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advaita.org.uk - Bimonthly Newsletter 05 - February 2010

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sent kindly by the Editor Paula Marvelly <paulamarvelly wrote:














newsletter of advaita.org.uk - no. 05 - february 2010





Book of One Second Edition






Dennis Waite's bestseller is extensively revised, and includes new stories, metaphors, quotes and extracts, as well as aditional chapters on Ishvara and Neo-Advaita. Read the online Preface.

Why Ishvara is essential for mokSha






Knowing the truth of myself is what is meant by mokSha. To happen, the mind needs to be qualified for knowledge and this is impossible without Ishvara. Peter Bonnici explains.

Short Guide to Western Philosophy, II






There are three schools of thought with regard to the mind/body problem – materialism, dualism and idealism. advaita.org.uk investigates idealism and how it relates to Advaita.

Panchadasi's Advaita Vedanta Part 7






tRiptidIpa - Fulfillment on Realization of Consciousness: bRRihadAraNyaka upaniShad says he who has realized the Self will not afflict his body for the sake of desire. S N Sastri expounds.

Ganesha, wallpainting, India (2001)

An Interview with Ramesh Balsekar






In Memoriamadvaita.org.uk republishes an exclusive interview with the Godfather of Soul, recorded in his Mumbai home in 2001, in the first of a three-part serial.

Q & As

• The last rug • Teachers • Karma and reincarnation










Enlightenment: The Path through the Jungle

by Dennis Waite

On the teaching of Advaita








How to Meet Yourself by Dennis Waite

Introductory book on Advaita








Back to the Truth by Dennis Waite

Advanced book on Advaita





Welcome to advaita.org.uk's fifth newsletter. Unlike the current quarterly journal, akhaNDAkAra, the newsletter is intended to be bimonthly and is a way of keeping rs up-to-date with all the latest additions to the website, including Q & As, essays, and interviews.

You are receiving this newsletter because you have d to the journal. If you wish to change either of your subcriptions, please visit the advaita.org.uk home page and s provided. If you wish to send the Editor any comments, reply to this email.

© Dennis Waite 2003-2010 apart from quoted extracts, where the copyright is held by the author.

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