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Why we have been betrayed ?

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Why we have been betrayed?


By Bhadra dasi.



A great percent of physical diseases are originated due to have been

betrayed (Uranus) or disappointed by others. The unfulfilled

expectations on us are the " proves " to justify the sadistic behavior

of even our closest persons. When someone has no much positive energy

(Sun) to irradiate, this person will try to associate with other

higher energy charged persons, like a vampire that stoles our energy.


You will be amazed to know that physical diseases as well as other

problems exist -at a great extent- due to association with this

vampire class people (Rahu).


Who is a friend and who is an enemy? Can someone who is inimical to

his/her self be friend for someone? A friend is known by his conduct

not by flattery words. Many times we did not want to accept (Saturn)

that we have perceived (Moon) inimical behavior from someone (must of

times) very close to us or perhaps even a family member. Consequently

later on we are disappointed, the common phrase is " I can not believe

this! " or " I could never imagine that this person… " this situation is

a loss (mars) and we may even fall physically ill because of such



At some point we have actually agreed to be cheated by others. And

because it is implied that one has to acknowledge his/her mistake,

generally this incidents are " forgotten " and being so stored in the

unconscious mind (nirbuddhi) this will cause diseases, pessimism and

depression. This mechanism is so simple that we did not notice it,

and this is how we have accepted " unconsciously " to be effect of the

suppression (sparit) of others. We tend to believe that problems are

very complex, we think in complexity, and the truth is just the

opposite, this is so simple that we do not notice its real cause.

When one losses a person (Mars) or losses the conception one has had

about that person, he/she is prone to manifest this loss as

depression, illness or at least utter discouragement (Saturn). We

have been betrayed (Uranus) because we did not want to confront

(Mars) the evident truth, and the further consequence is that we felt

betrayed by someone. Actually, it is only our own tendency to cheat

our selves that has betrayed us and no one else.


The worst enemy live with us 24 hrs. a day and that is our

uncontrolled mind telling us who is a friend and who is not. To be a

friend for others implies that we are able to be a friend for

ourselves in the first place, then we can share with others what we



How can one give something that he/she does not have? We can give to

others only what we have. Through the Samskara Process one can trace

out all such incidents throughout our lives and get relieved from

this kind of suppression (sparit) from others which have been

affecting in the past and in the present.


If you want to realize all this, send me your birth date: day, month

(wrote with letters), year, exact hour and place as well as the five

events you consider the most important in your life (with dates of

those events if possible). I request the five events in order to

check if the hour or your birth is correct, so send this information

and you will receive the Free Personalized Demonstration of Samskara



Thank you.


My best wishes to you.


Hari bol.


Bhadra dasi.



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