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> 1) Please go through the following verses from the Agama :

> " Devikalottara " which Sri Bhagavan

> translated into Tamil from the original Sanskrit.  I was

> told that He gave

> great importance to this remarkable treatise :




> 33. Due to

> sleep and due to thoughts, the mind always

> loses       its sharpness, its foolishness

> increases, and it goes to ruin.  Awakening this mind with

> effort, and

> without allowing it to wander, establish it in the state

> of  Self. 

> Persevere in this effort by fixing the mind again and again

> in its natural

> state.




> 34. When once the mind becomes steady, it should not be

> disturbed in any

> way.  There is no need to think even in the least of

> anything else,

> entertaining any doubts. Fixing the mind firmly in that

> state [ of

> Self-awareness ]  keep it still.




> 35. Make the mind, which always clings to some support  [

> attaching itself

> to sense-objects ] , devoid of all such supports. Making

> the mind, which is

> restless in clinging to external supports, motionless, do

> not disturb that

> tranquility even a little.




> 36. Meditate on the peerless Self which pervades all the

> various


>        forms, yet remains without any blemish [

> being unaffected


>        by them ] , just as ether, pervading all

> the creations


>        made up of the five elements, remains

> unsullied at the


>        time of their dissolution.




> 37. When one adopts the practice [ sadhana

> ] 

> by means of which


>         one's mind, which is restless like

> the wind, is made still


>         perpetually, then the purpose of

> taking birth as a human


>         being is fulfilled.  That is

> also the mark of a true scholar.




> 39. If the mind falls asleep, awaken it.  Then, if it

> starts wander-


>        ing, make it quiet.  If you reach the

> state where there is


>        neither sleep nor movement of mind, stay

> still in that


>        the natural  [ real ]  state.




> 40. The state in which the mind is bereft of any support to

> cling


>         to, ever faultless and pure, and

> devoid of worldly attach-


>         ments, is the nature of Liberation

> attained through Wisdom.


>         Keep this firmly in mind.




> 41. Dispelling all attachments completely, and fixing that

> mind


>         in the Heart firmly, persist in your

> practice always in order


>         to strengthen the awareness, which

> then shines forth


>         with great effulgence and clarity.




> 42. Know that whoever meditates on that supreme void, and


>         becomes established in it by virtue

> of constant practice,


>         will definitely attain the great

> state which is beyond


>         birth and death.




> 2)

> " actions are predetermined "

> " Is

> the practice for self realization or mukthi even

> predetermined? "


>     What

> doubt could there be ?  Unless one has a 'purva


>     samskara' one cannot have

> 'Sat-sangha'. The proof


>     is always yourself - not outside you.  How are you


>     interested in solid spiritual quest ? Because, you

> have


>     been pining for it for hundreds of years, says our


>     scriptures. Trust the sacred words of the

> scriptures,


>     sages and saints.  This simple 'surrender'

> a true


>     aspirant 'must' do.  You have already done

> it,


>     otherwise, you would not be contacting me and

> raising


>     such soul-stirring questions. Want of trust in

> oneself


>     is the 'dosha' of Kali Yuga. To

> remove this defect


>     a great sage like Sri Ramana descended in our

> midst.


>     Your only effort is to release yourself from this


>     'dosha' [which you are already doing,

> fortunately].


> Read more of what Bhagavan says about 'Fate and

> Freewill';


>     you will find it in A.Devaraja Mudaliar's books.

> One


>     important sentence is : " If you take yourself to

> be


>     the body, fate is unavoidable. Find out whether you


>     are the body.  If you turn within and realise the


>     quietude, you will realise that you are ever

> free. "  

> This


>     inner Freedom is and ever will remain as your serene


>     state, untouched ever by fate !  " You Are

> That " !


>     The definition of 'Freewill' that Bhagavan

> gives is :


>     " You have only one freedom and that is not to


>      identify yourself with the body " . Do it !




> Freedom [the inner felicity] is the only Truth (the

> 'rope' in


> the ancient 'rope & snake' analogy) and the

> predestination


> is utterly false (there has never been a 'snake').

> One goes


> on asserting about the 'fear' of having seen the

> snake, thereby perpetuating

> the falsehood. Is it needed ? So,the only wise thing to do

> is to understand

> wholly or wake up from the affectation with the knowledge

> that there is only

> the rope and there has never been any snake - neither

> 'killing' it nor

> asserting the 'fear' that it caused in one is

> necessary.  Be Still and

> know the Truth. That's all !


> Our Inner Felicity is termed by Sri Bhagavan as

> " Self " .


> Vedas call it as " That " .  " YOU ARE

> THAT " !



> Love,


> Ganesan.






On Sat, Jan 30, 2010 at 4:29 PM, Vinod

> R Lakshmanan <vinod.r.lakshmanan

> wrote:






> Ganesan

> Sir,




> Namaskara.

> Here we all are doing fine and hope this finds you in good

> health.




> It's

> been a long time since I saw any mails from you. With

> Bhagwans blessings we

> finally completed the registration for the land at

> Thiruvannamalai.




> Sir,

> I have few questions here. Hope I am not putting you to

> bother with all my

> mails.




> 1.

> When we met last time you said, there is a supreme force

> which is guiding us

> all and then you said I should pay attention to it.

> Maharishi's teaching also

> point out that we should see inside and question our self

> when any thoughts

> arise. When I try to do that I either fall asleep or I see

> nothing but more

> thoughts coming out overpowering it.




> What

> should I do when this happens? I try to focus more on the

> 'I' thought but I am

> struggling to keep myself focused.




> 2.

> I recently read a question to which Maharishi had answered.

> 'All our actions

> are predetermined , be it change of job or drinking

> water…'




> One

> question which raised in my mind was ' Is the practice

> for self realization or

> mukthi even predetermined?'




> Kindest

> Regards








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