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worksheet- more explaination

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Dear Cristine, and other list members

You are having confusion about Work sheet.

Here I give the basic principles of the system. Those are arranged in

the worksheet. If you will know them, it will be easy for you to

follow the work sheet.

Let us take the example of chart given in ABA/ ACA DOB 22nd Jan


Basic Prisiples:

1. Cast the chart, taking correct krushna's ayanansha.

2. Cast the Sarvastakvarg table for the chart, taking Lagana as

First house

3. Select the house for which you are finding the result, call it


4. Ascertain its Upachay houses, A,B,,C,D,and E.

5. B is the house for which you are finding the result.

6. Eight house from B is known as A.

7. 10th house from A is known as C.

8. 3rd from A is known as D, and 11th house from A is known as E.

9. Find out the points in sarvastak table for each planet for

A,B, and C houses. ( 2nd Row in work sheet)

10. Total these points, this will be the basic strength of the

planets for the house result. ( Row 3)

11. Now we should find out the planets having less then 4 points,

it means having 3, 2, 1 or 0 points in the place the planet is


12. If there is any planet in the fourth place from such planet,

mark them. ( Row 4 and sub div a,b,c,d,)

13. write the points of the planets in row 3 ( for the planets in

the fourt place.) ( Row 5 a,b,c,d,)

14. Add these points to the main planet in Row 1. answer is in

Row 6.

15 Lords of D and E are more eager to give the results , so add

five points to the lord of house D and E.

16 If there is any planet, in house D and E, with more then 4

points ( means having 5, 6, 7, or 8 points in it's sarvastak varg for

the place it is situated )

17. Add all these points to the planet in row 1. ( answer is in

Row 9)

18. Now we must find the sight of planets on house A, B, and c.

Planets with less then 4 points will give benefic sight, so we add 8-

points of the planet to the total we get in Row 9. ( Sight is always

gives the reverse effect) If the planet is having more then 4 points,

then the sight will be malefic and equal to the points of the planet,

So deduct equal points from the total in 9. We get the result in Row

13. Sight of the planets with 4 points is considered as neutral, so

no effect should be given.

19. Now the sight of the planets on planets should be considered.

Here we adopt the similar procedure. For benefic sight we add the

points equal to 8- points of the planet, and for malefic sight we

deduct the points. The total we get is in Row 17.

20. Here we consider the lordship of the planets. Lord of house D

and E, do not have malefic sight on the the planets and the house.

Only benefic sight of such planets is taken, This is considered for

both procedure no 18 and 19.

21.Benefic Sight of lord of 12th house from house B is not

considered. It is assumed that Lord of 12th house from B does not

give benefic sight. Sun and Moon are not considered as lord of 12th

house from B. So their benefic sight on planet or on the houses A,B,C

is considered.

22. Thus we get the power of each planet for the house B. Planet

having more then 12 points are considered as benefic planets for

house B. Those will help in achiveing the result of the house B.


Now the same procedure we will follow for finding the result

of 7th house.

Now considering 7th house as B, we have 2nd house as A, and

11th house is C. Similarly 4th house is D and 12th house is E.

Now if we look at the sarvastak chart, Sun is having 2 points

in house A, 3 points in house B, and 4 points in house C. So the

total of these points comes to 9, which is basic strength of Sun for

7th house. Similarly we must find the strength of other planets. so

Moon gets 13, Mars gets 9, Mercury Gets 13, Jupiter gets 11, Venus

gets 13 and Saturn gets 9 points. ( we have covered work up to step


Now as per step 11, Mars is having less then 4 points, Mercury

and Saturn also have less then 4 points. Here Mars is having 2,

Mercury is having 3, and Saturn is having 3 points. These planets

will be having benefic sight on the houses or planets.

Now as per step 12, We will see if there is any planet/s in the

fourt place from these planets. Here only Mars is having Ve, Me, and

Su situated in the fourth place from Mars. There is no planets in the

fourth place from Sa and Me. ( We do not consider Rahu and Ketu and

other Outer Planets)

Now as per step 13, Venus is having 13 points as its basic

strength, Mercury is having 13, and Sun is having 9 points.

