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Sri RamaKrishna teaches with an example that our Family is an illusion of our mind

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A GURU said to his disciple: " The world is illusory. Come away with me. " " But revered sir, " said the disciple, " my people at home—my father,my mother, my wife—love me so much. How can I give them up? " The guru said: " No doubt you now have this feeling of T and 'mine' and say that they love you; but this is all an illusion of your mind, I shall teach you a trick, and you will know whether they love you truly or not. " Saying this, the teacher gave the disciple a pill and said to him:

" Swallow this at home. You will appear to be a corpse, but you will not lose consciousness. You will see everything and hear everything. Then I shall come to your house and gradually you will regain your normal state. "

The disciple followed the teacher's instructions and lay on his bed like a dead person. The house was filled with loud wailing. His mother, his wife, and the others lay on the ground weeping bitterly. Just then a brahmana entered the house and said to them, " What is the matter with you? " " This boy is dead " , they replied. The brahmana felt the pulse and said: " How is that? No, he is not dead. I have a medicine that will cure him completely. " The joy of the relatives was unbounded; it seemed to them that heaven itself had come down into their house.

" But " , said the brahmana, " I must tell you something else. Another person must take some of this medicine first, and then the boy must swallow the rest. But the other person will die. I see he has so many dear relatives here; one of them will certainly agree to take the medicine. I see his wife and mother crying bitterly. Surely they will not hesitate to take it. "

At once the weeping stopped and all sat quiet. The mother said: ''Well, this is a big family: Suppose I die; then who will look after the family? " She fell into a reflective mood. The wife, who had been crying a minute before and bemoaning her ill luck,said: " Well he has gone the way of mortals. I have these two or three young children. Who will look after them if I die? "

The disciple saw everything and heard everything.He stood up at once and said to the teacher: " Let us go, revered sir. 1 will follow you. "  Source: Tales and Parables of Sri Ramakrishna

-- Om Namo Bhagavate Sri Ramanaya

Prasanth JalasutramLove And Love Alone

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