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John of the Cross - Dark Night

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A few verses translated by Ivan himself.--- On Mon, 25/1/10, Poetry Chaikhana <ivan wrote:



Here's your Daily Poem from the Poetry Chaikhana --






Dark Night

By John of the Cross(1542 - 1591)

English version by Ivan M. Granger

(Songs of the soul delighted at having reached the high state of perfection, the union with God, by way of spiritual negation.)On a darkened night,Anxious, by love inflamed,-- O happy chance! --Unnoticed, I took flight,My house at last at peace and quiet.Safe, disguised by the night,By the secret ladder I took flight,-- O happy chance! --Cloaked by darkness, I scaled the height,My house at last at peace and quiet.On that blessed night,In secret, and seen by none,None in sight,I saw with no other guide or light,But the one burning in my heart bright.This guide, this light,Brighter than the midday sun,Led me to the waiting OneI knew so well -- my delight!To a place with none in sight.O night! O guide!O night more loving than the dawn!O night that joinedThe lover

with the Beloved;Transformed, the lover into the Beloved drawn!Upon my flowered breast,For him alone kept fair,There he sleptThere I caressed,There the cedars gave us air.I drank the turret's cool airSpreading playfully his hair.And his hand, so serene,Cut my throat. Drained Of senses, I dropped unaware.Lost to myself and yet remaining,Inclined so only the Beloved I spy.All has ceased, all rests,Even my cares, even I;Lost among the lilies, there I die.

/ Photo by lepiaf.geo /






Thought for the Day:

Be willing to hearyour own voice when it whispers,"I am holy."



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Hi Alan -This is one of my favorite poems by the great Spanish mystic, John of the Cross. It touches on so many important metaphors of sacred poetry: darkness, light, a secret ladder, the heart, the joining of lover and Beloved, silence, and death of the little self. Let's take a look at just a few of these themes...Although mystics often experience the Divine as a radiant, all permeating light, sometimes God is described in terms of night or darkness.On a darkened night...Night is the great Mystery, the unknown. Darkness is the place of secrets. It is the time of sleep, rest, peace. We drop all of our activities and turn inward.Because nighttime is associated with sleep and, by analogy, death, it can also represent the time when the ego sleeps and most easily can "die" or fade away. The ego is less in charge at night, less demanding that its every

desire be instantly met. The busy mind is less active, more likely to be at rest.Night is the time when lovers meet, when the soul meets its Divine Beloved.Darkness, like God, envelops everything in its embrace. It is in the darkness of night that all things become one, losing their individuality as they disappear into that mystery. Nighttime is the time of nondual awareness, when dichotomies and artificial notions of separation fade.John of the Cross is particularly known for speaking of "the dark night of the soul." This is not so much a reference to the experience of the Divine as mentioned above, but a preliminary state. Prior to experiences of union, the soul loses its orientation, where worldly distractions seem pointless, but the blissful fulfillment of divine union hasn't yet been experienced. This can be a period of confusion, being "anxious," a period of intense spiritual thirst, and a feeling of blindness that is the

equivalent of trying to find one's way in the dark. But that too can be an important stage of the journey that indicates the nearness of the sacred goal, not its distance.Yet in this "blessed night," John of the Cross discovers light. This is not just any light but an overpowering radiance, "Brighter than the midday sun."For genuine mystics, light is not a mere concept or metaphor; it is directly experienced. This light is perceived as being a living radiance that permeates everything, everywhere, always. This light is immediately understood to be the true source of all things, the foundation on which the physicality of the material world is built. The sense of boundaries and separation, long taken for granted by the mind as the fundamental nature of existence, suddenly seems illusory, for this light shines through all people and things. It has no edges, and the light of one is the light of another.This light is

recognized as your own Self, while simultaneously being the Self of all others. Since this light is you and, at the same time, it radiates within all, the question arises: How can there be separation? conflict? loss?This is how John proceeds so boldly from the experience of light to union, the sacred marriage, "Transformed, the lover into the Beloved drawn!"And what about death? Why does he startle us by shifting from the ecstasy of union to death? "And his hand, so serene, / Cut my throat. / Drained of senses, I dropped unaware."Without understanding of this imagery, it can sound as if every mystic and saint has some strange death wish.In deep ecstasy, the sense of individuality, the sense of "I" thins and can completely disappear. Though you may still walk and breathe and talk, there is no "you" performing these actions. The separate identity, the ego, disappears, to be replaced by a vast, borderless sense of Self.

Suddenly, who you have always thought yourself to be vanishes and, in its place, stands a radiant being whose boundaries are no longer perceived in terms of flesh or space.Lost to myself and yet remaining,Inclined so only the Beloved I spy.It is this experience, this complete shedding of the limited ego, that is the death so eagerly sought by mystics throughout time.All has ceased, all rests,Even my cares, even I;Lost among the lilies, there I die.---Totally unrelated -- A great exodus of geese just passed overhead. Not the usual arrow head of a dozen or two, but a couple hundred happily honking geese, an entire community on its journey to distant lands... Honk! :-)Ivan

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Ivan M. Granger's original poetry, stories and commentaries are 2002 - 2008 by Ivan M. Granger.All other material is copyrighted by the respective authors, translators and/or publishers.


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