As per step 14, We add these points to the basic strength of

Mars. So the total strength of Mars have became 9 (it's basic

strength) plus 13 of Venus, plus 13 of Mercury and 9 of Sun. The

total strength of Mars becames 44. For other planets there is no

change. So the final strength after this step is written in Row 6.

The strength of the planets becames as follow in Row 6.

Sun 9, Moon 13, Mars 44, Mer 13, Ju 11, Ve 13, and Sa is having 9. We

reach up to step 14.

Now Step 15. 4th house is house D and its lord is Venus, and

12th house is house E, and its lord is Saturn. So we must add 5

points to these planets as these are more eager to give the result.

Similarly Venus, Mercury and Sun are situated in house E. Out of

these only Sun is having more then 4 points. Sun is having 5 points,

so we add 5 points to Sun also. ( step 16)

Add these points and write in the Row 9. Thus We get strength

as Sun 14, Moon 13, Mars 44, Mercury 13, Jupiter 11, Venus 18 and

Saturn 14. We reached up to step 17.

Now as per step 18, we should find the sight of the planets on

house A,B, and C. Here we find that Jupiter and Saturn are having

their sight on house A. The jupiter is having 5 points so its sight

on house A is considered as malefic, so We deduct 5 points from the

totoal we get in Row 9 for Jupiter. Similarly the sight of Saturn is

benefic as it is having less then 4 points. So we add (8-3 = 5) 5

points to the points in Row 9 against Saturn.

Thus we get Points in Row 13 as follows:

Sun 14, Moon 13, Mars 44, Mercury 13, Jupiter 6, Venus 18 and Saturn


Here we completed Step 18.

Now as per step 19, we have to consider the effect of sight of

the planets on other planets. If we look at the chart, we find that

Ju and Mars are having their sight on Sun, Me, and Ve. and Saturn is

having its sight on Moon. So five points due to Jupiter will be

ducducted from Sun, Mer, and Ven, and 6 points will be added due to

the sight of Mars (8-2=6). Similarly due to benefic sight of Saturn

on Moon 5 points will be increased in the points of Moon.

So We get the final strength in Row 17 as Follows:

Sun 15, Moon 18, Mars 44, Mercury 14, Jupiter 6, Venus 19 and Saturn


These points will be responsible for the result of 7th house.

The result of 7th house can be ascertain according to the points of

the planets in their sub period. If we look at the points Except

Jupiter all planets are having good strength. So all the results

denoted by 7th house will be achived in better quantity.


Notes on the procedure not covered in this : If in this case if

Jupiter would have been the lord of house D or E , it's sight on

planets and Houses would have not been considered as Malefic, so no

points would have been deducted. Similarly, as Saturn is the lord of

house E, so if it would have more then 4 points, it's sight would

have not treated as Malefic.

Similarly If Saturn would have been the lord of 12th house from

B, i.e. sixth house, then its sight would have not considered as

Benefic. Similarly in case if Jupiter would have been the lord of

12th from B, no change would have been considered for its sight

because it is havin malefic sight.


I hope this explaination will make the thing more clear, for the

members having any doubt.






, XINEFOURNI@a... wrote:

> Me again...I have gone through all the lessons, and can' find a


> setting forth all the rules explaining the worksheet

computation...and there

> are some 1800 messages to sift through, not a good use of time, as

i lost all

> the messages i had kept on the subject when my old computer

crashed...i went

> through some old written notes taken before my old computer

crashed, and

> would like to pass them by you, in bold in the text of my prior e-

mail on

> the subject, reproduced below. Thanks for your help. Maybe I am not

meant to

> study this system!


> >

> > Dear Margarita, Donna and List Members:

> >


> > I think that either i am doing smthg wrong or the worksheet does


> > wrong. I assume it's me, but where? By way of example, imputing


> > the

> > man born 1/22/1922, in the " Basic " sheet, I did the fllwg:

> > 1. I imputed lagna # 11 [the sign number]

> > 2. In rows 10 to 16, I imputed the house number [not its sign

number] for

> > each planet.

