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There is no greater enemy than non-enquiry

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THE ESSENCE OF RIBHU GITAThe following verses constitute the teachings of Siva to Ribhu,who in turn transmits those teachings to his disciple Nidhaga Rishi.The treatise goes by the name Ribhu Gita.`Sahaja Nishta' or The Natural State68. That state of still, pure, effulgent awareness is moksha,the state beyond compare. Those who maintain an unbrokenabidance in that supreme state will never more be touched bysuffering or confusion, and will be absolved from all duties.Such duties if any will somehow be completed without anyvolition on their part. They will eternally abide as the solesupreme Self. (Ch.30, v.31)69. By the persistent and continued bhavana* of `I amthe Brahman-Self ' all thoughts and feelings of differentiationof Self and non-Self will drop off and permanent abidance inBrahman-Self will be achieved. This bhavana is possible onlyfor those with a keen inquiring mind intent on knowing theSelf and not for those who are indifferent about Self-knowledge.(Ch.32, v.18)70. Ignorance and indifference in regard to the enquiryof the truth about one-self is the store house of nescience andtrouble, blocking the view of the Self, and creating in a splitsecond all sorts of illusions and harassment of mental worry.Non-enquiry renders bhavana impossible. (Ch.32, v.19)71. In short, non-enquiry will steep one for ever in theocean of samsara (earthly suffering). There is no greater enemyfor one than non-enquiry. Therefore, this habit must beovercome in order to fix the mind in the bhavana which leadsto abidance in the Self. (Ch.32, v.20)* In all the 13 verses of Chapter 32, the term bhavana is to be understoodas faith or firm belief in `Aham Brahmam' (I am the Self ).

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