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Donna's Ascendant

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Dear Swee -


I drew up a nasta jatakam prsna and the D-9 showed

Aries ascendant. [This method has never failed me




Just what IS a nasta Jatakam prsna?


1) Forceps delivery suggests that your entrance to

this world is either Leo or Sagitarius ( Aries is too

far out of your time rectification, so I will not

considere this).


Or you could just generalize it to suggest that it might indicate a FIRE sign ascendant, which would also include Aries.

1.1 Your cries also suggest your D-9 should be either

Leo or Sagitarius.


Despite the fact that I suposedly cried for 3 hours straight from the time of my birth, I was a very solemn, quiet, "old soul" type of a child all thru out my childhood. I was very much a loner all thru out my teenage years in school as well and pretty much used my religion as a psychological "shield" against getting into any sort of trouble.


1.2 If your resemblance is more your father's side,

then Leo ascendant.


Yes, I definitely take after my father's side who was very handsome by the way and of Pierto Rican descent. I resemble him and have the body build of my father's mother who was very small.


2. The Aries rasi endows you with a triangular face.


So as not to mislead anyone, I do NOT have a triangle face at all. It's very square shaped as a matter of fact.

2.1 The Aquarius lagna endows you with a long

face/jaws. [Which you definitely do not have]


This is true too, so I don't know how to determine the facial shape from either of these two ascendants.


2.2 The Aries ascendant places your Arudha Lagna in

Aquarius in the 11th house with Venus, Sun and Mercury. This is how the public sees you.


Ok, this makes sense to me. But on the other hand, my Arudha Lagna is in the 5th house of Gemini for the Aquarius ascendant. This would be my 5th house of creativity and again, how the public would see me which could also be applicable.


Of course, there will need to be further refinements

of time, now that there's two of us [Ron and I] agree

that you ARE Aries and will always be.


I'm glad you sided up with Ron. He was getting sort of lonely there for a while! (hee-hee). Ok, so now we have two versus two. I am still undecided as of yet. it will be interesting to see what Krushna comes up with.


The refinements would be to work out the D-7, D-10

[musical talents in Venus, Moon [voive and falir] and

Mars for your dexterity, D-20 [spiritual

inclinations], D-16 with Narayana Dasa [i have not yet

worked this out for you] and concur this to the time

when your Caddy got stolen, D-4 when you bought your

house etc. Perhaps work out where Shri Lakshmi is as



I already have the Narayana Dasa for the Aquarius Lagna, which puts me in Gemini from 1996 until the year 2004. The Caddy would've been stolen during a Capricorn Narayana Dasa which lasted for 5 years from 1991-1996. The color of the 1979 Caddy was black on the outside with a red interior and very classy looking. It was in A-1 shape and it had great sentimental value to me as it was a gift. So this could very well apply to the Aquarius lagna.



I profess I am hopeless, so I will leave it with

Sanjay and Margarita, the ACE students.


That's alright Swee. At least you took the time out to try and do this for me. I really appreciate it! ;))



Thanks -


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Dear Donna

> Just what IS a nasta Jatakam prsna?


A prsna chart, and the reading is from the D-9 for

either the ascendant, 5th or 9th to determine your

real ascendant.


> 1) Forceps delivery suggests that your entrance to

> this world is either Leo or Sagitarius ( Aries is

> too far out of your time rectification, so I will


> consider this).


> Or you could just generalize it to suggest that it

> might indicate a FIRE sign

> ascendant, which would also include Aries.


No, from your birth data, the D-9 ascendant is closer

to either one. i.e., Leo or Sagitarius


> 1.1 Your cries also suggest your D-9 should be

> either

> Leo or Sagitarius.


> Despite the fact that I suposedly cried for 3 hours

> straight from the time of

> my birth, I was a very solemn, quiet, " old soul "

> type of a child all thru out

> my childhood. I was very much a loner all thru out

> my teenage years in school

> as well and pretty much used my religion as a

> psychological " shield " against

> getting into any sort of trouble.


Working on the 8:09:48 am chart:

BTW, Mars, your ascendant lord also indicates

religiosity. If you look at where the nakshatra is for

Mars, he is ruled by Jupiter, and Jupiter also has

graha over Sun



> 1.2 If your resemblance is more your father's side,

> then Leo ascendant.


> Yes, I definitely take after my father's side who

> was very handsome by the way and of Pierto Rican

descent. I resemble him and have the body build of my

> father's mother who was very small.


So this confirms your Aries ascendant with Leo

ascendant in D-9


> 2. The Aries rasi endows you with a triangular face.


> So as not to mislead anyone, I do NOT have a

> triangle face at all. It's very

> square shaped as a matter of fact.


The D-9 ascendant, and what about a ponited chin then?


> 2.1 The Aquarius lagna endows you with a long

> face/jaws. [Which you definitely do not have]


> This is true too, so I don't know how to determine

> the facial shape from either of these two



You could, in relation to your neck, if your face is

shorter, then Aries. Also, in Aries ascendant, you'll

find more events that are during the Saturn period.


> 2.2 The Aries ascendant places your Arudha Lagna in

> Aquarius in the 11th house with Venus, Sun and

> Mercury. This is how the public sees you.