> > 3. In rows 4a to 4d, under Mars, I imputed Sun, Mercury, Venus,

since they

> > are in 4th from Mars, and Mars only has 2 bindus [same thing up

to 4

> > bindus,

> > inclusive]

> > 4. In rows 14a to 14d, I entered the " standard jyotish " aspects

for each

> > planet.****** Under Sun, Jupiter and Mars. Under Moon, Saturn.


> > Mercury,

> > Jupiter and Mars. Under Venus, Jupiter and Mars.

> > I did nthg more in the Basic sheet.

> > ******What would we do if 5/6 planets were samdharmi to 1 planet

w/ 4 or

> > less

> > bindus? There is not enough space...

> >

> > I then went to the detailed calculations for Hse 1, AND believe

there is a

> > mistake:

> > On rows 7a and 7b, the Moon shows up as lord of D and occupant

of D,

> > respectively. OK. On row 8a, it is given 5 pts as expected. OK.

> > But, on row 8b, it is given 7 pts.....and I think it should get 5

pts only.

> > Am I wrong? The instructions to the left also say to add 5 pts.

> > I looked at 2 other charts which also showed more than 5 pts in

row 8b for

> > the planet that is the occupant of D. Is this right? If not, how

do I

> > correct it?

> >

> > That's one problem.

> 1. a planet in D or E w/ less than 4 bindus gets no additional

points. If

> that

> > same planet happens to be lord of

> 2. a planet in D or E w/ 4 bindus gets 4 additional points, 5


> 5 additional points...7 bindus...gets 7 additional pts. And if it

happens to

> be lord of D or E it also gets an additional 5 pts as in #1 above.


> So in ABA/ACA, the MOON having 7 bindus and being occupant of D,

got 7 pts on

> row 8b, and this is ok. But then, the language to the left,

referring to the

> addition of 5 pts, is confusing for ill-informed people like me.

> Is my understanding correct?



> > The other difficulty, though not impacting computation, but

rather creating

> > confusion, is that the instructions refer to " points " , but smtmes

pts means

> > extrapolated pts and smtmes it means bindus at the natal location

place in

> > samudaya ashtakavarga, and some other times it means bindus in


> > binnashtaka varga of the particular planet. Hard to double check


> > computation!

> >

> > Lastly, Margarita, you kindly said:

> >

> > >> In the instruction sheet you will see that the points of the

all planets

> >> are

> >> automatically calculated. I assume this includes the benefic pts

due to

> >> sight of D and E lords? The only thing you must look at are the


> >> for Sun and Moon as 12th house lords, this because of limitation


> >> programming.

> >> If Sun or Moon have more than 4 points the worksheet will

calculate their

> >> sight as negative points, so just add them back.

> >>

> >

> >

> >

> > Just to make sure I understand properly:

> > There can never be more than 2 houses that may need individual


> > adjustments, those where Moon and Sun are L12 for the house


> > consideration. And no adjustment will be necessary unless this

Sun or Moon

> > has more than 4 bindus and aspects a planet.

> > The only adjustment will be in row 16e [of the concerned house]

in the

> > column

> > of the planet that is aspected by Sun or Moon. The adjustment in

row 16e

> > will

> > be equal to the number of points deducted in the column for that


> > planet in row -16a -in red.

> > No


> Having gone through the lessons and my notes, i find another

ambiguity, in my

> mind. If planet A is in 10th from B, B may not act for A if A has

more than 4

> bindus. B may act for A if A has less than 4 bindus.

> Question: Is B able to act for A if A has exactly 4 bindus?


> Hope this is not seen as criticism of the worksheet, I am trying to

> understand it and I might not even attempt this system without it.

Until I do

> master the worksheet though, I am not comfortable applying the



> >

> >

> > Many thanks and regards

> > Christine

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > >>

> >> Ex: Sun has 6 points and aspects Saturn.

> >> For house " x " Sun is the 12th lord so the worksheet will deduce

6 points

> >> from Saturn due to the sight of the Sun.

> >> So you just give the 6 points back to Saturn (but only when sun

is 12th

> >> lord from " x " ).

> >> But by reading the " instruction " page, it all will become clear.

> >>

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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  • 10 months later...
Guest guest




this message, dated june 19 can help you on the way. But use the right ayanamsa

to start with.

