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Means for Attaining the Presence of God

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--- On Wed, 27/1/10, www spiritual-teaching com <sadasivananda wrote:





















Means for Attaining the Presence of Godwww.spiritual-teaching.com




























"Good when he gives, supremely good;

Nor less when He denies.

Afflictions, from His sovereign hand,

Are blessings in disguise."


The Spiritual Maxims of Brother Lawrence systematically guides us through the means for attaining unto the Presence of God:


1. The first is a great purity of life; in guarding ourselves with care lest we should do or say or think on anything, which might be displeasing to God.


2. Second is a great faithfulness in the practice of His Presence, and in keeping the soul's gaze fixed on God in faith, calmly, humbly, lovingly, without allowing an entrance to anxious cares and disquietude.


3. Make it your study, before taking up any task to look to God, be it only for a moment, as also when you are engaged thereon, and lastly when you have performed the same. And for as much as without time and patience this practice cannot be attained, be not disheartened at your many falls; truly this habit can only be formed with difficulty, yet when it is so formed, how great will be your joy therein.


4. Let us mark well, however, that this intercourse with God is held in the depth of our being; there it is that the soul speaks to God, heart to heart, and over the soul thus holding converse there steals a great and profound peace. All that passes without concerns the soul no more than a fire of straw, which the more it flares, the sooner burns itself out; and rarely indeed do the cares of the world ever intrude to trouble the peace that is within.


5. It is here therefore, in the heart, that we ought to strive to make a habit of this gaze on God; but that which is needful to bring the heart to this obedience we must do, as has been said, quite simply, without strain or study.


6. When the mind, for lack of discipline when first engaged in this practice, has contracted bad habits of wandering and dissipation, such habits are difficult to overcome, and commonly draw us, even against our will, to things of earth. One remedy for this is to humbly offer prayer to God. A multiplicity of words in prayer is not advised; discursive forms of prayer are often an occasion for wandering.


7. One way to recall easily the mind in time of prayer, and to preserve it more in rest, is not to let it wander too far at other times.


8. This practice of the Presence of God is somewhat hard at the outset, yet, pursued faithfully, it works imperceptibly within the soul most marvelous effects; it draws down God's grace abundantly, and leads the soul insensibly tot he ever-present vision of God, loving and beloved, which is the most spiritual and most real, the most free and most life-giving manner of prayer.


9. Remember that to attain this state, we must control the senses, inasmuch as no soul, which takes delight in earthly things above those in their Creator, can find full joy in the Presence of God; to be with Him we must leave behind the creature.


Thus, Brother Lawrence compassionately entreats us to 'seek and find', to 'knock and the door will be opened unto us', for his final guidance is:


"All things are possible to him who believes, they are less difficult to him who hopes,

they are easier to him who loves,

and still more easy to him who practices and perseveres in these three virtues...

Believe me, count as lost each day you have not used in loving God."










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