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Hakim Sanai - The way to You

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Here's your Daily Poem from the Poetry Chaikhana --







The way to You

By Hakim Sanai(1044? - 1150?)

English version by Priya Hemenway

The way to Youlies clearly in my heartand cannot be seen or known to the mind.As my words turn to silence,Your sweetness surrounds me.







-- from The Book of Everything: Journey of the Heart's Desire, by Hakim Sanai Al-Ghaznavi / Translated by Priya Hemenway

Amazon.com / Photo by Lel4nd /






Thought for the Day:

Remember, you aresupremely completein every circumstance.



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Call of the Mystic

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Hi Alan -I'm back! I'm still recovering from my injury, but I'm mostly mobile now and I can take all but the deepest breaths without much pain. And you know the old joke about how it only hurts when I laugh? Well, if I'm very careful, I can let out a little chuckle... :-)I can't tell you all how much all of your get well wishes meant to me. I received so many emails and notes that I couldn't respond to them all individually, but I read every one and was deeply moved. Some of you sent me poems. Others told me of your own injuries and recovery. A few suggested I switch to the gentler arts of yoga or tai chi, some even questioning how I can reconcile the martial arts with the spiritual path (one person's quip: "less martial, more arty"). ... Material for a future blog post, perhaps.I'm glad to be back with all of you, sharing another poem...Have a beautiful full moon


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Poetry ChaikhanaP.O. Box 2320Boulder, CO 80306


Ivan M. Granger's original poetry, stories and commentaries are 2002 - 2010 by Ivan M. Granger.All other material is copyrighted by the respective authors, translators and/or publishers.


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