Good luck

and best regards






Tuesday, June 19, 2001 10:18





Re: worksheet- more explaination


Dear Cristine,

and other list members

You are having confusion about

Work sheet.

Here I give the basic principles of the system. Those are arranged in

the worksheet. If you will know them, it will be easy for you to

follow the work sheet.

Let us take the example of chart given in ABA/ ACA DOB

22nd Jan


Basic Prisiples:

1. Cast the chart, taking correct krushna's ayanansha.

2. Cast the Sarvastakvarg table for the chart, taking

Lagana as

First house

3. Select the house for which you are finding the

result, call it


4. Ascertain its Upachay houses, A,B,,C,D,and E.

5. B is the house for which you are finding the result.

6. Eight house from B is known as A.

7. 10th house from A is known as C.

8. 3rd from A is known as D, and 11th house from A is

known as E.

9. Find out the points in sarvastak table for each

planet for

A,B, and C houses. ( 2nd Row in work sheet)

10. Total these points, this will be the basic strength of the


planets for the house result. ( Row 3)

11. Now we should find out the planets having less then

4 points,

it means having 3, 2, 1 or 0 points in the place the planet is


12. If there is any planet in the fourth place from such


mark them. ( Row 4 and sub div a,b,c,d,)

13. write the points of the planets in row 3 ( for the

planets in

the fourt place.) ( Row 5 a,b,c,d,)

14. Add these points to the main planet in Row 1. answer

is in

Row 6.

15 Lords of D and E are more eager to give the results ,

so add

five points to the lord of house D and E.

16 If there is any planet, in house D and E, with more

then 4

points ( means having 5, 6, 7, or 8 points in it's sarvastak varg for

the place it is situated )

17. Add all these points to the planet in row 1. (

answer is in

Row 9)

18. Now we must find the sight of planets on house A, B,

and c.

Planets with less then 4 points will give benefic sight, so we add 8-

points of the planet to the total we get in Row 9. ( Sight is always

gives the reverse effect) If the planet is having more then 4 points,

then the sight will be malefic and equal to the points of the planet,

So deduct equal points from the total in 9. We get the result in Row

13. Sight of the planets with 4 points is considered as neutral, so

no effect should be given.

19. Now the sight of the planets on planets should be considered.


Here we adopt the similar procedure. For benefic sight we add the

points equal to 8- points of the planet, and for malefic sight we

deduct the points. The total we get is in Row 17.

20. Here we consider the lordship of the planets. Lord of house


and E, do not have malefic sight on the the planets and the house.

Only benefic sight of such planets is taken, This is considered for

both procedure no 18 and 19.

21.Benefic Sight of lord of 12th house from house B is not

considered. It is assumed that Lord of 12th house from B does not

give benefic sight. Sun and Moon are not considered as lord of 12th

house from B. So their benefic sight on planet or on the houses A,B,C

is considered.

22. Thus we get the power of each planet for the house B. Planet

having more then 12 points are considered as benefic planets for

house B. Those will help in achiveing the result of the house B.


Now the same procedure we will follow

for finding the result

of 7th house.

Now considering 7th house as B, we have 2nd

house as A, and

11th house is C. Similarly 4th house is D and 12th house is E.

Now if we look at the sarvastak chart, Sun

is having 2 points

in house A, 3 points in house B, and 4 points in house C. So the

total of these points comes to 9, which is basic strength of Sun for

7th house. Similarly we must find the strength of other planets. so

Moon gets 13, Mars gets 9, Mercury Gets 13, Jupiter gets 11, Venus

gets 13 and Saturn gets 9 points. ( we have covered work up to step


Now as per step 11, Mars is having less then

4 points, Mercury

and Saturn also have less then 4 points. Here Mars is having 2,

Mercury is having 3, and Saturn is having 3 points. These planets

will be having benefic sight on the houses or planets.

Now as per step 12, We will see if there is

any planet/s in the

fourt place from these planets. Here only Mars is having Ve, Me, and

Su situated in the fourth place from Mars. There is no planets in the

fourth place from Sa and Me. ( We do not consider Rahu and Ketu and

other Outer Planets)

Now as per step 13, Venus is having 13

points as its basic

strength, Mercury is having 13, and Sun is having 9 points.

