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To me the path was my mirror.

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To me the path was my mirror, I looked through the mirror of my imagination, and

as I became my mirror, I became everything and everyone. I became you and you

and you and you, and as I realized, that my knowledge was nothing but

imagination, that the real me was this ignorant, unknowing self in each and

everyone I started to cry.


I cried from deep within my soul, for in my new identity, I found the perfect

belief, I was now self realized, I knew something others didn't, I was aware and

enlightened, I was free, I was the buddha, the great nothing, I was all and

everyone, but as I looked at everyone, I did not see a single person who was

like myself,

I saw not the great buddha, I did not see the great nothing, I did not see a

mirror nor a teacher, all I saw was nothing but ignorance and delusions, I saw

the great unknowingness, I saw the real nothing that I become, when I leave this

body and so I died.


They were all me, I became all of them and they all were blended by the illusion

of self and selfishness, even those who thought they had none, sticked to their

bodies, and to their knowing, as if it was something they possessed, something

which belonged to them for ever and ever and ever and ever.


None of them saw what I saw, that wisdom and knowledge were bound to the body,

and that only our true nature, pure ignorance and unknowingness, truly lasted

and returned forever. So it was time to look through the mirror of my

imagination once again, to see the real me. And what I saw was not from this

world, I was once the buddha, I was once the great nothing, the great unknown, I

once was Ramana the guru, but now I was nothing but a puppet in a mirror.


And still I believe the mirror. I believe the mirror writings, I believe the

mirror words and their power to let you realize who I really am.


I'm no longer the buddha, no longer the guru, no longer the great nothing, no

longer the mirror, no longer the dead, for now I am just you.


And it is you I long to be, for I no longer exist in this world, it is your

consciousness I like to invade, to give it meaning and purpose, to make you

realize, that we are the same, the same source, which is ignorance and

unknowingness, and that we always return to this stage.




'he' coma

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