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Everything is within the Self and not apart from it

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The Teachings of BhagavanSri Ramana Maharshiin His Own WordsCHAPTER ONETHE

WORLD : REAL OR ILLUSION?This is still more succinctly stated as follows:The Vedantins do not say that the world is unreal. That isa misunderstanding. If they did, what would be the meaning ofthe Vedantic text: `All this is Brahman'? They only mean thatthe world is unreal as world but real as Self. If you regard theworld as non-self, it is not real. Everything, whether you call itillusion (Maya) or Divine Play (Lila)

or Energy (Shakti) mustbe within the Self and not apart from it. 1Before leaving the theory of the world as a manifestation ofthe Self, devoid of objective reality, it must be stressed onceagain that theory had importance for the Maharshi onlyinsofar

as it helped a man's spiritual development, not for itsown sake. Cosmology as understood in modern physicalscience simply did not concern him.D.: The Vedas contain conflicting accounts ofcosmogony.

Ether is said to be the first creation in one place,vital energy in

another, water in another, something else inanother; how can all this be reconciled? Does it not impairthe credibility of the Vedas?B.:

Different seers saw different aspects of truth at differenttimes, each emphasising some viewpoint. Why do you worryabout their conflicting statements? The essential aim of the Vedasis to teach us

the nature of the imperishable Self and show usthat we are That.D.:

About that part I am satisfied.B.: Then treat all the rest as auxiliary arguments or asexpositions for the ignorant who want to know the origin ofthings. 21 Day by Day with Bhagavan by Devaraja Mudaliar (5th Edition, 2002), p. 269.2 Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi, 30.

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