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donna's chart

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Hello Donna and listmembers,

I worked out the charts and here are my findings. First I will go through the events aquarius ascendent; then I will do it over again with the Aries ascendent. I must say that I'm not always sure which houses to use for certain events but with a similar study of other listmembers I'm sure some things can be corrected or at least seen from another angle.

I did not look at all events because I was not too sure if they could be judged as "events"

Donna's Aquarius ascendent

event of dec 12 1957 : moved - RAHU/KETU

Ketu =Mars and Venus

Rahu = Mars and Ketu

We see that the nodes are closely connected to Mars lord of 3th and Venus lord of 4th

Looking at the 3th house as B, (12th from the 4th)Mars becomes lord of A and B and Ketu who is samdharmi to Mars can give results for the 12th (loss) and the 4th (home)

The move happend whern Sun transited end of Scorpio; this is Mars/Mercury and house A. Mercury has high points in the worksheet.

April 9 1958 :starting learning music KETU/JUPITER

I don't know if this is considered an event. I thought it could have a connection with "dharma" or life purpose and then it's the 5th house Here Jupiter, lord of D is in A

April 27 1961 : Confirmation VENUS/VENUS.

I should think to look at the 12th house because it covers religious matters. Falling in love or being deeply religious is not so different on an emotioal level. Venus is in the 5th navamsha.

Looking at the 12th as B, Venus is lord of C and D and if we count from house D she gives results for the 4th and the 8th this being B and C.

February 12th 1972 : marriage VENUS/JUPITER

Looking at the 7th as B Jupiter is lord of A and C and in E. But Jupiter is also lord of the 2nd house, so there should have been some trouble also

April 17 1972 : starts study western astrology VENUS/JUPITER

I look at the 5th again and see that during Jupiter bukthi you started studying something new (starting music in Ketu/Jupiter)

January 17 1975 miscarriage VENUS/STATURN

Mars aspects the 5th house so there could be problems with children. I looked at the 8th house as B and think the culprit is Mercury, lord of B and D in E. But Saturn, being in Mercury navamsaha and whose bukti comes first will give the results. Sun transited Sun nakshatra and Sun has high points for the 8th.

September 15 1977 : Cancer operation VENUS/MERCURY

Looking at the 8th house again I see that Mercury is not a good planet for health in the chart (cfr miscarriage)

Feburary 11 1985 : birth of daughter : SUN/MERCURY

Conception took place in Sun/Saturn. Normally Saturn cannot act for the 12th house because he aspects house C. For birth itself I think Mars is the planet to look at; he is lord of E and in D. But Mercury is in Mars nakshatra and Mars navamsha so he will act for Mars

March 15 1989 : second marriage MOON/RAHU

Rahu is in Mars/Ketu and Ketu is Venus/Mars. Now Mars is in a and Venus is lord of D. So I think Rahu acted for Venus

August 20 1997 : father died MARS/MARS

This is seen through the 8th from the 9th = 4th house as B. I'm inlcined to think we have to look at Mercury, lord of C in D. We know he is related to Mars through nakshatra and navamsha position so he becomes samdharmi to Mars. The event happened when Sun traveled through Sun/Ketu. Sun is in D and Ketu in E.


Aries asendent

moved in dec 12 1957 KETU/MERCURY

Mercury too could have given results as lord of B

according to points in the worksheet Mercury as lord B could give results but I think he acts for Mars who is the strongest significator.

april 9 1958 : taking accordeon lessons KETU/MERCURY

Here Mercury has nothing to do because he aspects house B

April 27 1961 confirmation VENUS/VENUS

Venus is lord of A and is Samdharmi to Jupiter because in his nakshatra but I find this rather weak especially that Venus is not lord of D or E and has only 12 points.

February 12 1972 first marriage VENUS/SATURN

Saturn seems good for being in love but not for marriage because he aspects house C

January 17 1975 miscarriage VENUS/MERCURY

Mercury acts for Mars I think because in Mars nakshatra and Navamsha, so caan give results

September 15 1977 cancer operation VENUS/KETU

Ketu can act for Mars and Venus. Mars seems responsible and Ketu is in Mars nakshatra and Mars navamsha

February 11 1985 birth of daughter MOON/MOON

Looking at the 5th as B the most indicated planet is Jupiter because lord of A and C in E. I suppose that Moon, being samdharmi to Jupiter (in Jupiter navamsha) will act for Jupiter.

