue-white

light...and now the words pale

in comparison to the experience...


Here, the very source of LOVE

washed over and through me in

torrents that seemed as though

they would be too much to bear.


Every part of me, down to my

DNA, I am convinced, was renewed

and enlightened with the most

beautiful flow of loving kindness -

way beyond imagination or anything

I had ever known or experienced.


It was as if I was being shown

how the entire universe " works " ,

and how all of it is perfectly

woven together in love.


And then...


I opened my eyes to find myself

in the body of a new human being -

or more accurately, in a new

level of consciousness about " me " .

It was me, but it was no longer

the " me " who sat down to meditate

a couple of hours before.


My hands were new. I was amazed

as I looked at them, and delighted

at how they worked. As I touched

each of my fingers to my thumbs,

it was stunning to me that I could

do that.


Then I noticed the colors and

fabric of the pillows I was

sitting on. The shape, the colors,

the fabric of the pillow was

fascinating and indescribably



As I stroked the pillows in a

state of sheer delight, I looked

up to see the other people in

the meditation room. There were

28 other people in this large

room, including the meditation

teacher who had been leading



Now if I thought my hands were

amazing and the use of them

stunning, and the colors, textures

and fabrics in the room indescribably

beautiful...well, my reaction to

these paled in comparison to my

my reaction to seeing the other

people for the first time after

opening my eyes from the meditation.


These were people I had been

meeting with and living with

for several months before, so I

knew all of them, but...now...


they glowed with beauty - all of

them. I could feel there hearts

beating, and look deeply within

them...down to their souls. And

what I saw was...


The God of Love I had just 'met'

peacefully and beautifully

resident within each of them.


Since that July morning, so many

years ago, I fall in Love with

everyone I meet, because...


I see God in them.


This ranks among the supreme

benefits of meditation's gift.


One Love,




I experienced something very similar Jeff. I had just come out of the

shower. There was a full length mirror in he bathroom and for a split second I

saw a man there and looked at him with interest and friendliness. Then I saw

that it was me in the mirror and I realized that I loved other people but not

myself. It made me laugh and cry at the same time.



A while later sitting in the living room I floated out

of my body up over the earth and towards the sun. All around me were other

people also floating towards the sun. As we rose higher we were more and more

ethereal and then we entered the sun and I felt an explosion of light and love

in my heart.



When I opened my eyes the room was full of light and I

saw just as you the marvel of everything.



One Love,









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