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from self to self - I am you.

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It seems there is a lot of endless talk about the denial of ego.

When in truth I am the ego of each and every one.


In order to be liberated and free, I would have to deny every ego, of every



But how! How would I want to deny who you are.

How would I want to deny who I never was.


The ego of me is a mirror in delusion.


If I remove and deny the ego, the delusion is all that remains.



Delusion always was and will be your very true nature, your best friend.


No child has ever come to this world enlightened and wise,

we all come to this world as ignorant and deluded beings.


This is because ignorance and delusion are our true nature, the nature of the

true self.


No matter what you learn, no matter what you teach, your original state of being

is that of an ignorant, unknowing self and you will always return to that state.


It is your very nature to delude yourself with all kinds of beliefs, but in

reality, when your life is over, you return, to that ignorant unknowing soul you

always were, just as everyone else.


All you can ever know, is that you are everyone else. Because in reality,

everyone is as ignorant as you.


This ignorance is what connects us all, in our ignorance we are all the same,

and whatever you think you know, it disappears with your physical death, you can

not take your delusions, knowledge and wisdom as you call it, over the edge of

death, just as you can not take material possessions over the final border.



In other words, you are the same self as all the teachers you ever believed in

and they all have returned to the ignorant unkowing soul who you now are.


You learn from yourself, there is no other.


Also every ego, is your own.


They just live and believe in different delusions.


So if I was to say, to you, what ultimate truth there is to realize, than it is

that you are my self. That I am your self. The same self you are. Ignorant and



You do not recognize me as your own self, because you are ignorant, because of

your ignorant and unknowing nature.




You are all these selves, and of course this is a delusion, but the delusion

that you are each and everyone, is of all delusions the most healthy, the most



From self to self.


I am you.

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So let us design our delusion,

as we are free to delude our selves with all we can imagine.



Let us delude our selves with the belief that we are god.



That we are responsible, for this entire world, that our mission is to answer

all prayers, cure the world and reduce suffering.


If god, was here inside your body, do you think, he or she or it would not

attempt to make this world a better place, you really think, god would just

relax and say, I am each and all and everyone, now let me just be?


Of course god would help those who can not help themselves, for how can god let

them be?


So close your eyes, and imagine you are god, and all your friends are god too,

the same god you are, imagine you are all the same energy, the same self, god



And now act as you are truly god, the almighty, use your hands to fullbring the

acts of god.


Use your voice to transmit the message of god.

Use your eyes to see the world of god.


Let us build gods, the way as god buildt us.


Let us be gods, and let us be responsible for all and each and everyone.


I see myself in you!



, " black_machine_2 " <black_machine_2



> It seems there is a lot of endless talk about the denial of ego.

> When in truth I am the ego of each and every one.


> In order to be liberated and free, I would have to deny every ego, of every



> But how! How would I want to deny who you are.

> How would I want to deny who I never was.


> The ego of me is a mirror in delusion.


> If I remove and deny the ego, the delusion is all that remains.



> Delusion always was and will be your very true nature, your best friend.


> No child has ever come to this world enlightened and wise,

> we all come to this world as ignorant and deluded beings.


> This is because ignorance and delusion are our true nature, the nature of the

true self.


> No matter what you learn, no matter what you teach, your original state of

being is that of an ignorant, unknowing self and you will always return to that



> It is your very nature to delude yourself with all kinds of beliefs, but in

reality, when your life is over, you return, to that ignorant unknowing soul you

always were, just as everyone else.


> All you can ever know, is that you are everyone else. Because in reality,

everyone is as ignorant as you.


> This ignorance is what connects us all, in our ignorance we are all the same,

and whatever you think you know, it disappears with your physical death, you can

not take your delusions, knowledge and wisdom as you call it, over the edge of

death, just as you can not take material possessions over the final border.



> In other words, you are the same self as all the teachers you ever believed in

and they all have returned to the ignorant unkowing soul who you now are.


> You learn from yourself, there is no other.


> Also every ego, is your own.


> They just live and believe in different delusions.


> So if I was to say, to you, what ultimate truth there is to realize, than it

is that you are my self. That I am your self. The same self you are. Ignorant

and unkowing.


> You do not recognize me as your own self, because you are ignorant, because of

your ignorant and unknowing nature.