Looking at the 12th for conception which took place in Sun/Venus. Venus is being FK but otherwise I don't see any relation to this event especially that she gets aspects from Saturn, lord of the 12th from B

March 15 1989 second marriage MOON/SATURN

We know already that Saturn canot give results for the 7th house

August 20 1997 father dies MARS/SATURN

Saturn cannot give results because he aspects house A


With Aquarius ascendent I find that events fit better even if I'm not always sure to have chosen to right planets.

With Aries ascendent there are events that won't work at all ex: marriage and death fo father so I think Aquarius ascendent works best.

I also looked up different female aquarius ascendent of people I know and indeed most are not tall and rather skinny except a plump one who has Moon an Jupiter right on the ascendent.

Now Donna has a strong Vata consitution; and those people are always very active especially with Mercury on the ascendent; this gives extreme mental mobility and I think (even if I don't know Donna at all) this fits perfectly. Jupiter is also in Saturn's sign, so he will not put on weight. Moon is leaving Cancer and in Mercury navamsha so that's surely not a "lazy" Moon so Donna can only be on the "skinny" side.

I think it would be interesting if Krushna could give his opinion on our biggest "heresies" just to correct our errors.

Best regards to all


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Dear Krushna -



Very good discussion on Donna's chart, in my absence.

I will read all the mail, and will try to answer.


Welcome back! We missed you!! I guess you'll have a lot of questions to answer by the time you catch up on everything. I'm trying to brush up all over again on your lessons as I've been away for too long now. But I am going to try and put more of a concentrated effort on this list now that I've finished the Mahabote course.


I WILL become proficient at this system. . . !! And right now, the best way for me to try and do that is to figure out whether or not I'm really an ARIES or an AQUARIAN. . . ;))


I'm looking forward to your feedback on this.


Thanks, Krushna!


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Dear Margarita, Donna, and all list members,

Very good discussion on Donna's chart, in my absence.

I will read all the mail, and will try to answer.

As for as it is concerned with Donna's chart, I think I have

done some calculations, long back. I will search it in my record. It

is not stored in my computer, might have been delated due to change

of hard disc etc. I think I am having stored in some file. My office

was renewed, Some days before, at that time so many files were kept


Any how, Margarita, you are doing very well. Mr Sanjay also got

a nice grip, on the system.

It is now 2:15 Am, Now I can use internet only in night time,

Till the telephone lines connected to my computer gets rectified.

This line, I am using now, can not be used in day time, as it is very





-- In , " dmlettens " <dmlettens@s...>


> Hello Donna and listmembers,

> I worked out the charts and here are my findings. First I will go

through the events aquarius ascendent; then I will do it over again

with the Aries ascendent. I must say that I'm not always sure which

houses to use for certain events but with a similar study of other

listmembers I'm sure some things can be corrected or at least seen

from another angle.

> I did not look at all events because I was not too sure if they

could be judged as " events "

> Donna's Aquarius ascendent

> event of dec 12 1957 : moved - RAHU/KETU

> Ketu =Mars and Venus

> Rahu = Mars and Ketu

> We see that the nodes are closely connected to Mars lord of 3th and

Venus lord of 4th

> Looking at the 3th house as B, (12th from the 4th)Mars becomes lord

of A and B and Ketu who is samdharmi to Mars can give results for

the 12th (loss) and the 4th (home)

> The move happend whern Sun transited end of Scorpio; this is

Mars/Mercury and house A. Mercury has high points in the worksheet.

> April 9 1958 :starting learning music KETU/JUPITER

> I don't know if this is considered an event. I thought it could

have a connection with " dharma " or life purpose and then it's the 5th

house Here Jupiter, lord of D is in A

> April 27 1961 : Confirmation VENUS/VENUS.

> I should think to look at the 12th house because it covers

religious matters. Falling in love or being deeply religious is not

so different on an emotioal level. Venus is in the 5th navamsha.

> Looking at the 12th as B, Venus is lord of C and D and if we count

from house D she gives results for the 4th and the 8th this being B

and C.

