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Astrology the weapon to fight against cowardice

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Astrology: the weapon to fight against cowardice.



by Bhadra Dasi.


The opposite of beauty is nor the ugly but that which is

false. What is wisdom? Wisdom is not information, real wisdom

(Jupiter) is certainty (Saturn). One is impelled to search for

certainty of whatever kind it is. Any inexplicable (Neptune) failure

(Saturn) brings about an uncertainty, the path of uncertainty leads

toward psychosomatic illness, anxiety, worries, doubts, fears and

vanishing consciousness. If our awareness diminishes, our certainty

also decreases.


The greatest asset one can have is the power of discrimination, if

astrology does not teaches us how to discriminate it is completely

useless, it is a simply waste of time. Ultimately discrimination

means the ability to understand the difference between material and

spiritual, but in a lower gradient scale also means to differentiate

between our desires and those which have been imposed by others

(violently or disguised as " love " ), between OUR goals and those which

are our parents'. Very often we confuse our wife with our mother or

the son with the husband…


Let's us see what is the generally accepted definition of mental

sanity: it is whether or not a person agrees with everyone else.

Nothing more far from the truth! This way of accepting evidence is

due to lack of discrimination (Mercury) or proper analysis;

nonetheless some thoughtful people have been rebels who were not

satisfied with preponderance of opinion and who have put into test

any information for themselves hence they are inquisitive and thus

obtaining a personal realization.

The first aphorism of the Vedanta Sutra states this point very



Athato brahma-jijñasa


Now in this human form of life, one should inquire about the Absolute



And the Absolute Truth is defined in Srimad Bhagavatam as:


janmadi asya yato nvayad itaratas ca


The origin of everything is the Supreme Brahman.


One should evaluate any information discriminating. Many believe

in " someone said: " but a datum is yours in as much as YOU have

evaluated it for your self. If someone has forced it upon you, and

you do not take the trouble to investigate the subject by your self,

this is a kind of passive certainty or aberrated certainty, actually

according to Bhavagad Gita it is lethargy.


There is an inner relation between certainty and mental health. Up to

the extent an individual is not certain in a subject he is less free

to be sane upon that subject. Sanity is related with increasing

certainty and certainty (Saturn) is clarity of observation (Mercury).

In the low level of consciousness people do not observe, instead,

they substitute for observation prejudices, supposition and

preconceptions as well as evaluation and even physical pain by which

to attain their certainties. For example: A physician may seem be

completely sure of the cause of some disease yet it depends upon the

physician certainty for the layman to accept that cause of the



Some how or other one is forced to search for certainty, but when it

is delivered by masochism or by applied force, eventually bring about

a certainty as absolute as one could desire, viz. total unawareness.

Some persons desire an unawareness certainty. Unconsciousness itself

is a certainty, which is sought by many.


An uncertainty (Neptune) is product of two certainties (Saturn), one

is a conviction (Jupiter), in the causative manner it arrives by

observation (Mercury) or as effected, it comes by a blow (Mars). The

other is a negative certainty viz. One wants something but at the

same time does not want this thing. That is " maybe " , a condition of

uncertainty created by the mingling together of two certainties.

Anxiety comes when this two certainties can influence ones

continuance in a state of confusion, but indecision, uncertainty, and

anxiety can ONLY exist when there is a poor observation, or inability

to observe; thus our thirst for certainty (Saturn) can lead into

oblivion, if one seeks it as an effect. As Krishna stated in the

Bhagavad Gita (4.42):


tasmad ajñana-sambhutam

hrt-stham jñanasinamanah

chittvainsm samsayam yogam

atisthottistha bharata


Therefore the doubts which have arisen in your heart out of ignorance

should be slashed bythe weapon of the knowledge. Armed with yoga, Oh

Bharata, stand and fight.




