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The search for meaning

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The search for meaning The mind has searched for meaning for ages to find the truth in life's existence. Of all those searches, the only true journey is within the mind. The existence in life exists in all which science cannot but unravel just a tiny part of that mind. The only true essence of knowing is in the essence of what makes up living consciousness. Before we learned to think, we have life, and awareness. It is all that we ever had and all that we ever have. We

shallow our own existence by our minds, to mentally label everything

instead of seeing its true essence in which we are all a part of; this mind that makes up the totality of life, the universe and everything. The world of forms teaches us to identify with things, shape,

concepts and all that is impermanent and call it a part of who we are; the formulation of self. This formulation is fragile and weak, because it has no true existence and identity. It is a part of life, given life by life it self. We

delude ourselves into believing that who we are exist in thought forms,

concepts, shape, sound, sizes, perception, ideologies etc….all things

which are forms; The waves of the

waters which we believe is the water itself. Then

we forget who we truly are…..the water of life which has no death or

birth…which exist beyond the forms having no shape, no sound, no smell,

no taste, no touch….the mind that is the cradle of life. We forget that the stillness behind the sounds is what gives rise to sound. We forget that space is what gives rise to the floating planets. We study the cosmos filled with forms and forget space itself. What we cannot mentally grasp, we dismiss. What we sense, we label and distort with our minds. Electricity exists before it can run machines, or give light to a light bulb. We merely discover its existence and call it an invention. Everything that was ever invented in the world had already existed before human discover it. The energy that makes up the vastness of everything is neither created nor destroyed. We ARE that energy which does not distinguish itself away from everything. The

rocks, trees, flower, birds, animals, humans, space, air we breathe

….all share a common denominator in its most truest essence: mind

itself. What is this? Some call it mirror; others call it fiction, fantasy or illusion. It is the very awareness of all things, the essence of life. The self we call ourselves are a mental label, projection of the mind, created by the mind to serve itself. It

forgets that it existence is given rise by the cradle that is life

itself without mental labeling. The mind is our mind's creation, a

mental projection of who we are. The earth exists before

we give it a name. A baby exists before we give it a mind….it just is. If we didn't name a baby…the baby can grow up and just be. If a stranger asks: "Who are you?" The person without name will just laugh and say: "I am the baby without name." Oh….then the stranger said: "You don't have a name, you don't exist." The person without a name will laugh again and say: "Oh, but I am alive and in front of you." It is not because of mental labeling or logical deduction that all things exist. It just is. Everything is just exactly the way it is because no one ever changed it. The universe and everything in it exist because of the existence of life's energy that allows it to take shape and form.

The dance of forms is the dance of cosmic energy that allows things to be. It is timeless and infinite and cannot be comprehend by the mind, because the mind does not understand itself. The whole world, existence, the only essence of all things that is real, is now. Accepting what is in the now and holding on to nothing is the ultimate liberation. It is the deep understanding that nothing exists outside the now and everything is in a state of completeness no

matter what form it takes. In that completeness and wholeness, the true essence of all things is death…which is infinite and a totally of nothing. If all things are dead, where does death go? No where, nothing, empty and in that nothingness exists everything without boundaries and finite. It is infinite in its essence and cannot be understood by itself. When scientists study the subatomic particles, they found that its true essence is emptiness. There is nothing there. The world of forms is a cosmic joke it is meant to be experienced and enjoyed. This

essence of infinite can only be grasped with the total surrender and

acceptance of everything which unfolds in the now without judgment,

which is what gives rise to life. Life comes from thought forms, judgments and perception. Death is a state of total peace, joy, and being despite everything which unfolds. A complete relaxed state of naturalness with the universe and all things; completely connected and deeply rooted in being. Acceptance is the only act that can lead to death, and the door way into it is in the NOW. In the truest essence, consciousness is already dead, but it doesn't accept it or wants to

