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SAGE WISDOMWhoever is awake to the material worldIs fast asleep to the spiritual world.This wakefulness is far worse than sleep,When our soul’s asleep to God, it’s a doorClosing, to prevent the entry of His grace.All day we suffer from a host of fantasies,Thoughts of loss, gain or degeneration.For the Soul there is neither joy nor peaceNor a way of progression heavenwards.The sleeper has his hope in each vain fancyAnd converses idly with these foolish voices.The bird of the soul flies cheerily on highWhile its shadow is speeding upon Earth,Some fools hasten to chase their shadow And rushing hurriedly become exhausted,Not understanding that it’s a reflection,Nor knowing from where it originates.They vainly shoot arrows at this

phantom,His quiver soon empties from the long quest.The contents of his worried life become a void,Time passes in chasing after this grey shadow.But when God’s shadow becomes a nurse maid.It saves him from fantasies and illusion.God’s shadow is the true servant of God.Dead to this world yet living through Him.Take hold of His hem quickly so your skirtMay also be saved at the end of your days. Never enter this dark valley of the shadow Without a guide who’s a true son of God.Desert the grey shadow, gain the bright SunHold the hem of the orb of Shams Tabriz.If you don’t know the way to the bridal feast Enquire into God’s radiance named l’Haqq. If envy grabs you by the throat on the wayIt is Satan who reaches beyond all bounds.Because from green envy he hates AdamAnd he’s at constant war with happiness.On the way there’s no harder bridge to

cross.Happy is he who hasn’t made envy his friend.The body is a mansion packed full of hate,The family and servants are all tainted.Yet Almighty God made the body to be pureSo sweep clean His house. The purified heartIs a true treasure and Earth’s gold talisman.If you indulge in guile, deceit and envyAgainst one who’s without a hint of blame,Then black stains swell up in your heart.So rest as dust under the feet of a SageAmd scatter the dust on envy’s bald head.Any fool who mtorments his body is unfitFor comprehending the spiritual life .The nose catches fragrance leading to truthThat scent is the God revealed religion.If he’s whiffed this perfume with ingratitude,It comes and destroys his organ of perception.Give thanks! be a slave to those who are grateful,Be in their presence as one truly steadfast.THIS IS A VERSIFICATION I HAVE MADE FROM RUMI'S


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