As per step 14, We add these points to

the basic strength of

Mars. So the total strength of Mars have became 9 (it's basic

strength) plus 13 of Venus, plus 13 of Mercury and 9 of Sun. The

total strength of Mars becames 44. For other planets there is no

change. So the final strength after this step is written in Row 6.

The strength of the planets becames as

follow in Row 6.

Sun 9, Moon 13, Mars 44, Mer 13, Ju 11, Ve 13, and Sa is having 9. We

reach up to step 14.

Now Step 15. 4th house is house D and its

lord is Venus, and

12th house is house E, and its lord is Saturn. So we must add 5

points to these planets as these are more eager to give the result.

Similarly Venus, Mercury and Sun are situated in house E. Out of

these only Sun is having more then 4 points. Sun is having 5 points,

so we add 5 points to Sun also. ( step 16)

Add these points and write in the Row 9.

Thus We get strength

as Sun 14, Moon 13, Mars 44, Mercury 13, Jupiter 11, Venus 18 and

Saturn 14. We reached up to step 17.

Now as per step 18, we should find the sight

of the planets on

house A,B, and C. Here we find that Jupiter and Saturn are having

their sight on house A. The jupiter is having 5 points so its sight

on house A is considered as malefic, so We deduct 5 points from the

totoal we get in Row 9 for Jupiter. Similarly the sight of Saturn is

benefic as it is having less then 4 points. So we add (8-3 = 5) 5

points to the points in Row 9 against Saturn.

Thus we get Points in Row 13 as follows:

Sun 14, Moon 13, Mars 44, Mercury 13, Jupiter 6, Venus 18 and Saturn


Here we completed Step 18.

Now as per step 19, we have to consider the

effect of sight of

the planets on other planets. If we look at the chart, we find that

Ju and Mars are having their sight on Sun, Me, and Ve. and Saturn is

having its sight on Moon. So five points due to Jupiter will be

ducducted from Sun, Mer, and Ven, and 6 points will be added due to

the sight of Mars (8-2=6). Similarly due to benefic sight of Saturn

on Moon 5 points will be increased in the points of Moon.

So We get the final strength in Row 17 as Follows:

Sun 15, Moon 18, Mars 44, Mercury 14, Jupiter 6, Venus 19 and Saturn


These points will be responsible for the

result of 7th house.

The result of 7th house can be ascertain according to the points of

the planets in their sub period. If we look at the points Except

Jupiter all planets are having good strength. So all the results

denoted by 7th house will be achived in better quantity.

Notes on the procedure not covered in this : If in this

case if

Jupiter would have been the lord of house D or E , it's sight on

planets and Houses would have not been considered as Malefic, so no

points would have been deducted. Similarly, as Saturn is the lord of

house E, so if it would have more then 4 points, it's sight would

have not treated as Malefic.

Similarly If Saturn would have been the lord of 12th

house from

B, i.e. sixth house, then its sight would have not considered as

Benefic. Similarly in case if Jupiter would have been the lord of

12th from B, no change would have been considered for its sight

because it is havin malefic sight.


I hope this explaination will make the thing more

clear, for the

members having any doubt.




, XINEFOURNI@a... wrote:

> Me again...I have gone through all the lessons, and can' find a


> setting forth all the rules explaining the worksheet

computation...and there

> are some 1800 messages to sift through, not a good use of time, as

i lost all

> the messages i had kept on the subject when my old computer

crashed...i went

> through some old written notes taken before my old computer

crashed, and

> would like to pass them by you, in bold in the text of my prior


mail on

> the subject, reproduced below. Thanks for your help. Maybe I am not

meant to

> study this system!


> >

> > Dear Margarita, Donna and List Members:

> >


> > I think that either i am doing smthg wrong or the worksheet



> > wrong. I assume it's me, but where? By way of example, imputing


> > the

> > man born 1/22/1922, in the " Basic " sheet, I did the


> > 1. I imputed lagna # 11 [the sign number]

> > 2. In rows 10 to 16, I imputed the house number [not its sign

number] for

> > each planet.

