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God In Everyone

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Ran across this quote yesterday.

It's one of the pleasantly startling

realizations of Awakening:


" If you don't see God in everyone,

you don't see God at all. "

– Yogi Bhajan.


One of the many startling new

and/or enhanced perspectives

that comes with Awakening and

Self-Realization (God-Realization)

is not only the sense of an awesome

" newness " of appreciation for

everything from the colors of

the sky and the trees, and the...


Well, let me tell it in a story:


One July morning quite a few

years ago, in the midst of a

quiet meditation, a startling

sense of an enormous " presence "

that seemed to acknowledge me

suddenly came into my consciousness.


My immediate thought was, " Oh,

God IS real! " I don't know why

that particular reaction popped

up, but that was it.


In this meditation that was more

like a lucid dream, I next

" encountered " a light being -

a glowing figure, so bright that

I could not see a face.


The light being ushered me

into a blast of huge blue-white

light...and now the words pale

in comparison to the experience...


Here, the very source of LOVE

washed over and through me in

torrents that seemed as though

they would be too much to bear.


Every part of me, down to my

DNA, I am convinced, was renewed

and enlightened with the most

beautiful flow of loving kindness -

way beyond imagination or anything

I had ever known or experienced.


It was as if I was being shown

how the entire universe " works " ,

and how all of it is perfectly

woven together in love.


And then...


I opened my eyes to find myself

in the body of a new human being -

or more accurately, in a new

level of consciousness about " me " .

It was me, but it was no longer

the " me " who sat down to meditate

a couple of hours before.


My hands were new. I was amazed

as I looked at them, and delighted

at how they worked. As I touched

each of my fingers to my thumbs,

it was stunning to me that I could

do that.


Then I noticed the colors and

fabric of the pillows I was

sitting on. The shape, the colors,

the fabric of the pillow was

fascinating and indescribably



As I stroked the pillows in a

state of sheer delight, I looked

up to see the other people in

the meditation room. There were

28 other people in this large

room, including the meditation

teacher who had been leading



Now if I thought my hands were

amazing and the use of them

stunning, and the colors, textures

and fabrics in the room indescribably

beautiful...well, my reaction to

these paled in comparison to my

my reaction to seeing the other

people for the first time after

opening my eyes from the meditation.


These were people I had been

meeting with and living with

for several months before, so I

knew all of them, but...now...


they glowed with beauty - all of

them. I could feel there hearts

beating, and look deeply within

them...down to their souls. And

what I saw was...


The God of Love I had just 'met'

peacefully and beautifully

resident within each of them.


Since that July morning, so many

years ago, I fall in Love with

everyone I meet, because...


I see God in them.


This ranks among the supreme

benefits of meditation's gift.


One Love,



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