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Exercise ABA 7

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Krushna and List Members,



August 24th, 1985, I believe the native lost his son.



– Venus/Jupiter



choice is the loss of his son for several reasons, which I will list (some of

these reasons) below. I elected to again look at this chart from 3 different

systems of analysis to include System’s Approach, traditional, and Krushna’s ashtakavarga

teachings - to verify event

validation and to give additional support, as Krushna has encouraged such




must add, however, that Krushna’s ashtakavarga teachings and the points with

which I am familiar with so far proved to pleasantly and powerfully knock off quite

a few un-necessary minutes of searching, because with his teachings I immediately

focused on the son as being the most obvious and supporting choice for his loss

on this date. So in essence, I narrowed down the time spent in the search by

implementing the techniques of Krushna’s that I am familiar with first. (I have

more to study yet J) I am

very pleased with what I have had the time to implement so far as far as

ashtakavarga teachings go, and I certainly endorse Krushna’s system as being

quite an efficient predictive tool – The more I learn of it, the more amazed I

am in its capacity for predictive accuracy…Anyway…here are my findings.



12 in the natives chart is the focal point for the loss of his son. (The other

houses, the 11th for his Mother and the 4th for his

father, I quickly eliminated based on the overall picture of the 12th

for his son.) The 12th is 8th from the 5th house

of children. Jupiter, the bhukti lord, is the natural significator for the 5th

, in addition to being the chart significator for children (lord of the 5th).

Venus is the Mahadasha lord and both the functional and natural karaka for the

12th House. The lords

of D and E are Moon and Jupiter – one of which is the sub-period lord

(Jupiter). Also worth mentioning in this analysis is the role of the

prantyantardasha lord, malefic Rahu, for the time period in focus. Rahu, the PD

lord, tenants House E (5th) – and its landlord is Jupiter.



the MD lord further, we see that the most malefic planet, Venus, lords the

dusthana 12th, in addition to the 7th, and is disposited in

the 2nd by its bhukti lord, debilitated Jupiter – clearly showing

the strong connections that exist between the MD lord and the bhukti lord. MD

lord, Venus, also malefically aspects the 8th, certainly suggesting

suffering by virtue of separation and loss through death. So the 12th

lord afflicting the 8th will certainly be highly activated in the MD

period of Venus, where suffering for the native appears to be inevitable.



lord and significator for children, Jupiter while being a tenant of the 3rd,

is disposited by the natural death lord, Saturn, who in turn is closely

conjunct 6th lord of opposition, conflict, and accidents - Mars.

Saturn aspects the 12th house of Venus, the 4th, and the 7th

– Houses B, C, and A respectively. Mars, malefic 6th lord, inflicts

suffering for the native with respect to the matters of the 1st, the

Moon, the 4th, the 5th, and Rahu. ( And traditionally it

also inflicts suffering on the 8th, 9th, 10th and

11th lords – causing difficulties in those areas when activated). As

I mentioned earlier, Rahu is additionally the Prantyantardasha lord (or sub-sub

lord) during this Venus/Jupiter period and afflicts not only the 5th

house of children, but additionally the 9th, the 11th ,

and the lagna (and traditionally the planets posited in the lagna.)




transit, MD lord, Venus, is associated with 6th and 8th lords, while

bhukti lord and significator for children, Jupiter, is vargottama and aspected

by 6th and 8th lords, Mars and Mercury, along with

receiving the wrath of 12th lord, MMP (most malefic planet) and his

MD lord, Venus. More connections. Saturn joins avayogi Ketu in the 12th,

further setting up the scene for a tragic event. The transit chart supports the

possibilities present in the natal chart.




at the Saptamsha (divisional 7th chart for children) Venus, the MD

lord, is lagna lord, posited in the 8th house of death and aspected

by bhukti lord, Jupiter - which speaks volumes for this dasha sequence. We now

have the rashi 12th lord ruling the chart of children and posited in

the 8th , which is highly indicative of tragedy to his child during

the Venus/Jupiter dashas. Bhukti is additionally posited on the Rahu/Ketu axis

and aspected by Saturn from the 5th. So, Jupiter conjoins the

avayogi Ketu, while both aspect the 5th and Saturn, and both receive

the aspect of Saturn and sub-sub lord malefic Rahu. Looking at this chart makes

it quite apparent that there are dangers present to his child during this dasha





shows 5th and 10th MD lord Venus conjunct Saturn while bhukti lord Jupiter sits

in the 2nd with

prantyantardasha lord Rahu and both disposited by Saturn.


To me

it is very clear that the events were all lined up and waiting for the trigger

period Dashas to come into effect – which were Venus/Jupiter/Rahu. This, to me,

is the time this event would most likely occur.





than one thing can go on in any given chart in a short period of time – I can

certainly testify to that in my own chart, and this chart is no exception.

Also, I’m sure there are more answers to this if we study the daily

ashtakavarga points – which I didn’t do for this analysis as I’m sporting close

to a book now in this analysis. J So I

need to cut out somewhere…



the career, Jupiter, the bhukti lord, is posited in the 3rd in the

house of initiatives and starting a new venture – therefore Jupiter’s results

can also include, or be linked with, both 6th and 10th house matters

– which involve the workplace and career. So his new venture in the workplace

becomes viable even in the midst of being immediately followed by losing a

family member during his Jupiter bhukti - by virtue of its placement in rashi.

Also, consider that it is disposited by 3rd lord Saturn, who resides

with 1st and 6th lord, Mars, in the 10th house

of career. Tenants of the 10th house, Mars and Saturn are disposited

by natural karaka for the 10th house, the Sun, who brings attention

to himself by virtue of being in dignity and digbala in transit ( own sign and having

directional strength), in addition to being well placed in the 1st in

rashi, so the power for initiatives involving ventures is there. Mars is also

digbala in rashi and in mutual reception with the 10th lord, Sun.



at the Dashamsha chart (divisional 10th – chart of successes/career)

we have bhukti lord, Jupiter, strongly posited in the 10th aspecting

MD lord, Venus, activating this chart during this period, and aspecting and in

mutual exchange with 10th lord, Mars. So in Venus/Jupiter in D-10,

while MD and bhukti lord form a 5/9 lucky relationship with a 10th house

involvement, we can certainly expect some attention for the matters of career

initiatives to be activated as well.



I didn’t put you all too sleep J…Anyway

– that’s my take on this chart.






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