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Ramana Maharshi Foundation UK

15 a Victoria Road, London, NW6 6SX

Tel.0207 328 3314


Registered Charity No. 1040280

In the inmost core, the Heart

Shines as Brahman alone,

As 'I - I', the Self aware.

Enter deep into the Heart

By search for Self, or diving deep

Or with breath under check.

Thus abide ever in Atman.

(Ramana Gita, ch.ii, v 2)


The Ramana Maharshi Foundation UK is a registered charity. An elected committee

guides the Foundation. Members endeavour to live by Bhagavan's teaching

faithfully, without the Intrusion of personalities, and to practise Self-enquiry

and surrender in all circumstances of our everyday lives. You are most welcome

to ring us and visit, to look at books or talk of sadhana.



Monthly Satsangs are held on the second Saturday of each month at Friends

Meeting House, 120 Heath Street, Hampstead, Northwest London from 1.30 - 5.30pm,

consisting of bhajans, talks on Ramana's teaching, silent meditation together,

readings, tea and discussion. An Additional Satsang is held on the final

Saturday of each month. These will be permanently housed in the Library at

Friends Meeting House commencing at 2:00 pm on a devotional theme, with

readings, a talk, discussion, chanting and tea, presided over by different

members. Please ring Sarah Farrand or Alasdair Black for address etc. (+44

(0)020 8398 0193)


Silent Meditation Satsang Invitation


There will be a Silent Meditation Satsang for Ramana Devotees to be held every

Thursday evening from 7:00pm ( please arrive at 6:45) at Studio E, ground floor

flat,49 the Avenue, Brondesbury Park, London NW6. The satsang will consist of

two 45 minutes of silent meditation with one short reading from Sri Bhagavan's

Teachings. Tea will be served. All are welcome. Further enquiries to Alasdair





The Journal, " SELF ENQUIRY " , which was published two - four times each year by

the Ramana Maharshi Foundation UK between 1993 and March 2004, has now ceased

publication. Contributors included Robert Adams, Ramesh Balsekar, Douglas

Harding, Catherine Ingram, Francis Lucille and David Frawley, along with others

among our own members. A large stock of back numbers is available. These may be

purchased at £5 each, including postage.


The Newsletter provides a diary of teachers who are visiting the UK, as well as

items of topical interest and a notice board. This continues to be published

three times per year.


Subscription, including Newsletter: UK £10 per annum; Overseas £12 per annum (US

$20). (Please add £5 if payment not in sterling.) Remittance should be made

payable to 'Sri Ramana Foundation' and sent to Ken Maskey, 77 Leybourne Road,

London E11 3BS giving your full name and address, together with phone number and

email address (if any).



There are a number of E-Groups that discuss the teaching of Ramana Maharshi. In

particular, the RamanaMaharshi group can be recommended. For those seriously

wishing to pursue the technique of Self Enquiry, there is also a specialist

group at satsangh.


There are many websites that contain information about the teaching. The

principal of these is Sri Ramanasramam.


Satsangs are also held by Nandini Bishop each Sunday night in Bradford-on-Avon,

near Bath in the UK. For further information, see www.advaitaspirit.org.



Initial enquiries regarding the work of the

Ramana Maharshi Foundation UK

should be made to Sarah Farrand

Tel.+44 (0)020 8398 0193


The chairman, Alasdair Black, or deputy chair, Sarah Farrand, may be contacted

via the above telephone number or, for any questions relating to the

organisation, via email. Alan Jacobs is the elected President.

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