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death is intermediate between two births

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The Teachings of BhagavanSri Ramana Maharshiin His Own WordsCHAPTER ONEDEATH AND RE-BIRTHHe did, however, refer sometimes to a person's preparednessor maturity as being due to the achievements of a previousincarnation.A competent person who has already, perhaps in a previousincarnation, qualified himself realises the truth and abides inpeace as soon as he hears it told to him just once, whereas onewho is not so qualified has to pass through the various stagesbefore attaining samadhi (direct, pure consciousness of being).1That is to say that a lifetime may be regarded as a day's journeyupon the pilgrimage to Self-realisation. How far from thegoal one starts depends on the effort or lack of effort made onthe previous days; how far forward one advances depends onthe effort of today.A Science lecturer from a university asked whether theintellect survives a man's death and was told:"Why think of death? Consider what happens in your sleep.What is your experience of that?"Devotee: But sleep is transient, whereas death is not.Bhagavan: Sleep is intermediate between two waking states, andin the same way death is intermediate between two births. Bothare transient.D.: I mean when the spirit is disembodied, does it carrythe intellect with it?B.: The spirit is not disembodied; the bodies differ. If not agross body it will be a subtle one, as in sleep, dream or day-dream.21 Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi, 21.2 Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi, 206.

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