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Misunderstanding of Mars-Jupiter Exact Opposition

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Dear Brothers & Sisters,


It seems that many have misunderstood my earlier post " Mars-Jupiter Exact

Opposition " .


When I used the word " Doom " I meant it as grim destiny.


It is grim destiny at the moment as the malefic planets are in control and

Jupiter is weak.


After the grim destiny, the dark clouds will disappear and the Sun Of Peace

will shine forever! This global war on Terrorism has acquired momentum and

Terrorists will disappear from the face of the earth!


I never meant Doomsday. I meant that dark clouds, indicated by the

heavens, will move away after some time.


To the clients who approach me and who are afflicted with grim destinies

( almost all of humanity are afflicted, including myself ) , I tell them "

Do not lose faith in the Almighty, observe His commandments, Love thy

enemy, Love thy neighbour and pray for Peace " . We also give them remedial

measures for the planetary afflictions and advocate surrender to God.


I am sorry. These words " Doom And the World " should not have been used.


I simply meant that the heavens are full of pessimistic prophecies temporarily

for the moment.

( There is no " End of the World " doctrine in the Orient. The Eastern view is


the Lord did not create the world, He bacame the world and that He is all this

that is.

The West is the dance of God in Nature and the East the contemplative God. )


This grimness will disappear when Jupiter and the North Node move away

from Gemini. Just a matter of eight months.


The message of Philosophy & Religion is this " It is a Misunderstanding.

Love " !


We stand for Love, not war !




G Kumar


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