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Hello Mani,

Well, if you follow the mails in this group, you will get

the feeling of how the system works.

As to your chart, I can agree that it's more difficult to

read one's own chart then other's so I will point out what

" strikes " me in your chart.

Mars is the lord of the 6th and the 1st. He's aspecting the

1st and the Moon. Moon is not happy or strong sitting

between two signs and she suffers from Mars' aspect. She

stands for " mental outlook " or mind. She is also in Mars'


For the 1st house Mars is lord of B and E in D, so 6th

lord is very active for the 1st house. Mars is also in your

10th house, so perhaps your focus is very much on social

status and ambition. In navamsha Mars is in the 1st house.

You see how you are influenced by Mars. If you think 6th

lord (enemies-difficulties)= 1st lord (yourself), I should

say you are your own enemy, tending to create your own

problems( we all do of course up to a certain point)


Your mental capacities are good, considering Sun in Saturn

navamsha and Moon in Saturn drekkana

Points in the 6th are high, so this is good for work and


As points in 3,6,10,11 are not in increasing order, you

better work in a service job; this has nothing negative.

As seen from asc, Sun and Moon points in the 12th are lower

than in the 11th, you will manage to save some money

Planets have relatively good points for 2nd and 11th houses

so income seems all right.

Very low points in the 9th house seems to indicate that you

rise through your own efforts (no help from others)



As to relationship, points in the 1st are much higher than

in the 7th, so you tend to dominate others.

For " traditional marriage " Saturn bukti cannot give results

because he has sight on house B

Mercury bukti could but he has low points for the 5th

" friendship " , so it all depends what kind of " marriage " is


Ketu could act eventually, he can act for Saturn, Jupiter

and Mercury, but Jupiter being lord of the 2nd looks not so


On the whole I think it's a difficult matter because (if I

remember well) you are living in the Netherlands, so

marriages are different from what they are in your home

country. So I will not go into this matter.

Krushna gave some rules for friendship in marriage. I

tested them on many western marriages and they really work

fine. So it could be indicated to find a person with Venus

in Aquarius for example, or somebody who has also more

points in the 1st than in the 7th.

Well, I hope this helps a bit

Best regards




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Dear Margarita,


You are right abt me being my own enemy. Also I have more enemy

problems than i can sometimes handle, depression, melonchony, feeling

low, solitude, etc... are surround me when i don;t expect them.


Enemy that i face is usually from close friends and people i deal

with and are involved with. I;m in a land where no one is spare

without being ridiculed, taunted, teased or judged.


Yes my anger and frustrations, sometimes prejuidice and all those

mangal/mars related negative qualities haunt me but i have no choice

can't get rid of it no matter wat.


Yes i do agree and can remember of many such situations when i have

created my own problems and problems for myself, but i realise it

only when I\;m out of that situation then its too late.


Although there's similar amout of positive qualities from Mars too.


Yes my focus is more on ambition although i wouldn;t want disrespect

from society even if i don;t have much social status. But social

status is important to survive, live and thrive in the world.


Well u say my mental capacities are good and that the points in the

respective houses arwe good for work and reputation, yet its

workplace where most of my energy has gotten exhauted and burnt

facing the myrid difficulties posed by people at work.


Inspite of my clean heart and mind, kindness, generosity and goodness

I have faced terrible atrocities of different degrees from people,

and they are usually the ones I help and deal with and communicate



So when u say some saving and money seems alright does it mean i'll

usually be just having enough to run my life nothing more or nothign

less. I do wish to have enough money to buy a house or run a

consultancy of my own and be able to settle down in life and yet have

the security blanket during difficult times. Is that visible in my

chart? Do u see a windfall in my chart (positive gain of wealth)?


As far as relationship is concerned my dominance it not with purpose

and its also an expression of love to help the other run a safe life,

its an expression of safety yet i do agree it comes across as

dominance, i'm putting a notch on the bottle as much as possible.


Well isn;t conventional love marriage visible on my charts?

Well in netherlands there are conventional normal marriages and at

home we do have unconventional marriages too. But its ok.


Well as far as finding someoen with Venus in Aquarius with more

points int he 1st house as opposed to the 7th house is concerned,

isn;'t as easily done as said.


Overall its a good reading yet my query was more about the months to

come from today onwards.

a) I;m in the process of joining work with a company i'd like to know

if it will be successful and when if its possible to say. Alternately

i;'m also trying other avenues but it seems the planets don;t have

the strength yet and will gain strength only in 2 years from now. But

the 1st avenue is soemthing i'm curious about. If not service, do u

think freelancing (independent work) is soemthing I might end up



b) I also get a feel someone is entering my life or will be entering

my life in terms of relationships although its not vwery clear as to

when and who this person is. Do u see any such indication in my

charts for the coming weeks and months.


Can you compute round about dates for such events?


If you could give it a good study it'll be great. Answers to these

questions could calm me a little at the same time make my near future

a bit clearer to me.





, " dmlettens " <dmlettens@s...>


> Hello Mani,

> Well, if you follow the mails in this group, you will get

> the feeling of how the system works.

> As to your chart, I can agree that it's more difficult to

> read one's own chart then other's so I will point out what

> " strikes " me in your chart.

> Mars is the lord of the 6th and the 1st. He's aspecting the

> 1st and the Moon. Moon is not happy or strong sitting

> between two signs and she suffers from Mars' aspect. She

> stands for " mental outlook " or mind. She is also in Mars'

> nakshatra.

> For the 1st house Mars is lord of B and E in D, so 6th

> lord is very active for the 1st house. Mars is also in your

> 10th house, so perhaps your focus is very much on social

> status and ambition. In navamsha Mars is in the 1st house.

> You see how you are influenced by Mars. If you think 6th

> lord (enemies-difficulties)= 1st lord (yourself), I should

> say you are your own enemy, tending to create your own

> problems( we all do of course up to a certain point)


> Your mental capacities are good, considering Sun in Saturn

> navamsha and Moon in Saturn drekkana

> Points in the 6th are high, so this is good for work and

> reputation

> As points in 3,6,10,11 are not in increasing order, you

> better work in a service job; this has nothing negative.

> As seen from asc, Sun and Moon points in the 12th are lower

> than in the 11th, you will manage to save some money

> Planets have relatively good points for 2nd and 11th houses

> so income seems all right.

> Very low points in the 9th house seems to indicate that you

> rise through your own efforts (no help from others)



> As to relationship, points in the 1st are much higher than

> in the 7th, so you tend to dominate others.

> For " traditional marriage " Saturn bukti cannot give results

> because he has sight on house B

> Mercury bukti could but he has low points for the 5th

> " friendship " , so it all depends what kind of " marriage " is

> considered

> Ketu could act eventually, he can act for Saturn, Jupiter

> and Mercury, but Jupiter being lord of the 2nd looks not so

> positive.

> On the whole I think it's a difficult matter because (if I

> remember well) you are living in the Netherlands, so

> marriages are different from what they are in your home

> country. So I will not go into this matter.

> Krushna gave some rules for friendship in marriage. I

> tested them on many western marriages and they really work

> fine. So it could be indicated to find a person with Venus

> in Aquarius for example, or somebody who has also more

> points in the 1st than in the 7th.

> Well, I hope this helps a bit

> Best regards

> Margarita


> ---

> Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.

> Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).

> Version: 6.0.373 / Virus Database: 208 - Release Date:

> 7/1/2002

> Version: 6.0.373 / Virus Database: 208 - Release Date:

> 7/1/2002

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