> > 3. In rows 4a to 4d, under Mars, I imputed Sun, Mercury, Venus,

since they

> > are in 4th from Mars, and Mars only has 2 bindus [same thing up

to 4

> > bindus,

> > inclusive]

> > 4. In rows 14a to 14d, I entered the " standard jyotish "


for each

> > planet.****** Under Sun, Jupiter and Mars. Under Moon, Saturn.


> > Mercury,

> > Jupiter and Mars. Under Venus, Jupiter and Mars.

> > I did nthg more in the Basic sheet.

> > ******What would we do if 5/6 planets were samdharmi to 1 planet

w/ 4 or

> > less

> > bindus? There is not enough space...

> >

> > I then went to the detailed calculations for Hse 1, AND believe

there is a

> > mistake:

> > On rows 7a and 7b, the Moon shows up as lord of D and


of D,

> > respectively. OK. On row 8a, it is given 5 pts as expected. OK.

> > But, on row 8b, it is given 7 pts.....and I think it should get 5


pts only.

> > Am I wrong? The instructions to the left also say to add 5 pts.

> > I looked at 2 other charts which also showed more than 5 pts in

row 8b for

> > the planet that is the occupant of D. Is this right? If

not, how

do I

> > correct it?

> >

> > That's one problem.

> 1. a planet in D or E w/ less than 4 bindus gets no


points. If

> that

> > same planet happens to be lord of

> 2. a planet in D or E w/ 4 bindus gets 4 additional points, 5


> 5 additional points...7 bindus...gets 7 additional pts. And if


happens to

> be lord of D or E it also gets an additional 5 pts as in #1 above.


> So in ABA/ACA, the MOON having 7 bindus and being occupant of D,

got 7 pts on

> row 8b, and this is ok. But then, the language to the left,

referring to the

> addition of 5 pts, is confusing for ill-informed people like me.

> Is my understanding correct?



> > The other difficulty, though not impacting computation, but


rather creating

> > confusion, is that the instructions refer to " points " ,

but smtmes

pts means

> > extrapolated pts and smtmes it means bindus at the natal location


place in

> > samudaya ashtakavarga, and some other times it means bindus in


> > binnashtaka varga of the particular planet. Hard to double check


> > computation!

> >

> > Lastly, Margarita, you kindly said:

> >

> > >> In the instruction sheet you will see that the points of


all planets

> >> are

> >> automatically calculated. I assume this includes the benefic


due to

> >> sight of D and E lords? The only thing you must look at are



> >> for Sun and Moon as 12th house lords, this because of



> >> programming.

> >> If Sun or Moon have more than 4 points the worksheet will

calculate their

> >> sight as negative points, so just add them back.

> >>

> >

> >

> >

> > Just to make sure I understand properly:

> > There can never be more than 2 houses that may need individual


> > adjustments, those where Moon and Sun are L12 for the house



> > consideration. And no adjustment will be necessary unless this

Sun or Moon

> > has more than 4 bindus and aspects a planet.

> > The only adjustment will be in row 16e [of the concerned house]

in the

> > column

> > of the planet that is aspected by Sun or Moon. The adjustment in

row 16e

> > will

> > be equal to the number of points deducted in the column for that


> > planet in row -16a -in red.

> > No


> Having gone through the lessons and my notes, i find another

ambiguity, in my

> mind. If planet A is in 10th from B, B may not act for A if A has

more than 4

> bindus. B may act for A if A has less than 4 bindus.

> Question: Is B able to act for A if A has exactly 4 bindus?


> Hope this is not seen as criticism of the worksheet, I am trying to

> understand it and I might not even attempt this system without it.

Until I do

> master the worksheet though, I am not comfortable applying the



> >

> >

> > Many thanks and regards

> > Christine

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > >>

> >> Ex: Sun has 6 points and aspects Saturn.

> >> For house " x " Sun is the 12th lord so the worksheet

will deduce

6 points

> >> from Saturn due to the sight of the Sun.

> >> So you just give the 6 points back to Saturn (but only when


is 12th

> >> lord from " x " ).

> >> But by reading the " instruction " page, it all will

become clear.

> >>

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >






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