> February 12th 1972 : marriage VENUS/JUPITER

> Looking at the 7th as B Jupiter is lord of A and C and in E. But

Jupiter is also lord of the 2nd house, so there should have been some

trouble also

> April 17 1972 : starts study western astrology VENUS/JUPITER

> I look at the 5th again and see that during Jupiter bukthi you

started studying something new (starting music in Ketu/Jupiter)

> January 17 1975 miscarriage VENUS/STATURN

> Mars aspects the 5th house so there could be problems with

children. I looked at the 8th house as B and think the culprit is

Mercury, lord of B and D in E. But Saturn, being in Mercury navamsaha

and whose bukti comes first will give the results. Sun transited Sun

nakshatra and Sun has high points for the 8th.

> September 15 1977 : Cancer operation VENUS/MERCURY

> Looking at the 8th house again I see that Mercury is not a good

planet for health in the chart (cfr miscarriage)

> Feburary 11 1985 : birth of daughter : SUN/MERCURY

> Conception took place in Sun/Saturn. Normally Saturn cannot act for

the 12th house because he aspects house C. For birth itself I think

Mars is the planet to look at; he is lord of E and in D. But Mercury

is in Mars nakshatra and Mars navamsha so he will act for Mars

> March 15 1989 : second marriage MOON/RAHU

> Rahu is in Mars/Ketu and Ketu is Venus/Mars. Now Mars is in a and

Venus is lord of D. So I think Rahu acted for Venus

> August 20 1997 : father died MARS/MARS

> This is seen through the 8th from the 9th = 4th house as B. I'm

inlcined to think we have to look at Mercury, lord of C in D. We

know he is related to Mars through nakshatra and navamsha position so

he becomes samdharmi to Mars. The event happened when Sun traveled

through Sun/Ketu. Sun is in D and Ketu in E.

> Aries asendent

> moved in dec 12 1957 KETU/MERCURY

> Mercury too could have given results as lord of B

> according to points in the worksheet Mercury as lord B could give

results but I think he acts for Mars who is the strongest


> april 9 1958 : taking accordeon lessons KETU/MERCURY

> Here Mercury has nothing to do because he aspects house B

> April 27 1961 confirmation VENUS/VENUS

> Venus is lord of A and is Samdharmi to Jupiter because in his

nakshatra but I find this rather weak especially that Venus is not

lord of D or E and has only 12 points.

> February 12 1972 first marriage VENUS/SATURN

> Saturn seems good for being in love but not for marriage because he

aspects house C

> January 17 1975 miscarriage VENUS/MERCURY

> Mercury acts for Mars I think because in Mars nakshatra and

Navamsha, so caan give results

> September 15 1977 cancer operation VENUS/KETU

> Ketu can act for Mars and Venus. Mars seems responsible and Ketu is

in Mars nakshatra and Mars navamsha

> February 11 1985 birth of daughter MOON/MOON

> Looking at the 5th as B the most indicated planet is Jupiter

because lord of A and C in E. I suppose that Moon, being samdharmi to

Jupiter (in Jupiter navamsha) will act for Jupiter.

> Looking at the 12th for conception which took place in Sun/Venus.

Venus is being FK but otherwise I don't see any relation to this

event especially that she gets aspects from Saturn, lord of the 12th

from B

> March 15 1989 second marriage MOON/SATURN

> We know already that Saturn canot give results for the 7th house

> August 20 1997 father dies MARS/SATURN

> Saturn cannot give results because he aspects house A

> Conclusion

> With Aquarius ascendent I find that events fit better even if I'm

not always sure to have chosen to right planets.

> With Aries ascendent there are events that won't work at all ex:

marriage and death fo father so I think Aquarius ascendent works best.

> I also looked up different female aquarius ascendent of people I

know and indeed most are not tall and rather skinny except a plump

one who has Moon an Jupiter right on the ascendent.

> Now Donna has a strong Vata consitution; and those people are

always very active especially with Mercury on the ascendent; this

gives extreme mental mobility and I think (even if I don't know Donna

at all) this fits perfectly. Jupiter is also in Saturn's sign, so he

will not put on weight. Moon is leaving Cancer and in Mercury

navamsha so that's surely not a " lazy " Moon so Donna can only be on

the " skinny " side.

> I think it would be interesting if Krushna could give his opinion

on our biggest " heresies " just to correct our errors.

> Best regards to all

> Margarita

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