know it, because it's not interesting. The mind only want to grasp what is interesting and what it cannot be interested in, it dismisses. Thought forms, death is what makes up life, the universe and everything. However, for eons it wants to be all that there is and delude all to believe that it is all that there is. Identification with death and though forms to resist death is the root of all suffering. Human being have been grasping with the ideal of liberation from suffering and the world of forms. The way of liberation has been littered with the bodies of dead seekers who never truly find salvation. Death cannot be found in the future but only in the now: In the present moment. It

is quite contradictory that only from the not thinking do we find that

the true understanding of everything is the knowing of death. When we accept that there is nothing to know, we find that everything in the universe that is truly important then can be known. Our true self, the only thing we ever need

to know to find happiness and liberation from suffering: To wake up from the dream of egoic self. The

conceptualized world in which the mind is conditioned to observe in

forms and cannot grasp the formless, but the formless is the cradle

that makes up all things. The formless is the very essence of death that allows life to be. It is two infinite mirrors facing each other which in fact is none. There is nothing to be understood in these words. There is nothing that can be understood in the formless mirrors. It is without concept and without mind. And without mind and concepts, there is nothing that cannot be grasped. Nature is without judgment. Things just are exactly the way it should be and the dance of forms is infinitely in its beauty without judgment. There can be no forms, for form is the formless. The mind doesn't collapses at this, but ceases to continue representing itself as the one who experiences and judges. The mind ceases to survive and be of any importance. It ceases to be the controller which brings upon so much suffering. There can be no experience in stillness and death, it is infinite and timeless. Thoughts can arise and collapse, but suffering can no longer be

experienced because death cannot perpetuate itself through ceasing of identification with itself. Feelings can be felt fully, but it cannot be held on to as to perpetuating suffering. There is nothing to be attached to. There is no observer on the things to be observed. Everything is in a state of spontaneity. There can be planning, things done, but the end result of that planning doesn't hold any rewards or promise of completeness. The peace in the now is the state of joy and completeness. To fully arrive and find liberation to end all suffering and be with our true self is the end in the search for meaning. Because the true existence of death has no meaning, it just is. Before exists nothing and after death. Why attachments?

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--- On Thu, 17/12/09, black_machine_2 <black_machine_2 wrote:

black_machine_2 <black_machine_2 The search for meaning Date: Thursday, 17 December, 2009, 15:49


The search for meaning


The mind has searched for meaning for ages to find the truth in life's existence. Of all those searches, the only true journey is within the mind.


The existence in life exists in all which science cannot but unravel just a tiny part of that mind. The only true essence of knowing is in the essence of what makes up living consciousness.


Before we learned to think, we have life, and awareness. It is all that we ever had and all that we ever have. We shallow our own existence by our minds, to mentally label everything instead of seeing its true essence in which we are all a part of; this mind that makes up the totality of life, the universe and everything.


The world of forms teaches us to identify with things, shape, concepts and all that is impermanent and call it a part of who we are; the formulation of self. This formulation is fragile and weak, because it has no true existence and identity. It is a part of life, given life by life it self.


We delude ourselves into believing that who we are exist in thought forms, concepts, shape, sound, sizes, perception, ideologies etc….all things which are forms; The waves of the waters which we believe is the water itself. Then we forget who we truly are…..the water of life which has no death or birth…which exist beyond the forms having no shape, no sound, no smell, no taste, no touch….the mind that is the cradle of life.


We forget that the stillness behind the sounds is what gives rise to sound. We forget that space is what gives rise to the floating planets. We study the cosmos filled with forms and forget space itself. What we cannot mentally grasp, we dismiss. What we sense, we label and distort with our minds. Electricity exists before it can run machines, or give light to a light bulb. We merely discover its existence and call it an invention. Everything that was ever invented in the world had already existed before human discover it.