The astrological chart already presents a problem, the problem of our

karma. What is required in order to solve a problem? Well, first of

all we have to know WHAT IS a problem. The anatomy of a problem is

constituted by two parts: intention and counter-intention. To solve

it, first one has to OBSERVE (Mercury) very attentively and so

carefully, the next step is that one has to CONFRONT (Mars) as

Krishna says in Bhagavad Gita (18. 59):


Yad ahankaram asritya

Na yotsya iti manyase

Mithyaisa vyavasayas te

Prakrtis tvam niyoksyati


If you do not act according to My direction and do not fight, then

you will be falsely directed. By your nature, you will have to be

engaged in warfare.


And (Bg 2.3):


Klaibyam ma sma gamah partha

Naitat tvavy upapadyate

Ksudram hrdaya-daurbalyam

Tyaktvottistha parantapa


Oh son of Prtha, do not yield to this degrading impotence. It does

not become you. Give up such petty weakness of heart and arise. Oh

chastiser of the enemy.




But what do we have to confront? 1) The fact that there is a problem

and 2) that we have to bring a solution for that problem, otherwise

we are lost. If we try to avoid the fact that there is a problem, the

problem may increase and eventually one can lose the freedom to

solution it. The other factor is that one has to trace out WHEN have

started. This is how we have to learn from the past.




In the Samskara Process one has to develop his ability to return,

that is one of the most forgotten thing now a days, one does not even

remember what was his meal last week, therefore one tends to conclude

that it is of no use to remember any event. However, how can we learn

from the past if we can not return to check out what had happened?

Generally the events and situations that we are experiencing in the

present pass too fast, and we do not have the habit to analyze the so

many experiences we have passed through. We are prone to simply

forget those things that are problematic for us, this is an automatic

mechanism. If something bad happened to us, we believe that by

forgetting the incident, we have overcome the problem, nothing more

far from truth!, it is a major rule that when we can not confront a

problem we can no solve it. In order to handle anything one has to be

able to face it, all problems start with an unwillingness to confront

(Mars). For if a problem could eventually been totally confronted,

it would disappear. Man's difficulties are a compound of his

cowardice, so if you want to have difficulties in life, all you

have to do is to run away from confronting (Mars). Life is never

bright for those who can not confront it. Did you have ever asked to

your self why people use eyeglasses? It is very simple, once ago,

they have decided not to confront the external world and the people,

they have actually intensely desired not to see anyone. There is no

other reason, this is an example of how powerful is the mind. One has

to be very careful with what one desires because these desires will

become a reality in this life or the next, and Krishna says in

Bhagavad Gita that He guides us trough our desires.


Why does one maintain him self in a state of inability, depressed or

physically ill? This is because one can not confront (Mars) and it is

easier to be a victim (effect) and to remain as a victim than to

accept responsibility (cause). Karma is the law of cause and effect.

It is very easy to blame others, actually it is the easiest thing, it

is totally passive (effect). There is no prove that any disease can

be originated by other reasons but by the turbulence of the aberrated

mind (nirbuddhi) as Krishna said in Bhagavad Gita (6.6):


Bandhur atmatmanas tasya

Yenatmaivatmana jitah

Anatmanas tu satrutve

Vartetatmaiva satru-vat


For him who has conquered the mind, the mind is the best of friend;

but for someone who has failed to do so, his mind will remain the

greatest enemy.



Verse (4.40):


Ajñas casraddadhanas ca

Samsyatma vinasyati

Nayam loko `sti na paro

Na sukham samsayatmanah


But the ignorant and faithless persons who doubt the revealed

scriptures do not attain God consciousness; they fall down. For the

doubting soul there is happiness neither in this world nor in the





Verse (18.63):


Iti te jñanam akhyatam

Guhyad guhyataram maya

Vimrsyaitad asesena

Yathecchasi tatha kuru


Thus I have explained to you knowledge still more confidential.

Deliberate on this fully, and then do what you whish to do.



Trough astrology we can not surpass our Karma, but we can learn from

that. Astrology brings us the certainty that we have a problem to

resolve. Knowledge is positive certainty, and is the weapon with

which we can change the path of our actions, of our cowardice…


Are you using nicely your Saturn, Mars, Jupiter and Mercury?.


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