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Free Planetary Mantras

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The planetary mantras are listed in Astro Vedica, along with a little



" In the 84th chapter of The Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra however,

Parashara Rishi does prescribe worship of the planetary deities,

prayer and charity to brahmins ( priests ) as remedial measures. He

does explain that the creator ( Brahma ) instructed the presiding

planetary deities to " do good unto those that worship you; "

Parashara did not prescribe gems. In India, it is possible to take

advantage of the navagraha puja ( worship of the nine planets ) in

the appropriate temples. In the West, this is difficult. It is also

becoming difficult to find a brahmin worthy of charity in modern



The following are different planetary mantras, which are prayers,

along with the number of times they are to be chanted. The person

should begin chanting the mantra during the bright half of the Moon

on the day represented by the planet. For example, the Moon mantra

should be begun on Monday. The mantras are chanted on japa beads of

108 beads per string. They are similar to rosaries.


Sun Mantra- to be chanted 7,000 times:


Japa kusuma-sankarsham kashyapeyam maha-dyutim

tamo-rim sarva-papa-ghnam pranato ' smi divakaram


" Let us chant the glories of the Sun God, whose beauty rivals that

of a flower. I bow down to him, the greatly effulgent son of

Kashyapa, who is the enemy of darkness and destroyer of all sins. "


Moon mantra- to be chanted 11,000 times:


Dahhi-shankha-tusharabham kshirodarnava-sambhavam

namami shashinam soman sambhor mukta-bhushanam


" I offer my obeisances to the Moon god, whose complexion resembles

white cheese, the whiteness of conchshells, and snow. He is the

ruling deity of the soma-rasaborn from the ocean of milk, and he

serves on the ornament on the top of the head of Lord Shambhu. "


The Mars mantra: to be chanted 10,000 times:


Dharani-garbha-sambhutam vidyut kanti-samaprabha

Kumaram shakti-hastam ca mangalam pranamamy aham


" I offer my obeisances to Shree Mangala, the god of the planet Mars,

who was born from the womb of the earth goddess. His brilliant

effulgence is like that of lightning, and he appears as a youth

carrying a spear in his hand. "


Mercury mantra- to be chanted 4,000 times:


Priyangava-gulikashyam rupena pratimambudam

saumyam saumya-gunopetam tani pranamamy aham


" I bow down to Buddha, god of the planet Mercury, whose face is like

a fragrent globe of the priyangu herb and whose beauty matches that

of a lotus flower. He is most gentle, possessing all attractive

qualities. "


Jupiter mantra- to be chanted 19,000 times:


Devanam ca rishinam gurun kañchana-sannibhham

buddhi-bhutam tri-lokesham tam namami brihaspatim


" I bow down to Brihaspati, god of the planet Jupiter. He is the

spiritual master of all the demigods and sages. His complexion is

golden, and he is full of intelligence. He is the controlling lord of

all three worlds. "


Venus mantra- to be chanted 16,000 times:


Hima-kunda-mrinalabham daityanam paramam gurum

sarva-shastra-pravaktaram bhargavam pranamamy aham


" I offer my obeisances to the descendent of Bhrigu Muni, ( i.e.,

Venus ), whose complexion is white like a pond covered with ice. He

is the supreme spiritual master of the demoniac enemies of the

demigods, and has spoken to them all the revealed scriptures. "


Saturn mantra- to be chanted 23,000 times:


Nilañjana-samabhasam ravi-putram yamagrajam

chaya-martanda-sambhutam tam namami shaishcharam


" I bow down to slow-moving Saturn, whose complexion is dark blue

like nilanjana ointment. The elder brother of Lord Yamaraj, he is

born from the Sun god and his wife Chaya. "


Rahu mantra- to be chanted 18,000 times:


Ardha-kayam mahim-viryam chandraditya-vimardanam

simhika-garbha-sambhutam tam rahum pranamamy aham


" I offer my obeisances to Rahu, born from the womb of Simhika, who

has only half a body yet possesses great power, being able to subdue

the Sun and the Moon. "


Ketu mantra- to be chanted 17,000 times:


Palasa-puspa-sankasam taraka-graha-mastakam

raudram raudratmakam ghoram tam ketum pranamamy aham


" I offer my obeisances to the violent and fearsome Ketu, who is

endowed with the potency of Lord Shiva. Resembling in his complexion

the flower of a palasa plant, he serves as the head of the stars and

planets. "


Vishnu Sahasra Nama, the thousand names of Vishnu, are also

prescribed as a remedial measure. In the present era of Kali,

however, a more abbreviated form of the thousand names of Vishnu is

recommended. ( The Vedic literature divides time by cycles of four

eras, the present one being the age of Kali, quarrel and hypocrisy ).

In the Brihat Naradiya Purana, there is a text which goes as follows:


Harer Nama, Harer Nama, Harer Nama eva kevalam

Kalau nastyeva, nastyeva, nastyeva, gatir anyata


" Chant Hare Krishna, chant Hare Krishna, chant Hare Krishna, it is

the only way, the only way, the only way for self realisation in the

age of Kali. "


When the reader reaches this point, he more than minimises

astrological indications. In addition, he reaches the culmination of

Vedic astrology and, indeed, the culmination of all the Vedic

literature. In the fifteenth chapter of the Bhagavad Gita, Shree

Krishna claims: Vedaish ca sarvair aham eva vedyo: " By all the

Vedas, I am to be known. "


In the very beginning of Parashara's hora shastra, the sage explains

that the different planetary deities are but direct expansions of

Vishnu. This is probably what Shree Krishna is referring to in the

ninth chapter of Bhagavad Gita, twenty-third text, wherein He



ye ' py anya-devata-bhakta

yajante shraddhayanvitah

te pi mam eva kaunteya

yajanty avidhi-purvakam


" Those who are devotees of other gods and who worship them with

faith actually worship only me, Oh son of Kunti, but they do so in a

wrong way. "


So if we are going to adopt prayer as a remedial measure, instead of

praying to the planetary deities, why not pray to Vishnu or Krishna

himself, the " Adi Purusha, " ( Brahma Samhita ) the original person?

This same idea comes out in other parts of the Vedic literature. For

example, in the ninth canto of the Bhagavat Purana, in the narration

of Shree Krishna's pastime of lifting Govardhan Hill- At that time,

Shree Krishna explained to his earthly father that instead of

worshipping the demigod Indra, the same paraphernalia could be used

to worship Him directly.


Here is another confirmation from the second chapter, text 51, of the

Bhagavad Gita:


karma-jam buddhi-yukta hi

phalam tyaktva manishina


padam gaccanty anamayam


" By thus engaging in devotional service to the lord, great sages or

devotees free themselves from the results of karma in the material

world. In this way they become free from the cycle of birth and death

and attain the state beyond all miseries. "


There are no claims made about the ability of any demigods or

planetary deities being able to aliviate karmic reactions on this

level. "



Astro Vedica: http://www.hiddenmysteries.com/delucia/


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