> Ok, this makes sense to me. But on the other hand,

> my Arudha Lagna is in the 5th house of Gemini for

the Aquarius ascendant. This would be my 5th house of

> creativity and again, how the public would see me

> which could also be applicable.


You'll also have to concur this with D-10. Besides, I

have an Aq ascendant with AL in Sc. Can you give me

the time your have been working on all these years? ;)


No, in this case, it will show you as someone who has

A9, Gurupada, and the 9th house has A5. You will be

seen to be a Guru with a following/entourage of

followers...... Guruji Donna.


> Of course, there will need to be further refinements

> of time, now that there's two of us [Ron and I]

> agree that you ARE Aries and will always be.


> I'm glad you sided up with Ron. He was getting sort

> of lonely there for a while! (hee-hee). Ok, so now

we have two versus two.


Hang on a minute, I am not siding up with anyone here,

just stating a fact from the nasta jatakam prsna




> I am still undecided as of yet. it will be

interesting to see what Krushna comes up with.


Yes, it would be

> I already have the Narayana Dasa for the Aquarius

> Lagna, which puts me in Gemini from 1996 until the

year 2004.

I will comment on this later when you give me the

assumed time (hee-hee)


The Caddy would've been stolen during a Capricorn

Narayana Dasa which lasted for 5 years from 1991-1996.

The color of the 1979 Caddy was black on the outside

with a red interior and very classy looking. It was in

A-1 shape and it had great sentimental value to me as

it was a gift. So this could very well apply to the

> Aquarius lagna.


Yes, you are right here, as Cp is the 6th house in

D-16. Black for Saturn, and it is 12th from Cp with

Mars, the red interior. But I will work on your

Narayana Dasa for Aries tomorrow when I find a time

slot and we'll compare this.


> > I profess I am hopeless, so I will leave it with

> Sanjay and Margarita, the ACE students.


> That's alright Swee. At least you took the time out

> to try and do this for me. I really appreciate it!



> Anything for you Donna.


love, Swee





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Dear Swee -



No, from your birth data, the D-9 ascendant is closer

to either one. i.e., Leo or Sagitarius



OK. . .


The D-9 ascendant, and what about a pointed chin then?


Hmmm. . . . no. . . . the only point I'm afraid is on my head. . .does that count? ;))



You'll also have to concur this with D-10. Besides, I

have an Aq ascendant with AL in Sc. Can you give me

the time your have been working on all these years? ;)


I've been using the 5:22am time for the past few years now. Before that a 5:23am, but nothing really farther off than that.


No, in this case, it will show you as someone who has

A9, Gurupada, and the 9th house has A5. You will be

seen to be a Guru with a following/entourage of

followers...... Guruji Donna.


You're referring to ARIES here or AQUARIUS?


Hang on a minute, I am not siding up with anyone here,

just stating a fact from the nasta jatakam prsna



OK. . . ;)) I'm just saying that like anything else, there needs to be at least two points of view for anything that requires a resolution. There will be people who will come to a conclusion of Aries and there will be others who will conclude for Aquarius, that's all. But on the other hand, you're also doing this in a different system than Krushna's so it's sort of like putting the apples in with the oranges in this case. But I'm still interested in what you have to say as I respect your opinion.

Everyone is comfortable in their "own" system, but if a birth time is truly the correct one, it SHOULD be applicable in ANY system that you apply it to.


Yes, you are right here, as Cp is the 6th house in

D-16. Black for Saturn, and it is 12th from Cp with

Mars, the red interior. But I will work on your

Narayana Dasa for Aries tomorrow when I find a time

slot and we'll compare this.


OK. . .


Thanks for your input on this Swee. It's very helpful.


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Dear Swee -



If you feel more comfortable discussing this method, I

will change to the Asrophecy list to dicuss this




This may be a good idea as this system is not based on Krushna's and it will only throw confusion into the mix.


Thanks, Swee -


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Dear Donna,

> I've been using the 5:22am time for the past few

> years now. Before that a

> 5:23am, but nothing really farther off than that.


> No, in this case, it will show you as someone who

> has A9, Gurupada, and the 9th house has A5. You will

be seen to be a Guru with a following/entourage of

> followers...... Guruji Donna.


> You're referring to ARIES here or AQUARIUS?


Your rectified time of Aq. But even with that, I still

get AL in Sc and not Ge

I think I will manually calculate and get back to you

on this one.


If you feel more comfortable discussing this method, I

will change to the Asrophecy list to dicuss this



love, Swee




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Dear Krushna -



What is astrophecy? Never heard any such system.


This is Ron Grimes' list. This is what he calls it. Astrophecy. It is where we can use any technique or system we choose to use as long as it comes up with sufficient results that bear consideration for further research.





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Dear Donna, Swee,

What is astrophecy? Never heard any such system.



, DQuinn12@A... wrote:

> Dear Swee -



> > If you feel more comfortable discussing this method, I

> > will change to the Asrophecy list to dicuss this

> > further.

> >


> This may be a good idea as this system is not based on Krushna's

and it will

> only throw confusion into the mix.


> Thanks, Swee -

> Donna

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