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Whatever is external is also transitory

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The Teachings of BhagavanSri Ramana Maharshiin His Own WordsCHAPTER ONERELIGIONSThe doctrine of the Trinity was explained: God the Father isequivalent to Ishwara, God the Son to the Guru, and God theHoly Ghost to the Atman. Isvaro gururatmeti murti bheda vibhaginevyomavad vyapta dehaya dakshinamurtaye namah, means that Godappears to His devotee in the form of a Guru (Son of God) andpoints out to him the immanence of the Holy Spirit.That is to say, that God is Spirit, that this Spirit is immanenteverywhere and that the Self must be realised, which is the sameas realising God. 1He protested against being satisfied with formal heavens,whether Hindu or any other, because so long as there is formthere remains seer, sight and seen and not the One Self.Devotee: There is a short account of the spiritual experiences ofSt. Theresa, in the March number of Prabuddha Bharata. Shewas devoted to a figure of the Madonna which became animatedto her sight and she was in bliss. Is this the same as saktipata?Bhagavan: The animated figure indicates the depth of meditation(dhyana bala). Saktipata prepares the mind for introversion.There is a process of concentration of the mind on one's ownshadow which in due course becomes animated and answersquestions put to it. That is due to strength of mind or depth ofmeditation. Whatever is external is also transitory. Suchphenomena may produce joy for the time being, but abidingpeace (Shanti) does not result. That is got only by the removalof avidya (ignorance). 21 Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi, 90.2 Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi, 393.

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