> You are all these selves, and of course this is a delusion, but the delusion

that you are each and everyone, is of all delusions the most healthy, the most



> From self to self.


> I am you.


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Dear Cora,


There is only one ego to deny and that is your own. That ego is formed because you have mistakingly identified with your body and mind, thinking that is who you are. Once this notion is destroyed you will realise the Self which is the end of all delusion.


Have you read any of the Maharshi's teachings? Your postings make me wonder.


Yours very sincerely,


Alan--- On Mon, 21/12/09, black_machine_2 <black_machine_2 wrote:

black_machine_2 <black_machine_2 from self to self - I am you. Date: Monday, 21 December, 2009, 13:04

It seems there is a lot of endless talk about the denial of ego.When in truth I am the ego of each and every one.In order to be liberated and free, I would have to deny every ego, of every person.But how! How would I want to deny who you are.How would I want to deny who I never was.The ego of me is a mirror in delusion.If I remove and deny the ego, the delusion is all that remains.Delusion always was and will be your very true nature, your best friend.No child has ever come to this world enlightened and wise, we all come to this world as ignorant and deluded beings.This is because ignorance and delusion are our true nature, the nature of the true self.No matter what you learn, no matter what you teach, your original state of being is that of an ignorant, unknowing self and you will always return to that state.It is your very nature to delude yourself with all kinds

of beliefs, but in reality, when your life is over, you return, to that ignorant unknowing soul you always were, just as everyone else.All you can ever know, is that you are everyone else. Because in reality, everyone is as ignorant as you.This ignorance is what connects us all, in our ignorance we are all the same, and whatever you think you know, it disappears with your physical death, you can not take your delusions, knowledge and wisdom as you call it, over the edge of death, just as you can not take material possessions over the final border.In other words, you are the same self as all the teachers you ever believed in and they all have returned to the ignorant unkowing soul who you now are.You learn from yourself, there is no other.Also every ego, is your own. They just live and believe in different delusions.So if I was to say, to you, what ultimate truth there is to realize, than it is that

you are my self. That I am your self. The same self you are. Ignorant and unkowing.You do not recognize me as your own self, because you are ignorant, because of your ignorant and unknowing nature.You are all these selves, and of course this is a delusion, but the delusion that you are each and everyone, is of all delusions the most healthy, the most insane.From self to self.I am you.

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- black_machine_2 Monday, December 21, 2009 2:04 PM from self to self - I am you. It seems there is a lot of endless talk about the denial of ego.When in truth I am the ego of each and every one.In order to be liberated and free, I would have to deny every ego, of every person.But how! How would I want to deny who you are.How would I want to deny who I never was.The ego of me is a mirror in delusion.If I remove and deny the ego, the delusion is all that remains.Delusion always was and will be your very true nature, your best friend.No child has ever come to this world enlightened and wise, we all come to this world as ignorant and deluded beings. This sounds a lot like the X'tian idea of original sin. I didn't buy it as a child and I don't buy it now. It is just the way that priests keep power over the ignorant.


This is because ignorance and delusion are our true nature, the nature of the true self. Boloney. No matter what you learn, no matter what you teach, your original state of being is that of an ignorant, unknowing self and you will always return to that state.It is your very nature to delude yourself with all kinds of beliefs, but in reality, when your life is over, you return, to that ignorant unknowing soul you always were, just as everyone else.All you can ever know, is that you are everyone else. Because in reality, everyone is as ignorant as you.This ignorance is what connects us all, in our ignorance we are all the same, and whatever you think you know, it disappears with your physical death, you can not take your delusions, knowledge and wisdom as you call it, over the edge of death, just as you can not take material possessions over the final border.In other words, you are the same self as all the teachers you ever believed in and they all have returned to the ignorant unkowing soul who you now are.


If I'm not supposed to listen to Buddha, Lao Tzu, Osho, Krishnamurti, Socrates, Alexander Smit, Martin Eckhart, etc. etc. etc. Why should I listen to your opinions. That is all they are.