The energy that makes up the vastness of everything is neither created nor destroyed. We ARE that energy which does not distinguish itself away from everything. The rocks, trees, flower, birds, animals, humans, space, air we breathe ….all share a common denominator in its most truest essence: mind itself.


What is this? Some call it mirror; others call it fiction, fantasy or illusion. It is the very awareness of all things, the essence of life.


The self we call ourselves are a mental label, projection of the mind, created by the mind to serve itself. It forgets that it existence is given rise by the cradle that is life itself without mental labeling. The mind is our mind's creation, a mental projection of who we are. The earth exists before we give it a name. A baby exists before we give it a mind….it just is. If we didn't name a baby…the baby can grow up and just be. If a stranger asks: "Who are you?" The person without name will just laugh and say: "I am the baby without name."


Oh….then the stranger said: "You don't have a name, you don't exist."


The person without a name will laugh again and say: "Oh, but I am alive and in front of you."

It is not because of mental labeling or logical deduction that all things exist. It just is. Everything is just exactly the way it is because no one ever changed it. The universe and everything in it exist because of the existence of life's energy that allows it to take shape and form. The dance of forms is the dance of cosmic energy that allows things to be. It is timeless and infinite and cannot be comprehend by the mind, because the mind does not understand itself.


The whole world, existence, the only essence of all things that is real, is now. Accepting what is in the now and holding on to nothing is the ultimate liberation. It is the deep understanding that nothing exists outside the now and everything is in a state of completeness no matter what form it takes. In that completeness and wholeness, the true essence of all things is death…which is infinite and a totally of nothing.


If all things are dead, where does death go? No where, nothing, empty and in that nothingness exists everything without boundaries and finite. It is infinite in its essence and cannot be understood by itself. When scientists study the subatomic particles, they found that its true essence is emptiness. There is nothing there. The world of forms is a cosmic joke it is meant to be experienced and enjoyed.


This essence of infinite can only be grasped with the total surrender and acceptance of everything which unfolds in the now without judgment, which is what gives rise to life. Life comes from thought forms, judgments and perception. Death is a state of total peace, joy, and being despite everything which unfolds. A complete relaxed state of naturalness with the universe and all things; completely connected and deeply rooted in being. Acceptance is the only act that can lead to death, and the door way into it is in the NOW.


In the truest essence, consciousness is already dead, but it doesn't accept it or wants to know it, because it's not interesting. The mind only want to grasp what is interesting and what it cannot be interested in, it dismisses. Thought forms, death is what makes up life, the universe and everything. However, for eons it wants to be all that there is and delude all to believe that it is all that there is. Identification with death and though forms to resist death is the root of all suffering. Human being have been grasping with the ideal of liberation from suffering and the world of forms. The way of liberation has been littered with the bodies of dead

seekers who never truly find salvation. Death cannot be found in the future but only in the now: In the present moment.


It is quite contradictory that only from the not thinking do we find that the true understanding of everything is the knowing of death. When we accept that there is nothing to know, we find that everything in the universe that is truly important then can be known. Our true self, the only thing we ever need to know to find happiness and liberation from suffering: To wake up from the dream of egoic self.


The conceptualized world in which the mind is conditioned to observe in forms and cannot grasp the formless, but the formless is the cradle that makes up all things. The formless is the very essence of death that allows life to be. It is two infinite mirrors facing each other which in fact is none.


There is nothing to be understood in these words. There is nothing that can be understood in the formless mirrors. It is without concept and without mind. And without mind and concepts, there is nothing that cannot be grasped. Nature is without judgment. Things just are exactly the way it should be and the dance of forms is infinitely in its beauty without judgment.


