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Aprox. time of birth(from birth

certificate): 10:45 pm (CEDT -2:00, 2 hours East of


 Date of birth:17 April. 1974.

Place of birth: Tarragona, Spain (41 N 07, 001 E 15).



16/17 April '79: moved from Spain to Canada(all my

family) *aprox. on June '82 we became Canadian



Jul/Aug. '91:first time to have " intimacy " with a

woman. (don't know if this is useful, can't remember

many dates of things that happened when young) .


22 April '97:receive admitance letter from University

of Puerto Rico. *start studying after summer of '97



22Oct.'98: hospitalized until 24 Oct. in NY for food

poisening during my trip there for soccer tryouts and

interviews with modelling agencies *hospitalized again

aprox. Dec. '98 for food poisening again (one night at

hospital), in Mexico City were I stayed for soccer

tryouts and modelling for 2 months.


10 Nov '99: my sons birth at Puerto Rico with a

girlfriend I met not long after returning from my stay

in Mexico City.


15 (aprox) Augost 2000: injury during soccer game in

Mexico City, 14 stiches on right eyebrow. 29 Sept.- 5

Oct 2000.:US immigration federals come get me while

working in Puerto Rico.I only had a student visa. All

posibilities go towards my sons mothers

family(including her, mostly!) who were the ones

causing this. They put me in federal prison until Oct.

5 , waiting to get my ticket to send me to Spain. *we

never married so she and her family didn't want me

around to ask for my parental rights.


Oct 5 2000: I am sent to Spain.


29 Aug. 2001: come back to Puerto Rico. 


17 Nov. 2001: I get married in PR, *wifes

birth info:Oct. 1 1968,aprox. 2:10 am, San Juan,

Puerto Rico ( NOT with the mother of my child, we

don't even talk).


4 Jan. 2002:my wife and I get clinical analysis that

she is pregnant.

21 Jan 2002:my wife has an abortion.


25 Feb. 2002: I receive my authorization for

employment in the US. It has been pretty complicated

becouse of what happened with immigration before. 


**Other important information:


I haven't seen my son since he was aprox. 4/5 months

old. I am in the legal process presently.


* I am the youngest of six children(3 boys 3 girls)

* We have lived in Spain. Canada, US Virgin Islands

and Puerto Rico. I have lived in a couple other

countries for short periods.

* We moved so much(all over Canada, in many parts of

our natal region of Spain) that I went to aprox. 15


* I speek Catalan, Spanish and English and some

french and italian.

* I am asmatic since very young but very healthy in


*I have had several stiches on facen and head(most

very small and when younger)

* I mesure 5- 9 1/2 (174 cm), athletic constitution,

brod shoulders, green eyes, brown strait hair.

*I have been very good at sports in general since

young. I specialized in soccer. I also liked chess

since young and compeated at times and played in

club(short periods of time).

* I work as a fashion model since I was aprox 22 but

has not been my mane ocupation most of the time( it

was during my stay recently in spain and in my stay in



* I have an incresing interest in astrology since I

started discovering it when I was 22(first western,

then I discovered eastern). I also want to learn more

about other vedic subjects. Psychology is interesting



* Relationships are something I have thuoght about

lots.I have had many very nice partners, I have also

had many no comitment sexual experiences. I am very

idealistic about love(this includes marriage for me),

expecting 100% honesty, fidelity....This seems not to

be reality. I have had many problems due to asking

about my partners past. Most lie about their sexual

past.Trust is a big word for me. I see that most

couples, excelent ones too, have betrayed there loved

one at some moment.I am not sure what will be best for

me and what I really want and what I'm ready

for(freedom or comitment) , when it comes to this

" department " .


*My family is very close, all brothers and parents,

only that we live far apart.Very loving mother and


*I make friends easily, meet people.


*economicaly, parents should be very well off

becouse of there excellence in their profesion(and as

human beings) and extremelly hard work(father is a

chef, mother also) but are not.Don't own house nor own



*myself economicaly aswell don't have any

stability(mostly surviving),not yet!Matter of focus

maybe! Also thinking about were my next steps will

take me. Thinking about USA (Florida) were I have

more oportunities for my fields(here is very limited

in MANY aspects) and can be relatively close to my

son.First have to fix cutody in Puerto Rico.


* I consider myself a very lucky person in

general  and much to be thankful for, just in case

this list of information has some events that could

seem contrary. I hope this is the kind of information

you needed. If you would like anything else please

contact me. I hope I can help you in some way, if not

now, in the future.Please let me know. I hope to hear

from you soon, your friend, Xavier.











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