You learn from yourself, there is no other.Also every ego, is your own. They just live and believe in different delusions.So if I was to say, to you, what ultimate truth there is to realize, than it is that you are my self. That I am your self. The same self you are. Ignorant and unkowing.You do not recognize me as your own self, because you are ignorant, because of your ignorant and unknowing nature.You are all these selves, and of course this is a delusion, but the delusion that you are each and everyone, is of all delusions the most healthy, the most insane.From self to self.I am you.


And you are me and we are all toge-ether..ku ku kachu.

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Dear self,


Every ego is your ego, for you are all. And everyone would have to deny their

ego in order for you to be free, for you are everyone.


Dear self, I do not only identify with your body and mind, I identify with each

and all and everyone, with everybody and every mind, for I am not just your body

and mind, I am the body and mind of everything.


Dear self, the end of all delusion is not if only one body let's go of his mind,

the end of all illusion is if all bodies, let go of all minds.


Dear self, you think only with one mind, as if your mind was the mind of all and

everything, but your mind is only one body's mind, to deny it, is like taking a

drop of mind from the ocean of mind telling it, you are now free to believe

whatever you want.


You are not just a drop of mind, you are the ocean of mind.


Dear self, I did not read any of Maharshi's teachings, all I read was this:




1. Alles, die Welt, die du siehst, sowie du selbst, der Betrachter dieser Welt,

ist EINS.


2. Alles, was du als ICH, DU, ER, SIE, und ES betrachtest ist EINS.


3. Die Lebewesen, aber auch das Unbelebte wie Erde, Luft, Feuer und Wasser, all

das ist EINS.


4. Das Gute, das erworben wird, indem man alles als eins betrachtet, kann nicht

erreicht werden, wenn man alles getrennt voneinander sieht. Also ist alles EINS.


5. Alles als eins zu betrachten, ist gut für dich und ebenso für die anderen.

Daher ist alles EINS.


6. Derjenige, der denkt: " Ich bin getrennt, Du bist getrennt, Er ist getrennt " ,

handelt auf eine Art für sich selbst, auf die andere Art für die anderen. Er

kann nicht anders. Aus dem Gedanken " Wir sind alle getrennt voneinander "

erwächst unterschiedliches Handeln verschiedenen Personen gegenüber. Wie kann

ein Mensch vom rechten Weg abweichen, der um das Einssein mit den anderen weiß?

Solange der Keim der Unterscheidens noch lebendig ist, wird - bewußt oder

unbewußt - unterschiedliches handeln daraus erwachsen. Daher gib es auf,

Unterschiede zu sehen. Alles ist nur EINS.


7. Solltest du dich nun fragen: In der Welt scheint alles verschieden

voneinander zu sein; wie kann ich da alles als eins betrachten? Gibt es

irgendeinen Weg um diese Erkenntnis zu erlangen? So werde ich dir antworten: Auf

dem gleichen Baum sehen wir Blätter, Blumen, Früchte und Äste, alle verschieden

voneinander und trotzdem alles eins, weil sie alle im Wort Baum inbegriffen

sind. Sie haben eine gemeinsame Wurzel, einen gemeinsamen Saft. In gleicher

Weise kommen alle Dinge, alle Körper, alle Organismen aus derselben Quelle und

werden von derselben Kraft belebt. Daher ist alles EINS.


8. Mein guter Freund, finde selbst heraus, ob die Aussage: " Alles ist eins " ,

Gutes oder Schlechtes bewirkt.


Wahrlich ist der im Recht, der sich selbst wie die anderen sieht und die anderen

wie sich selbst, denn wie kann einem Menschen Schlechtes anhaften, der weiß, daß

er die anderen ist und die anderen er selbst sind. Sag mir, gibt es einen

besseren Weg zum Guten als das Wissen um die Einheit? Sicherlich gibt es keine

bessere Methode als diese. Wie kann jemand die anderen mehr lieben als wenn er

weiß, daß diese er selbst sind? betrachte sie daher alle als Einheit - liebe sie

alle als Einheit, denn in Wahrheit ist alles EINS.