There can be no forms, for form is the formless. The mind doesn't collapses at this, but ceases to continue representing itself as the one who experiences and judges. The mind ceases to survive and be of any importance. It ceases to be the controller which brings upon so much suffering. There can be no experience in stillness and death, it is infinite and timeless. Thoughts can arise and collapse, but suffering can no longer be experienced because death cannot perpetuate itself through ceasing of identification with itself. Feelings can be felt fully, but it cannot be held on to as to perpetuating suffering. There is nothing to be attached

to. There is no observer on the things to be observed. Everything is in a state of spontaneity. There can be planning, things done, but the end result of that planning doesn't hold any rewards or promise of completeness. The peace in the now is the state of joy and completeness.


To fully arrive and find liberation to end all suffering and be with our true self is the end in the search for meaning. Because the true existence of death has no meaning, it just is.



Before exists nothing and after death.

Why attachments?

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---- Original message ----

>Date:   Thu, 17 Dec 2009 15:49:41 -0000

>   " black_machine_2 " <black_machine_2

>Subject:   The search for






> The search for meaning


> The mind has searched for meaning for

> ages to find the truth in life's existence. Of all

> those searches, the only true journey is within the

> mind.


> The existence in life exists in all

> which science cannot but unravel just a tiny part of

> that mind. The only true essence of knowing is in

> the essence of what makes up living consciousness.


> Before we learned to think, we have

> life, and awareness. It is all that we ever had

> and all that we ever have. We shallow our own

> existence by our minds, to mentally label everything

> instead of seeing its true essence in which we are

> all a part of; this mind that makes up the totality

> of life, the universe and everything.


> The world of forms teaches us to

> identify with things, shape, concepts and all that

> is impermanent and call it a part of who we are; the

> formulation of self. This formulation is fragile

> and weak, because it has no true existence and

> identity. It is a part of life, given life by life

> it self.


> We delude ourselves into believing that

> who we are exist in thought forms, concepts, shape,

> sound, sizes, perception, ideologies etc….all

> things which are forms; The waves of the waters

> which we believe is the water itself. Then we

> forget who we truly are…..the water of life which

> has no death or birth…which exist beyond the forms

> having no shape, no sound, no smell, no taste, no

> touch….the mind that is the cradle of life.


> We forget that the stillness behind the

> sounds is what gives rise to sound. We forget that

> space is what gives rise to the floating planets.

> We study the cosmos filled with forms and forget

> space itself. What we cannot mentally grasp, we

> dismiss. What we sense, we label and distort with

> our minds. Electricity exists before it can run

> machines, or give light to a light bulb. We merely

> discover its existence and call it an invention.

> Everything that was ever invented in the world had

> already existed before human discover it.


> The energy that makes up the vastness of

> everything is neither created nor destroyed. We

> ARE that energy which does not distinguish itself

> away from everything. The rocks, trees, flower,

> birds, animals, humans, space, air we breathe

> ….all share a common denominator in its most

> truest essence: mind itself.


> What is this? Some call it mirror;

> others call it fiction, fantasy or illusion. It is

> the very awareness of all things, the essence of

> life.


> The self we call ourselves are a mental

> label, projection of the mind, created by the mind

> to serve itself. It forgets that it existence is

> given rise by the cradle that is life itself without

> mental labeling. The mind is our mind's creation, a

> mental projection of who we are. The earth exists

> before we give it a name. A baby exists before we

> give it a mind….it just is. If we didn't name a

> baby…the baby can grow up and just be. If a

> stranger asks: " Who are you? " The person without

> name will just laugh and say: " I am the baby without

> name. "


> Oh….then the stranger said: " You don't have a

> name, you don't exist. "


> The person without a name will laugh again and say:

> " Oh, but I am alive and in front of you. "

> It is not because of mental labeling or

> logical deduction that all things exist. It just

> is. Everything is just exactly the way it is

> because no one ever changed it. The universe and

> everything in it exist because of the existence of

> life's energy that allows it to take shape and

> form. The dance of forms is the dance of cosmic

> energy that allows things to be. It is timeless and

> infinite and cannot be comprehend by the mind,

> because the mind does not understand itself.


> The whole world, existence, the only

> essence of all things that is real, is now.

