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the true spiritual seeker

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The Teachings of BhagavanSri Ramana Maharshiin His Own WordsCHAPTER ONETHE

WORLD : REAL OR ILLUSION?Major Chadwick was copying out the English translationof the Tamil Kaivalya Navaneetha, when he came across someof the technical terms in it which he had difficulty

inunderstanding. He accordingly asked Bhagavan about them,and Bhagavan replied. "These portions deal with theories ofcreation. They are not essential because the real purpose of thescriptures is not to set forth such theories. They mention thetheories casually, so that those readers who wish to, may takeinterest in them. The truth is that the world appears as a passingshadow in a flood of light. Light is necessary even to see theshadow. The shadow is not worth any special study, analysis ordiscussion. The purpose of the book is to deal with the Self andwhat is said about creation may be omitted for the present."Later, Sri Bhagavan continued: "Vedanta

says that thecosmos springs into view simultaneously with him who sees itand there is no detailed process of creation. It is similar to adream where he who experiences the dream arises simultaneouslywith

the dream he experiences. However, some people cling sofast to objective knowledge that they are not satisfied when toldthis. They want to know how sudden creation can be possibleand argue that an effect must be preceded by a cause. In factthey desire an explanation of the world that they see about them.Therefore the scriptures try to satisfy their curiosity by suchtheories. This method of dealing with the subject is called thetheory of gradual creation, but the true spiritual seeker can besatisfied with instantaneous creation." 11 Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi, 651.

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On 26/02/2010 05:31, Grant wrote:



The Teachings of Bhagavan

Sri Ramana Maharshi

in His Own Words






Major Chadwick was copying out the English translation

of the Tamil Kaivalya Navaneetha, when he came across some

of the technical terms in it which he had difficulty in

understanding. He accordingly asked Bhagavan about them,

and Bhagavan replied. "These portions deal with theories of

creation. They are not essential because the real purpose of the

scriptures is not to set forth such theories. They mention the

theories casually, so that those readers who wish to, may take

interest in them. The truth is that the world appears as a passing

shadow in a flood of light. Light is necessary even to see the

shadow. The shadow is not worth any special study, analysis or

discussion. The purpose of the book is to deal with the Self and

what is said about creation may be omitted for the present."


Later, Sri Bhagavan continued: "Vedanta says that the

cosmos springs into view simultaneously with him who sees it

and there is no detailed process of creation. It is similar to a

dream where he who experiences the dream arises simultaneously

with the dream he experiences. However, some people cling so

fast to objective knowledge that they are not satisfied when told

this. They want to know how sudden creation can be possible

and argue that an effect must be preceded by a cause. In fact

they desire an explanation of the world that they see about them.

Therefore the scriptures try to satisfy their curiosity by such

theories. This method of dealing with the subject is called the

theory of gradual creation, but the true spiritual seeker can be

satisfied with instantaneous creation." 1


1 Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi, 651.







:) thank you. bhagavan ramana's words are like a fresh cool breeze on

hot summer day...

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