9. Wer kann die Ruhe und den Seelenfrieden dessen ermessen, der in der Einheit

lebt? Er hat keine Sorgen. Das Wohl aller ist auch sein Wohl. Auch eine Mutter

empfindet das Wohlergehen ihrer Kinder als ihr eigenes Wohlergehen, und trotzdem

ist ihre Liebe nicht vollkommen, denn sie glaubt, daß sie und ihre Kinder

getrennt voneinander sind. Die Liebe eines Weisen, der in Einheit mit allem

lebt, übertrifft daher bei weitem die Liebe einer Mutter. Es gibt keinen anderen

Weg, eine solche Liebe zu verwirklichen, als die Erfahrung der Einheit. Daher

ist alles EINS.


10. Betrachte die ganze Welt als eins mit deinem unsterblichen Körper und somit

dich selbst als das immerwährende leben der gesamten Welt. Sag mir, kann das

etwa schaden? Wer wird sich schon vor dem unverfänglichen Weg scheuen? Sei

mutig. Die Veden lehren diese reine Wahrheit. Es gibt nichts anderes außer dir

selbst. Das höchste Gut wird dir gehören. Ja, du wirst selbst das höchste Gut

sein. Anderen wird nur Gutes durch dich widerfahren, denn wer würde schon seinem

eigenen Körper und seiner eigenen Seele Schaden zufügen?


Wenn der Körper einen Abszeß hat, wird ihm eine Salbe aufgetragen. Auch wenn es

schmerzt, ist es doch nur dazu gedacht, Gutes zu bewirken. ebenso wird es mit

manchen deiner Handlungen sein; sie werden auch dem Guten in der Welt dienen.

Deshalb sollst du in allem die Einheit sehen und dich nicht in Unterscheidungen



Ich fasse kurz zusammen: derjenige, der die Einheit kennt, handelt so, wie es am

besten ist; es ist das Wissen um die Einheit, das ihn zum Handeln bewegt. Er

kann sich nicht irren. Er ist Gott, für die Welt sichtbar gemacht. Alles ist



aus: " Alles ist Eins " von Subramaniam, Vaiyai R., Reichel Verlag, mit einem

Vorwort von Sri Ramana Marharshi




, Alan Jacobs <alanadamsjacobs wrote:


> Dear Coma,


> There is only one ego to deny and that is your own. That ego is formed because

you have mistakingly identified with your body and mind, thinking that is who

you are. Once this notion is destroyed you will realise the Self which is the

end of all delusion.


> Have you read any of the Maharshi's teachings? Your postings make me wonder.


> Yours very sincerely,


> Alan


> --- On Mon, 21/12/09, black_machine_2 <black_machine_2 wrote:



> black_machine_2 <black_machine_2

> from self to self - I am you.


> Monday, 21 December, 2009, 13:04







> It seems there is a lot of endless talk about the denial of ego.

> When in truth I am the ego of each and every one.


> In order to be liberated and free, I would have to deny every ego, of every



> But how! How would I want to deny who you are.

> How would I want to deny who I never was.


> The ego of me is a mirror in delusion.


> If I remove and deny the ego, the delusion is all that remains.


> Delusion always was and will be your very true nature, your best friend.


> No child has ever come to this world enlightened and wise,

> we all come to this world as ignorant and deluded beings.


> This is because ignorance and delusion are our true nature, the nature of the

true self.


> No matter what you learn, no matter what you teach, your original state of

being is that of an ignorant, unknowing self and you will always return to that



> It is your very nature to delude yourself with all kinds of beliefs, but in

reality, when your life is over, you return, to that ignorant unknowing soul you

always were, just as everyone else.


> All you can ever know, is that you are everyone else. Because in reality,

everyone is as ignorant as you.


> This ignorance is what connects us all, in our ignorance we are all the same,

and whatever you think you know, it disappears with your physical death, you can

not take your delusions, knowledge and wisdom as you call it, over the edge of

death, just as you can not take material possessions over the final border.


> In other words, you are the same self as all the teachers you ever believed in

and they all have returned to the ignorant unkowing soul who you now are.


> You learn from yourself, there is no other.


> Also every ego, is your own.


> They just live and believe in different delusions.


> So if I was to say, to you, what ultimate truth there is to realize, than it

is that you are my self. That I am your self. The same self you are. Ignorant

and unkowing.


> You do not recognize me as your own self, because you are ignorant, because of

your ignorant and unknowing nature.


> You are all these selves, and of course this is a delusion, but the delusion

that you are each and everyone, is of all delusions the most healthy, the most



> From self to self.


> I am you.


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