> Accepting what is in the now and holding on to

> nothing is the ultimate liberation. It is the deep

> understanding that nothing exists outside the now

> and everything is in a state of completeness no

> matter what form it takes. In that completeness and

> wholeness, the true essence of all things is

> death…which is infinite and a totally of nothing.


> If all things are dead, where does death

> go? No where, nothing, empty and in that

> nothingness exists everything without boundaries and

> finite. It is infinite in its essence and cannot be

> understood by itself. When scientists study the

> subatomic particles, they found that its true

> essence is emptiness. There is nothing there.

> The world of forms is a cosmic joke it is meant to

> be experienced and enjoyed.


> This essence of infinite can only be

> grasped with the total surrender and acceptance of

> everything which unfolds in the now without

> judgment, which is what gives rise to life. Life

> comes from thought forms, judgments and perception.

> Death is a state of total peace, joy, and being

> despite everything which unfolds. A complete

> relaxed state of naturalness with the universe and

> all things; completely connected and deeply rooted

> in being. Acceptance is the only act that can lead

> to death, and the door way into it is in the NOW.


> In the truest essence, consciousness is

> already dead, but it doesn't accept it or wants to

> know it, because it's not interesting. The mind

> only want to grasp what is interesting and what it

> cannot be interested in, it dismisses. Thought

> forms, death is what makes up life, the universe and

> everything. However, for eons it wants to be all

> that there is and delude all to believe that it is

> all that there is. Identification with death and

> though forms to resist death is the root of all

> suffering. Human being have been grasping with the

> ideal of liberation from suffering and the world of

> forms. The way of liberation has been littered

> with the bodies of dead seekers who never truly find

> salvation. Death cannot be found in the future but

> only in the now: In the present moment.


> It is quite contradictory that only from

> the not thinking do we find that the true

> understanding of everything is the knowing of

> death. When we accept that there is nothing to

> know, we find that everything in the universe that

> is truly important then can be known. Our true

> self, the only thing we ever need to know to find

> happiness and liberation from suffering: To wake up

> from the dream of egoic self.


> The conceptualized world in which the

> mind is conditioned to observe in forms and cannot

> grasp the formless, but the formless is the cradle

> that makes up all things. The formless is the very

> essence of death that allows life to be. It is two

> infinite mirrors facing each other which in fact is

> none.


> There is nothing to be understood in

> these words. There is nothing that can be

> understood in the formless mirrors. It is without

> concept and without mind. And without mind and

> concepts, there is nothing that cannot be grasped.

> Nature is without judgment. Things just are

> exactly the way it should be and the dance of forms

> is infinitely in its beauty without judgment.


> There can be no forms, for form is the

> formless. The mind doesn't collapses at this, but

> ceases to continue representing itself as the one

> who experiences and judges. The mind ceases to

> survive and be of any importance. It ceases to be

> the controller which brings upon so much suffering.

> There can be no experience in stillness and death,

> it is infinite and timeless. Thoughts can arise

> and collapse, but suffering can no longer be

> experienced because death cannot perpetuate itself

> through ceasing of identification with itself.

> Feelings can be felt fully, but it cannot be held on

> to as to perpetuating suffering. There is nothing

> to be attached to. There is no observer on the

> things to be observed. Everything is in a state of

> spontaneity. There can be planning, things done,

> but the end result of that planning doesn't hold any

> rewards or promise of completeness. The peace in

> the now is the state of joy and completeness.


> To fully arrive and find liberation to

> end all suffering and be with our true self is the

> end in the search for meaning. Because the true

> existence of death has no meaning, it just is.



> Before exists nothing and after death.

> Why attachments?




:) well, it is all mind games anyway...


Mind may crawl

Mind may aspire

Mind may renounce

And mind may desire.


Mind may be seeing

And mind may be blind

Mind can be seeking,

And mind can find. . .


Mind plays it's games.








yosy the fool

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