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Bhagavan Sri Ramana : Consciousness is your real nature ( Talk 520)

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The Absolute Existence is the Self. you are also conscious of the Existence.

That Existence is also consciousness (Sat and Chit). That is your real nature.

Is there anyone who denies his own existence? Or can anyone say that he did not

exist in his sleep? Pure Existence is thus admitted. The admission also implies



You were not aware of any gross body. You did not limit yourself to this body.

So you could not find anything separate from your Self. Now in your waking state

you continue to be the same Existence with the limitations of the body added.

These limitations make you see other objects. Hence arises desire. But the state

of desirelessness in sleep made you no less happy than now. You did not feel any

want. You did not make yourself miserable by not entertaining desires. But now

you entertain desires because you are limited to this human frame. Why do you

wish to retain these limitations and continue to entertain desires?


Does the body tell you that it is there? It is certainly something apart from

the body that remains aware. What is it? Do you say that it is the `I', meaning

the ego which arises simultaneously with the waking of the individual from

sleep? Be it so. The body is not sentient. The Absolute does not speak. The ego

does. One does not aspire for liberation in sleep. The aspiration arises only in

the waking state. The functions of the waking state are those of the ego which

is synonymous with the `I'. Find out who this `I' is. On doing so and abiding as

`I', all these doubts will be cleared up.



Yours in Bhagavan


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